Bennett, Sa’ar, Gantz Fight Over Who Will Oversee Judea and Samaria


It began with a disagreement between Naftali Bennett and Defense Minister Benny Gantz as to who will have the authority in the Shinui coalition over law enforcement and construction in Area C of Judea and Samaria, as well as the settlements, according to a Walla report. Area C is the area under Israeli control that the Palestinian Authority is actively trying to take over by creating facts on the ground.

Bennett wanted to create a new and independent office and mechanism for enforcement, as the IDF’s Civil Authority has proved to be generally ineffectual against Arab violations in Area C, though very strong against Jewish violations.

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Gantz not only refused but demanded that it be clearly written into the coalition agreements that the Civil Authority will remain under the Defense Ministry, and he will be in charge of Area C. There are rumors that Gantz agreed to a settlement freeze demand by the Biden administration. He recently and unexpectedly canceled the construction of an elevator for disabled at the Tomb of the Patriarchs.

The disagreement escalated, according to Yaron Avraham of Channel 12, into a larger battle between members of Gideon Sa’ar’s Tikva Hadasha party and Gantz’s Blue&White party.

Tikva Hadasha members claim the coalition agreements say there must be a new office, external from the Ministry of Defense, that will deal with Area C.

Tikva Hadasha’s Ze’ev Elkin threatened yesterday that without this change, the Shinui government won’t happen, according to the report.

But at this point, does anyone believe him?

June 8, 2021 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. Why I give Saar and Bennett support in this unity coalition boils down to basically two things:

    1. Israel needs a functioning government even if its makeup is far less than perfect. Sometimes in life as realist one must do what is practical and less than perfect. The alternative to keep the status quo is a known failure that could get worse for sure.

    2. Bennett, Saar and the members of their parties are true Zionists who love Israel and will do the best for it that is possible.

  2. This is the first time I can say anything approaching support for Saar. I would very strongly support his opposition to Gantz having this authority.