Benjamin Netanyahu: Israel, Palestine, Power, Corruption, Hate, and Peace

Lex Fridman Podcast


July 15, 2023 | 2 Comments »

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  1. Such a great interview. Prime Minister Netanyahu has such clarity of vision for the State of Israel. He has been such a protector and guardian of Israeli national security. What he did in going before a joint session of Congress to speak honestly about the danger of Iranian nuclear weapons showed personal courage and his intense drive to protect his country. Arab nations took notice that he took his message to the American people.

    It seems to me that if anyone in Israel understands what they are up against in the Biden Administration it is Bibi.

    He has offered a challenge and an invitation to political leaders in the United States: “Ally with us and both countries will benefit. But if you are determined to empower Iran to harm us, I will and must stand in the way and prevent this from happening.”

    Like Donald Trump, the Prime Minister sees that the Ukraine war is a tragedy and he wants to be part of the solution.

    It is difficult for me to find any world leader today that has the honesty, diplomacy, courage, intelligence, the love of his country and the ability to articulate it that Prime Minister Netanyahu has.

    Oh and, he is also a mensch.

    What an inspiration.