Benghazi: A Raging Judge Jeanine Pirro Utterly Destroys Hillary Clinton

Pitchfork Patriots

With the issuance of the bipartisan investigation report on Benghazi, a raging Judge Jeanine Pirro confronts Hillary Clinton, head-on, for Clinton’s duplicity and negligence as Secretary of State.

Judge Jeanine, known as a firebrand, lives up to her reputation and doesn’t hold back when hammering Hillary Clinton arguing among other things, that she knew from the beginning and waited to testify so that she could cover all her bases.

Clinton’s behavior before, during, and after the Benghazi atrocity should end any chance of her being a candidate for the Presidency in 2016 or any other office for that matter.

This is a must watch: 

January 19, 2014 | 23 Comments »

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23 Comments / 23 Comments

  1. @ Shy Guy:

    This might be the only time I would appreciate a coverup!

    Good one, shy!
    ‘Technical’ question: how do you cross out the word(s) prior to ‘FIFY’ ?

  2. @ montbrun:

    Elections are on Tues,Football gamess are on Sunday,beer is NEVER siped. Ms Clinton is not admired among the great unwashed football crowd.

  3. The Democrats, their base and the MSM shamelessly ignore the blood on Hillary Clinton’s hands for her inexplicable, but obviously criminally negligent Benghazi failure as they continue to speak of her with reverence and expectation, beyond hope that she will the next President of the U.S.


    But then again, it rises to the point of incredibility that Obama on so many counts has managed, in the true spirit of Machiavelli’s Prince to implement his transformative agenda to the great detriment of the U.S. domestically and on the world stage. Turning right from wrong, success and failure upside down, Obama has mesmerized his party, his supporters and the media to continue to tout him as something of a messiah, wrapping him in bullet proof Kevlar.

    The height of incredibility? Amidst the carnage Obama has inflicted on American fortunes at home and abroad, he was elected President for a 2nd term.

    Obama has 3 more years to complete his transformation of America, which barring it appears, heavenly intervention, he will succeed at. With that, America will reach new heights of incredibility when Americans elect Hillary Clinton to be the next U.S. President.

  4. @ Shy Guy: Long overdue here. We repeatedly presented the case for a total system change. All included.
    Unless if we want Peres still in there for another 50 years and with him the rest of the rejects. That person is bad news all around as warned by his early associates.

  5. I watched Judge PIRRO’s comments on Mrs CLINTON and one of the things that to me (and I’m speaking about me and not those genetically DEMOCRAPS or those
    who prefer to watch football and sip their six-packs on election day) will bury her is her shameless comment about the death of these four Americans of
    it being of small importance after all…
    I wonder whether the consecrated reputation and conceited nullity the Republican Party “leadership” has in mind to oppose her in 2016 will have the COJONES
    to rub it on her face, because if it is another McCain, Rommney or GOD forbid, even BOEHMER, may GOD have pity on the USA….

  6. WOW !

    I need not say more.

    This incredible lady speaks for herself and millions of other people.

    Justice might once more come to America.

  7. We learnt from the “Lord of the Rings” that one cannot destroy one of the ” 9 “. One must destroy Sauron himself and then all “9” would die. Now, also in that great book we observe that Sauron’s Captain was destroyed independently in direct combat with a terrible price paid. That will be the format for the eventual show down to take place in our era and time.