By Ted Belman
Donald Trump said yesterday that he wanted to approach brokering a deal by being neutral. He thinks that would make it easier for him to broker a deal.
To date that is what the US has always said, while at the same time, being anything but neutral. The US always ignores violations and incitement by the PA and pressures Israel to make concessions.
What is needed for the US to be our ally and any thing but neutral. The US must place the blame and the pressure on the PA. The US must also abandon the idea that Judea and Samaria are Occupied Palestinian Land and abandon the idea that the border should be on the ’67 lines.
When the US financially supports the PA no matter what, the US is anything but neutral. It is supporting the PA so that it can say no for ever and continue murdering Jews.
babushka Said:
read the details of the article, no other conclusion presents itself.
Bear Klein Said:
this is likely the statement of one who only knows employment by others. Every major successful businessman states that their success was based on their prior failures in all their biographies. Apparently the author of the article does not understand why.
Bear Klein Said:
Actually that is baloney, except perhaps with those who are always employed by others. I learned the exact opposite from my college and subsequent experience. I learned through diving into business by accident that what I learned in my area of expertise was applicable to ALL routes to achieving goals…. that the same principles apply of research,accurate conclusions, formulating goals based on accurate analysis, and following the route which is compatible with the goals. I found that although not an expert in other fields I was able to achieve success in reaching my envisioned goals by using the same methods I learned in my original field though unrelated. I have created successful projects written in magazines without ever having a clue of the details of the field of expertise… every businessman comes to realize this…. but those who are always employed by others never get to understand those principles and tend to remain in the box of their limited thought and experience.
Bear Klein Said:
unlike the ideological and religious supporters of ideologues the Trump supporters, like Trump, are not insanely invested in a religious or secular ideology. If Trump loses he will crack a joke, walk away and comment on the foolishness of the electorate or the corruption of the system, both of which apply. The same is true of Trump supporters, one accepts reality and proceeds accordingly with the optimum plan. Those with experience understand Trump and why the criticisms are irrelevant, but they dont take it as a personal issue….. unlike the ideological left and right who are unable to think out of the box of their ideologies…. who beleive their ideologies are more than a beleif system.
Bear Klein Said:
His track record is fine for the position, better than many other candidates who have never done more than speak or craft bills, who have never operated any entity.
I wonder if you ever ran a business, in my view those who have only been employed by others do not have the necessary requisites for independent thought. Those who have run large entities while being employed by others are still a step ahead of those who only talk and get paid for talking: politicians and lawyers. At least a gov or mayor had to deal with more than talking, but they are still not good enough. Trump has that rare quality of independent thinking… a very wealthy businessman who is not allied with or paid for by others… unlike a corporate CEO who is always paid by others.
@ bernard ross:
I hope no Trump supporter bombs my house. It is really like critiquing a diety.
Bear Klein Said:
criticising those who facilitate muslim abuse of Jews; who incarcerate jews instead of pursuing terrorists; who facilitate EU building of muslim homes in YS;who give land in C for the building of Pal cities while preventing Jews from new settlements in YS;………
this should not be considered synonymous with criticising Israel…… do you also feel that criticising the Israeli MK zoabi or gal on is the same as criticising Israel?
dont you agree that BB should be criticized for NEVER stating that “JEWISH SETTLEMENT IN YS IS LEGAL AND LEGITIMATE”…
dont you think he should say those words at least once?
I’ll bet Trump could say those words before BB.
Lack of knowledge cannot be BB’s excuse.
Felix Quigley Said:
thanks. I will frame your statement for posterity.
Again someone attacking Israel to defend Trump.
Trump must be taken on faith and not track record sort of like a messiah of sorts or spiritual leader.
That is why, Trump fans know what he will do when actual they defend the merits of his non existence specified positions.
Amen Brother Trump!!
Bear Klein Said:
rubbish…. he may not know the details but he knows, and stated everything one needs to know which would make every subsequent decision and detail the right one:
1-an agreement might not be achievable or possible and in such a case he can walk away,
2- an agreement is unlikely because the muslims teach their children to hate Jews.
This is all an honest politician needs to know as the basis for all subsequent decisions. Perhaps you are unable to see this because your supposed right wing leader confuses you with all sorts of fakery… if only your leaders would make accept and declare those same 2 premises.
Furthermore, as a business man Trump works with law and contracts all the time…. and understands the basic principles. Unlike the GOI leadership who never state that “Jewish settlement in YS is legal and legitimate” I would wager that as soon as Trump assumes the presidency and familiarizes himself with the prior law and treaties(contracts) he will be able to recognize and state that which your leaders NEVER state.
You think he needs to know all the details before he takes the job… but that is rubbish. In his world where things get done by non politicians successfully a CEO is not expected to know all the details of the job he is to assume… he is hired based on experience, achievement, character, etc. and after he gets the job he familiarizes himself and then applies his expertise. Look at all the knowledge that BB has….but in the end that knowledge serves to deceive rather than achieve. Why would a successful competent individual waste all his time on learning the details of a job before he even gets it. a successful competent person is busy and knowledgeable folks know that when giving the interview. Trumps current goal is to win primary and election, without that he does not need to know details about the job… unless he was now an unemployed do nothing or the equivalent: a do nothing politician.
the real Marco Rubio: read this excellent article in detail to the end as it is chock full of beleivable facts showing Rubio to be the establsihment stooge who will continue america’s economic decline
read all the details.
and for those who say Trump lacks knowledge here is something that springs from he who is assumed to have knowledge about his own bill:
he didnt “KNOW” what was in his own bill… his only expertise being to craft and submit bills and he doesn’t know what’s in it. the problem is not knowledge…. the problem is corruption, betrayal, lying, misleading, misrepresenting, deceiving, pretending, etc etc etc.
Rubio is the stooge of the GOP establishment donors… the same ones who exported all the jobs, capital and production to china….. push through the top secret TPP….and now to put the nail in the coffin put americans out of work and give their jobs to imported foreigners and humiliatingly have the fired americans train the foreigners.
There is one import from china which I would like to see adopted in the USA….. the execute corrupt Pols and corrupt CEO’s…. perhaps they can start with the board of apple who refuse to cooperate against muslim terrorists. Until then only Trump even mentions the muslim threat, only Trump mentions the conspiracy to export american jobs, only Trump mentions the HB1 visa scam threat, only Trump is adamantly opposed to illegally flooding the US with cheap labor immigrants which overload the welfare system.
@ Felix Quigley:
You write so well, Felix, that I find it pleasurable to read you, irrespective of whether or not you support my stated positions. Actually, I mind neither opposition nor contradiction. Both help me to determine degree of actuality, without which, no thinker makes headway without being fooled by events.
Arnold Harris, Outspeaker
Trump has had some business success.
Trump is very good at real estate. He like many another business people once they get rich they think they can succeed at anything. Wrong as you can see by his long history of failures.
One thing I learned when getting my MBA was that once people get outside their area of expertise (this expertise took years to learn) very regularly failure. Trump learned how to get attention and how TV works on his “Apprentice” show. This is why he is doing very well selling what people want to hear. He is an excellent seat of the pants salesman.
He knows nothing of any foreign policy yet alone the middle east. He will need someone to lead him around Washington DC if he gets there. He will be in an another neophyte venture. His track record shows he has a history of failure in those ventures.
If Trump becomes President I will certainly hope I am wrong and that the Outspeaker is correct but the history of Trump is against this as indicated by the long list of Trump failures.
Why is it needed to point out Israel’s perceived or real short cummings when trying to defend Trumps candidacy. Are his record and detailed plans (or lack thereof) unable to stand on their own?
If Trump gets elected is nominated by the Republican Party, an outcome which, unlike for the Democrats, is totally dependent on his strength in the state primary elections and party caucuses, then he stands an excellent chance of beating either Hillary Clinton or whichever nomimee their party machinery puts in place.
And if he wins the national election in November, he will in fact carry out whichever promises he made in the run-up campaigns. That is the way he works.
His interests are plainly not focused on the Middle East, and he makes no claims otherwise in that regard. Nor does he have any evident interest in building peace or “democracy” around the world. So when he learns that peace cannot ever be achieved between Israel and the Arabs or any other part of the Moslem civilizational belt, he will butt out. Which is precisely what most of you have been asking American leaders to do ever since Jews put together a real army and learned to fight back. So all of you should rejoice rather than whine.
Israel’s destiny is in the hands of the Jews of Israel, not the USA, the UNO, the EU, NATO, or whomever. And why not? You proclaimed national independence in May 1948, didn’t you?
So start doing exactly what you should have been doing ever since you won that war of independence. Pull down from power all the leftists who keep you from annexing Judea and Samaria. Develop and carry out a plan to take back the Sinai peninsula. And when the Jordanian kingdom inevitably breaks up under attack from whatever Daesh group will be running Sun’a Arab affairs in Northern Arabia within a few years, and chases the population there into Europe or wherever else they will flee, then take control over and annex Trans-Jordan as well. Populate all these places with Jews and make sure you expel most of the Arabs.
Because if you fail to do all that, you have no national future at all, no matter who gets elected president of the United States, and irrespective or whatever promises they make — or neglect to make. The truth is — and always has been — that no country or nation has any responsibility for any other country or nation. That is the utterly clear meaning of independence. If you want to survive, you must conquer.
Arnold Harris, Outspeaker
Trump has not made up his mind on the issue of Israel because he does not know the issue. He is faking the subject just reverting to Obama screwed Israel. A good start. Reality check what the small Yishuv (Jews in Palestine) did or did not do in 1920 is relevant to a discussion on Trump. In the evaluation of Trump, Israel is not on trial (good diversion away from Trumps flaws)
He has no known foreign policy advisers. So who is he going to rely on. Voters have a right to really know what a candidate believes and knows.
Nine (9) months into the campaign he has no more than buzz words. Build the wall. We are getting screwed. Keep the Muslims out.
Professional business people start with concepts but nine (9) months later they have detailed plans or minimally presentation bullet points that they can speak to in detail. They delegate much of detail to subordinates with general directions. They modify or approve such plans. Seat of the pants fakers stay stuck on the bluster. They rely on their charm and ability to get angry and frustrated people behind them by saying the things they want to hear. Yes non PC is overdue and saying things like the USA needs to protect itself from bad people from it is certainly correct. But as they said in the past “Where is the Beef”
Trump sound like another big spender even though he claims he wants to balance the budget. Who knows as we have seen no plans except for his tax outline. Which actually is not bad. It will also appeal to democrats (no one pays taxes up to 50K). The plan will increase the deficit according to the reviewers.
He has said he will not cut social security or modify it or any entitlement program.
A financially weak USA is not a strong USA. A USA in trade wars is not a strong USA.
Ted Belman writes:
“The US must place the blame and the pressure on the PA. The US must also abandon the idea that Judea and Samaria are Occupied Palestinian Land and abandon the idea that the border should be on the ’67 lines.”
Ted implies not on the 67 lines but on some other lines and the answer is NO, because there must be NO PALESTINIAN STATE and thereby no border at all. Get rid of this idea of a Palestinian State of any kind.
This is the big problem in Israeli politics at present. It does not take a firm and clear position but takes about 20 different positions, all different variations of a Palestinian State.
So if Israeli leaders cannot make up their minds then why should Trump also make up HIS mind on the issue.
That is the old disease of relying on US Imperialism. Trump will be an American President and thereby will be an American Imperialist President. He will work to promote the American Empire.
This may have progressive sides but that is a different question.
Trump should be supported on one main ítem rather tan on any kind of dogma qualification, that he called for a stop to the immigration of Muslims into the US.
This call is what has made Trump different to all the others in this race. It took both prescience and guts to make that call and stick to it.
If the Jewish people from about the year 1920 onwards had been similarly advised, and theoretically armed, then they would have fought with the British to the end to place a stop on Muslim infiltration into Palestine during the years of the British Mandate.
If the Jews had used Trump’s present call then things today would be so different.
In fact the Jews were totally divided over the issue of Churchill slicing off 80 per cent of Palestine and that Transjordan became in turn and as a result of that disunity the conduit through which the Arabs infiltrated to attack the very idea of the Jewish state.
The same Jews then who did not see that are the same type of Jews today who attack Trump becauase they do not see the real value of the Trump call to ban Muslims from entering sovereign states. These people like you hear on all the blogs today attacking Trump are like those whom Talleyrand observed “They had learned nothing and forgotten nothing.”
@ Felix Quigley:
Yes Arnold is correct Israel needs to be independent.
I reject the Putin priority in my view as a Zionist Jew.
By the way Israel has no other soldiers with it, it always fights by itself. Israel just would like Jews in the diaspora to support it. Obviously they have free will to prioritize what is important to them!
Bernard your post 24 is terrific
Bear Klein your post twelve attack on Arnold is pernicious in the extreme. Arnold is saying YOU start defending yourselves…
And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, as a public service to Jews worldwide, Israpundit seamlessly transitions from a confused woolymammoth to adorable little puppies.
Hat Tip: mar55
No time for more lefty Presidents like Obama or those who need to learn on the job because of their lack of knowledge!
@ mikewise:Correct on South Carolina but the USA is around 25% Catholic.
I guess all the Catholics will take Donald’s side? Trump says he is taking NY State. Sure with all those Catholics and far left Dems? If he can do that he will be President.
Israel, like Trump, also has problems with the vatican.
Bear Klein Said:
NO, you dont get it…. folks recognize that he has the best shot at keeping out the bad people and bringing jobs back because he recognizes the problem and WANTS TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM.
the others say its not the muslims, the others want to keep shipping out jobs and importing foreign workers by approving TPP and the HB1visa scam. they are not even on the same starting page as trump, they are more interested in cutting social security and medicare, dealing with abortion, etc.
On Israel, if he recognizes the problem is muslims like he did in the US he will go in the right direction… in fact he already did by recognizing that folks who teach their children that Jews are sons of apes and pigs can never come to a sustainable and real peace…. so he is already far ahead of the current right wing gov who thinks the problem is jews, jewish settlement and muslims have nothing to do with it. Trump makes more sense than yaalon and eisenkot.
Bear Klein Said:
most of the important issues are very simple
the muslims, Israel, immigration flooding, shipping out jobs, importing foreigners to replace americans….
In all these major cases it is at the very foundation where the trouble lies… Trump has clearly identified the problem in every issue and leaves the details to later…. None of those major issues can move forward positively without starting with a Trump like view. Even the Israeli problem is simple once one accepts the facts that are true.
this is how most businessmen operate… they proceed with the simple foundation and build the detail from there. I am not worried about the details because anyone who starts with the simple trump truth on each issue and honestly pursues it will succeed…. not necessarily with the same solution as started but likely with the same goals. A businessman with his experience and the right starting premises will have the best chance. senators like cruz and rubio have no real experience in achieving anything beyond words, bills, laws, etc….
Lack of knowledge is not the problem in Israel either at the leadership level… it is the knowledge they withold from their citizens which is the problem. I think trump would be good for Israel too.
right now the goal is to win the primary and the general election…. about which Trump has little knowledge…… and yet look how successful he has been….
what you see as lack of knowledge and simpleton chat is actually a very competent bottom line project. even if he ultimately loses he has already proven that although starting less knowledgeably he has bested the establishment experts at their supposedly own game.
@ mikewise:
thanks, thats pretty clear.
@ woolymammoth:
Woolything I would never vote for Hillary or Bernie and that includes Trump who I do not trust because lack of knowledge and lack of specificity beyond a high wall.
@ Bear Klein: people are most concerned for themselves and their family. For reasons of economy and security, Trump will trounce Hillury. When hypocrit leftist democrats actually want the republican for selfish reason to win they vote for the third party candidate who makes them feel good, that is Bernie. All of the polls and primary results to date prove the drift towards bernie. I predict this phonmena will pick up momentum steadily as clinton’s legal problems snowball into a huge embarrasment for the democratic party, until clinton is for all intents and purposes, compromised beyond repair.
“hey, i am cool, see, i voted for bernie, me progressive, me babushka bear cub, me would never support Trump, oh my oh me, nyet”.
@ Bear Klein:Mildly funny Bear …”can not trust a man who knows squat on the subject…” hmm, how about a woman who can prove she has no particular good judgement to be sure, but alot of knowledge on the subject, perhaps, since your seeming twisted logic is so black and white and two dimensionally bland, you can support the more knowing of the two and vote for Hillury, despite her glaring defects.
Trump is pro Israel, his tactic at present is intelligent, and he is right not to make the same old tired promises, like pandering to the Jews or the evangelical Christians, which is whose votes Cruz is concerned with capturing, not us. The New York comment of Cruz was Anti-Shemitic, implicitly.
Presidents generally have a disdain for alienating The State Department, The Pentagon, DIA, FBI and most assuredly, The CIA, not to mention most of the rest, if not all, including The Secret Service, whom the president relies upon for his personal protection and that of his or her loved ones. They will work behind the scenes to make sure Cruz will lose. I have considered Cruz, but feel uncomfortable with his personality and the knowledge that his support for Israel is seen through the lenses of a evangelical christian, meant for evangelical audiences, not Jews. I am justifiably suspicious. Let Cruz prove his worthiness and I will support him. I am not yet convinced, not by a long shot. Until then, I am with The Donald.
Let’s try to remember that this presidential election is about what is good for the US and not just good for Israel. It is wise to judge a candidate for how they view Israel, but not because the fate of Israel should lie in their hands. But rather that the history of the treatment of the Jewish people reflects so well on how non-Jews treat each other. I don’t want an antisemite in the White House. We’ve suffered for eight years from that already.
@ Bear Klein:
May be a big plus in SC. Evangelicals and catholics are not always the best of friends and do not forget that the vatican has Yuge walls! Rome should take in a few hundred thousand immigrants.
It is Eva Braun with roadkill on her head.
@ mikewise:Thank you! I actual he is very good at reading what people want and say just enough to get them excited and say it over and over.
He is bright but he may have caused himself a headache when now took on the Pope. The Catholics number I believe about 69 million people in the USA. How many Catholics will now never consider voting for him because of his insulting the Pope.
Thanks for telling me their will be no two state solution Trump or not!
do not underestimate the donald or his daughter ivanka.
Ramaz Yeshiva and KJ will have secret service next year!
there will be no two state “solution”. Moslems will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state. so you can relax.
@ mikewise:Mike as I am not nearly as smart you so please enlighten me me why this matters. I am not being cynical.
I saw the interview and the meaning to me was Trump has no clue what he is talking about and was faking the interview. Meaning he did not want to go out on a limb because he does not know Abbas from Hamas and does not know they are both Palestinians.
His Jewish business friends had tried to negotiate the deal and they are good negotiators (hell we all know that) and they said it is tough deal. This guy does not know squat.
Many people in the USA are so fed up they are looking for the Anti-Obama to totally change America to something pre Obama maybe back to IKE (1950s). So this Trump flew in on his Trump One plane and they know he is the American Messiah who will keep out all the bad people and bring the jobs back because he knows how to build a wall and buildings. Viva La Trump!!! or is it Bernie with more hair?
@ Bear Klein:
wake-up. the story is from feb 4, 2016.
Arnold I read your post just now and what is important to you is that Trump may get along with mother Russia’s Dictator Comrade Putin. That is number one! Got it! Everyone has their priorities. Hell it may work! All Putin has to do is tell him his hair is looking good and invite Trump for a weekend on his yacht and the new cold war will be over and Europe will belong half to Trump and half to Putin.
We understand that the strong supporters of Trump overlook many things for what they view as positive of him which I coined the “Anti-Obama”:
Navy Seal who says I love George Bush but Trump did not real mean to blame him for 911.
Conservative Jews overlooking that he has no obvious connection to Israel unlike the other GOP candidates because they love the “Anti-Obama”
South Carolina looks like it is going Trump. Interesting poll however says 39% of the GOP voters say they would never vote for Trump. It does not matter with 6 candidates as he has 30% or so. If it gets 2 or 3 canidates it may very well matter, time will tell. If it stays at 5 or 6 candidates he will win the nomination more than likely.
Will attacking George Bush and now the Pope in the end make him unelectable in general election plus all the other corpses he is creating. Great he is not PC but does he have any sense more than keep the Muslims out and build a big wall going up 12 feet more now because Calderon (former Mexican President) said Trump does not really believe Mexico will build him a wall.
His tax plan looks like something the Dems would also like so maybe that is a plus for him, he will need their votes because many GOP voters will never vote for him.
@ ArnoldHarris:
Reader’s Digest Version Of The Post Immediately Above: “Trump is more important than Israel”.
Thereby confirming my dark suspicion that the Jewish lemmings who support Trump are indistinguishable from the Jewish lemmings who support Obama. The Obamabots and the Trumpdroids are two sides of the same fascistic coin.
Me? I support Israel, and oppose anyone who doesn’t. Contemptibly myopic, to be certain, but it frees me from the need to rationalize the irrational.
No American president ever has been or ever shall be fully trustworthy in regard to the interests of the State of Israel and/or the Jewish nation, irrespective of any promises they make while trying to get elected with Jewish voters in this country. And Jews in general are victimized by their own overblown expectations.
What I have written in the above paragraph is one of the reasons I am fully committed to support Trump. His main concern is the USA, not Israel or any other country. He never bullshits anybody with promises, and I have no doubt he knows little about Israel.
On the other hand, as I read his book, “Time to Get Tough”, who is full of admiration by the way some big-time Israeli hackers broke into Iran’s nuclear research and fuel processing computerized control system with the famed Stuxnet operation.
Also, he’s a man who will only invest a certain amount of time and effort making a deal, and especially one which is of only minor to the security interests of the USA. The entire Israel-Palestine business is just that. If Trump is elected president, and if he tries his luck making the impossible possible in regard to Israel’s borders, I predict he will drop it and move on to much more pressing business.
You want to protect Israel’s security and the historic rights of the Jewish nation to all the lands that were part of the Balfour Declaration of 1917? There’s only one way you can accomplish that: Build and populate Judea and Samaria with a Jewish population growth rate of at least 4% per year in those territories, and break up the so-called Palestine Authority so that power will be in the hands of some 7-8 local Arab hamulas (Arab bloodline-based extended clan groups) in the big Arab cities of Samaria and Judea. But make sure all rest of the land is firmly under Jewish control.
As of now, there are about 700,000 or more Jews in the annexed parts of Jerusalem and in Samaria and Judea. You can double that number in just 18 years if you maintain a 4% annual Jewish population growth rate. But if you want that to happen, which you should want, if you also want Israel to survive in the long run, then make sure you elect solid Jewish nationalist governments controlled with Israeli versions of Trump. You wring your hands and say that is impossible? Then the rest of the world will say “in that case, tough shit for you.”
In addition to the above, you should develop the best of possible releationships with Russia. They know how to play the power game a lot better than the leaderships of this country.
In your hearts if not your minds, you know I write the truth about all this. So get busy and stop dreaming about US presidents whom you think will be your 21st century golems.
Arnold Harris, Outspeaker
@ ppksky:So Rubio is not a citizen? Born in the USA. You must have your own version of the constitution?
You would vote for Hillary or a socialist Bernie who would bankrupt the USA and wants to rush to make great relations with Iran. I guess you really do not like Cruz. By the way he is a citizen eligible to be President.
I do not like Trump but still would vote for him over Hillary or the Bernie boy who avoids saying he is a Jew. He sounds like he is Polish when avoids saying he is a Jew.
I would probably vote for any of the GOP candidates before Trump (not sure about Cruz because I am not sure he is electable, though his positions are sound – Pro Israel, decent foreign policy position and good fiscally- my hot buttons)
Well stated. It is a matter of priorities. The survival of Israel would be nice, but irrationally vomiting forth hatred against Cuban Americans is so much more important. I am glad that someone on this site has finally mastered the situation.
Obviously Trump neither knows or cares about the substance of the problem of the so-called “Palestinians”. Trump also seems to be stuck on various Jewish stereotypes, even though he does not express hostility towards Jews. Further proof that antisemitism as a social force is based on lies rather than some other social reflex.
Still, Trump gets my vote. Anything but the creeping rot represented by Cruz, Rubio and their fraudulent citizenship. If Cruz wins the nomination, the Democrats will get my vote.
read the transcript and come to your own conclusions.
(BALDWIN): Mr. Trump, multiple past presidents have attempted to establish a peace agreement between both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. And the one common theme is that they’ve all been unsuccessful. What specific steps would you take to establish an agreement between both sides?
TRUMP: OK. I think it’s probably the toughest agreement of any kind to make. It has been going on for many years, many friends of mine have been involved, they’re very good businessmen, good negotiators. A lot of people say an agreement can’t be made, which is OK, sometimes agreements can’t be made, not good. But you have both sides really, but you have one side in particular growing up and learning that these are the worst people, these are the worst people et cetera et cetera.
It is a very, very tough agreement to make. I was with a very prominent Israeli the other day, said it’s impossible because the other side has been trained from the time they’re children to hate Jewish people. But I will give it one hell of a shot. That I can tell you. But of all agreements – I would say if you can do that deal you can do any deal. That’s probably the toughest deal in the world right now to make and it’s possible it’s not makeable because don’t forget, it has to last. It’s wonderful to make it and it doesn’t work. But it has to last. To make lasting peace, there, probably the toughest deal of all but I’m going to give it a shot.
SCARBOROUGH: Whose fault do you think it is (INAUDIBLE)?
TRUMP: You know I don’t want to get into it. I don’t want to get into it for a different reason.
SCARBOROUGH: Israeli or Palestinian?
TRUMP: I don’t want to get into it for a different reason, Joe, because if I do win, there has to be a certain amount of surprise, unpredictability, our country has no unpredictability. If I win, I don’t want to be in a position where I’m saying to you, and the other side now say, “We don’t want Trump involved, we don’t want” – let me be sort of a neutral guy, let’s see what – I’m going to give it a shot. It would be so great.
I would be so proud if I would do that. I don’t know if it’s doable, I have friends of mine that are tremendous business people that are really great negotiators, they say it’s not doable, you understand a lot of people have gone down in flames trying to make that deal. SO I don’t want to say whose fault is it, I don’t think it helps.
Well, this is the whole problem. You cannot be “neutral” when you have one side being a totalitarian theocracy with its Charter calling for the killing of Jews and the other side being a democracy where you have all the minority rights protected . Would Trump be neutral in judging the conflict between ISIS and the US?
Article 7 of the Hamas Charter reads:
“The hour of judgment shall not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, so that the Jews hide behind trees and stones, and each tree and stone will say: ‘Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him,’ except for the Gharqad tree, for it is the tree of the Jews.”
Article 7 is taken from Hadith Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 177 and quotes the Prophet Muhammad:
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. “O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.”
There is no neutrality in the war between Muslims determined to annihilate Jews and Jews determined not to be annihilated.
Sorry, not buying it. Where the existence of the Jewish People is concerned, neutrality doesn’t cut the kishkes. Since the founding of Israel, anyone claiming “neutrality” has invariably turned out to be anti-Zionist.
Supporters of Trump need to return belatedly from Sugar Candy Mountain and deal with harsh reality. If you support him, you oppose Israel.
Trump position on Israel what he knows about it or the area is next nothing. If you asked Hillary she would say she was neutral so she can help create a PA State.
Trump also wants to create a PA State it appears.
Can not trust a man who knows squat on this subject. Did not know the difference between Hezbollah and Hamas.
Oh well he talks tough and when asked about any specifics he continues with the big rehearsed sounds bites talking in a global fashion on any subject.
Those are seeking the Anti-Obama primarily are satisfied with Trump.