Before his death, Kissinger suggested abandoning the two-state solution – ‘No promise of peace’

The first Jewish US secretary of state, and one of the most influential statesmen of the 20th century, claimed shortly before his death at the age of 100 that the two-state solution would not guarantee long-term peace; ‘The two-state solution doesn’t guarantee that what we saw in the last weeks won’t happen again’


Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, considered one of the most influential statesmen of the 20th century, died last week at the age of 100. In an interview he gave to the news website Politico shortly before his death, Kissinger – the first Jew to hold the position of secretary of state – suggested abandoning the two-state solution.

Kissinger made this declaration against the backdrop of the Swords of Iron war and the Hamas massacre on October 7. He said that he would like the war to end “peacefully,” but emphasized: “I don’t see a peaceful outcome with Hamas involved in the conflict. I would favor negotiations between the Arab world and Israel. I do not see, especially after these events, that direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians are very fruitful.”

In response to the question of whether there can be long-term peace in the Middle East without a two-state solution, Kissinger stated that ” a formal peace doesn’t guarantee a lasting peace,” and expanded on this: “The difficulty of the two-state solution is shown by the experience of Hamas. Gaza was made quasi-independent by [former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel] Sharon in order to test the possibility of a two-state solution. It has led, in fact, to a much more complex situation. It has become so much worse in the last two years than it has been in 2005. So, the two-state solution doesn’t guarantee that what we saw in the last weeks won’t happen again.”

Kissinger also suggested that the West Bank be transferred to Jordanian control as an alternative to the two-state solution, which he said “leaves one of the two territories determined to overthrow Israel.” Kissinger added: “Egypt has moved closer to the Arab side, so Israel will have a very difficult time going forward. I hope that at the end of it there will be a negotiation, as I had the privilege to conduct at the end of the Yom Kippur War. At that time, Israel was stronger relative to the surrounding powers. Nowadays, it requires a greater involvement of America to prevent a continuation of the conflict.”

December 9, 2023 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. Kissinger was right no two state solution. However, Jordan can NOT again control Judea/Samaria (so Kissinger was wrong about that).

    Why has Judea/Samaria not blown up completely like Gaza. Because the IDF & Shin Bet operate there to eliminate terror cells whenever they find them.

  2. Kissinger was spot on : Israel is much weaker now after 30 years of failures with the left Oslo gamble and the right disengagement by Sharon+ limited police interventions + Appeasement by Netanyahu.
    30 years have gone nowhere , backpedaling will be necessary and extremely difficult . And Kissinger concluded wisely that to keep afloat the existing treaties with Egypt-Jordan , the US will step in to extort more concessions from Israel .

  3. Remember, Kissinger was a member in good standing of the WEF. Seen in this light, all of his statements of the last 50 years can indeed be interpreted as anti Israel which they always turned out to be.

  4. Jordan doesn’t want it, anyway. One last piece of bad advice from Kissinger, the unrealistic realist, the incompetent poseur.