Be careful what you wish for!

Barbara Diamond | August 4, 2024

Throughout history, we Jews have “stood out.” We were the first to walk away from the concept of multiple gods. It began when we believed in one God amidst heathens who prayed to clay idols…the sun …the moon and the stars.

Volumes have been written about our love of family and respect for education. The jokes about a mother’s joy that her daughter is about to marry a doctor or lawyer, are as old as the professions themselves.  Dreams were fulfilled when families which fled the antisemitism of Europe, before and after World War II, were able to see their children and grandchildren graduate from college and take their deserved “places” in the lands of liberty and freedom. From the days of immigration and Ellis Island, Jews deservedly found their niche in western society.

We were happy to live side by side with the Christian world and were so relieved when the Vatican decreed that the Jews had not killed their savior after all. We were clearly not to blame and could now be embraced by the remnants who held this grudge against our people for the past two thousand years.

The vast majority of Jewish immigrants chose a version of assimilation. The Reform Judaism movement evolved in Europe in order to retain a connection for those who no longer dressed as Jews, prayed as Jews, or selected the food they ate… according to Halacha. New variations of Judaism evolved to embrace any and all levels of observance…lest we lose our people entirely to “the other.”

We often voted as Jews. Any candidate with antisemitic history was shunned. Anyone who held no grudge against us was embraced. With time, and the birth of Israel as the acknowledge Jewish State… many judged a candidate in relation to his/her views on support of Israel. Pro-Israel political P.A.C.s  (political action committees) were formed to donate to the campaigns of those we viewed as supportive of our homeland…and by extension, of “us.”

At first, intermarriage was looked upon by parents with shame. We must have been terrible parents for our children to want to marry out of the Jewish faith. Our compromises were intended to embrace the western culture while keeping our children connected to their faith and the generations which preceded them. What went wrong?

Our collective dream …was “acceptance.” As we shed our traditions and our identity, we felt like “the other.”  Once they wanted “to marry us,” we knew we had arrived.  Today, 70% of secular Jews in America marry non-Jews.  In Europe it is 50%. In countries like Russia, Hungary, and Poland have an even higher inter-marriage rate. In contrast… the State of Israel has only a 5% rate of Jews marrying out of their faith.

The problem of course, with being almost totally accepted by other faiths, is that we in the process, forget who we are… the essence of what made us unique for generations. We shed along with our customs, attire, cuisine, some of the core values which made us who we are.  Not all of them… just the inconvenient ones.

Fast forward to the present.  Organizations like “J-Street” were created by those professing to be Jews, but denying Jewish heritage and the birthright of the Jewish people to live in the land of their forefathers…the land of the torah… known to the rest of the world as “the bible.” These Israel apologists were embraced by those non-Jews who found them to be “useful” for their own purposes. What could be better for left-leaning politicians, than Jews who did not feel connected to their roots?

We as a people have discovered through the generations, that those we helped to fight the injustices perpetrated against their people … were delighted to accept our moral indignation and use our best legal minds to address and redress the issues… to find compensation and improve their lot. Once achieved, we were just as easily thrown to one side. Unless of course… if we were prepared to be more consumed with their history, culture, disadvantages and suffering…. than with our own.

The “new-Jew” found his/her way to the “top of the bottle of milk”…. To the “cream” of positions on offer. In universities, in medicine, in science, in industry, in business, high-tech, and in politics. We never quite made it to the highest ranks of “society” but we came very close indeed.

We “arrived” …and then much of the world turned against us…. Indeed for “having-arrived.” With the help of technology and evil players throughout the world, the Jews have once again become a pawn in a global game. Encouraging antisemitism in the West… distracts important nations from seeing what is happening that is destroying the fiber of their own societies. This serves the purpose of the enemies of freedom and democracy, who were never before a part of this complicated hatred of the Jews.  China had no history of antisemitism, and yet it has been proven to be fomenting it in Western nations… through their control of media such as “TikTok.”  For the Chinese government… this age-old hatred is a vehicle to distract and weaken their enemy …to make it ripe for its own self-destruction.

Fast forward once again to the upcoming presidential elections in the United States. Those meeting for “drinks” after work are wondering which candidate the Obama-anointed Kamala Harris, will select as her Democrat vice-presidential running mate.

Close to the top of her list of six candidates, apparently, is Josh Shapiro, the governor of Pennsylvania and a Jew. In the midst of the worst upsurge of Jew-hatred in America in its history… what exactly would the purpose be of selecting a Jewish running mate?  Would it be a form of camouflage … to redirect the discussions away from Kamala’s very left-leaning-socialist affinity and family history, and her lack of vision for the nation she wishes to rule? Would it be intended to show that she is not really a supporter of the Jew-hatred promoted by “Black lives matter” of which she is so fond?

Kamala can do the Jewish people a favor…and select  one of the other five candidates under consideration.

Years ago, I had the opportunity to meet with then-prime minister of Israel, Shimon Peres, having been told by both my mother and father’s side of the family…that we were related to him. It was quite unusual because mother’s family hailed from Germany and father’s came from Vilna in Poland.  Peres’ family also was from the area of Vilna.   I composed a letter with the stories of our families’ connections and handed them to him along with a photo gifted to me from an elder cousin in New York. She told me that her father and Peres’ father were cousins. It was a photo of her father and the father of Shimon Peres in front of the palace in Budapest. I showed the photo to Peres and he confirmed that it was his father in the photograph. He shared that the king of Hungary had asked his father to become the minister of finance for his nation. His father declined the offer, citing the following reason: He explained that should the economy falter, it would be blamed not just upon himself, but upon all the Jews of Hungary. He was unwilling to take on that responsibility, but offered to advise the king on his financial decisions, from the sidelines.

This story has always remained in the back of my mind as a warning to all of us who curry favor from those who may find us useful today and expendable tomorrow.  We Jews must always be cautious when lusting after recognition and power. When we compromise our own identity for the benefit of others, we ignore the debt we owe to our ancestors who suffered and gave their lives so that we, and future generations will thrive. We of all people, must be very careful when considering “what we wish for.”


August 6, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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  1. @Raphael you asked, “Who is the puppet master? Is it one individual, or a small group, or a web of many influentials?”

    Here is an answer that might interest you:
    “The Council” – Who is Running the United States of America?
    Unveiling the Faces of an Elitist Assault on America”

    Quoting from the article:
    “The Council” and everyone and everything that emanates from them, has controlled the United States for the past fifty years for the purpose of extracting our nation’s wealth. Our constitutional government and the federal workforce’s purpose is to protect our wealth, and the “public good” of the American people. “The Council’s” purpose is to crush and destroy it.”

    In the article you will see the individuals who are the latest members of The Council. The faces will be quite familiar to you.

    In addition you will learn that they control 74 Inspectors General for all the federal agencies. That way anytime their fingerprints are all over the crime scene, these fingerprints will never be traced back to them. Investigation after investigation will take place, but if someone is blamed, they will be patsies and pawns not the initiators of the crimes.

    As with the assassination attempt on former President Trump’s life, they have puppets in the USSS and even local law enforcement who have destroyed the crime scene and tampered with the evidence. If Trump is not elected the American people will never know all the facts. They have already deleted the cell phone records of the SS agents “guarding” Trump. Apparently they were not so much protecting Trump as making him vulnerable to a pre-planned assassination.

    This article by Barabara Diamond was beautifully written about the American Jewish experience. Jews are, if we are anything, survivors. She describes a people determined to survive in a new world after losing many members of previous generations to pogroms and genocides. The strategy for survival in America was successful. But as she points out, there is no free lunch. For their success in assimilating, Jews lost touch with what it has meant to be Jewish since the days of the Exodus.

    Assimilated Jews have lost their tie to God, and the deep integrity built into Jews from reading and understanding the Tanach. They have exchanged that clear sense of right and wrong for social justice, collectivism, and support for the enemies of civilization. They have chamapioned the supposed rights of the mother and thus supported killing babies in the millions. They support the rights of those who would mutilate their bodies even though those who would do so are children, emotionally. They have supported all the causes that destroy the family unit and make government the supreme God of the land.

    I do not know how many of them if there are any, regret voting for Biden. I don’t think many disavow their support for abortion and childhood bodily mutilation or sexualization of children through the schools.

    These goals are the goals of Moloch, and they cannot see and understand this. It is difficult to know how to relate to Jews or anyone of any religion who shares these goals and values. They have become the willing puppets of The Council, along with their saint, Obama.

  2. There are several points in the article worth commenting on, but I will just say this about Kamala Harris: No one should be under any delusion that she will be setting and running her own agenda. She is just a different puppet in the same show, replacing the old one that was threadbare and worn out. The same question still remains: Who is the puppet master? Is it one individual, or a small group, or a web of many influentials?

    Meanwhile, the Jews have a real dilemma on their hands. Assimilation is killing the people, and those who pretend to be Jews while supporting anti-Jewish causes, are mockers of their own people, and of their G-d. He does not forget.

    On the matter of whether or not talented Jews should accept or decline influential positions, I say yes, they should. The world will always blame the Jews when things go wrong, anyway. On the other hand, it should be recognized that Jews often possess exceptional talents and understanding that others lack. The reasons for this are debatable, but it is true, nonetheless. As an encouragement, I would hold up as a model, one of the greatest Prime Ministers that Great Britain ever knew, Benjamin Disraeli. Great Britain, and the world, were better off because he took power when the opportunity presented itself, without fear of failure.

  3. This is a slight deviation from the subject, but Tom Sowell discusses in Wealth, Poverty and Politics how Jews and other “middlemen minorities” were chosen by conquerors to administer their newly acquired lands; as industrious immigrant risk takers who’d learned the native languages of their new host countries they could communicate all manner of laws, edicts and policies of the new rulers. And if some went sideways resulting in death or rebellion the middleman minority in question could be blamed and sacrificed via pogrom, whether Jews in Eastern Europe, ethnic Chinese throughout Southeast Asia, ethnic Japanese in South America, East Indians in Africa, et. al. There have also been numerous court Jews over the years who’ve found it possible to maneuver themselves into positions of influence, even power, the Rothschild family being the most famous example. Is it wrong to wonder if their assistance/loyalties to “the Jewish people” / Yishuv were purely magnanimous more than two centuries ago and ever since, and if they were whether they necessarily still are especially given how questionable (as in questionably Jewish) a number of their important family members seem to be today? I’d like to read something about the family, chronicling the beginning until the present day, that isn’t part of “the Jewish Conspiracy” genre so much as a possible conspiracy in which there may be Jewish members like them (Schiffs, Warburgs; Soros today albeit a JINO) as well as Rockefeller, Carnegie, J P Morgan and other industrialists and bankers of that era. The Rockefellers, through their almost countless organizations, seem to be foundational to the ultimate goal of globalist one world government run by unelected, unaccountable ubermenchen, ie., themselves. To what degree might the Rothschilds or other Jews e mixed up with eugenicists of all people for eg in the context of Big Pharma? Zev Zelenko (Z”L) mentioned the Rothschilds by name in at least one, possibly two, interviews. IMHO he was a tzadik and therefore not someone who would have expressly named them in public unless he knew something was very rotten and possibly very evil and needed to be known for the greater good of “the Jews”, as in the 99% that have neither the knowledge, wealth, power or inclination to be part of such darkness. Have been reading Jacob Nordangard’s book on the Rockefellers (who I’m certain have great influence on much of what’s happening throughout the world) and would like to find something comparable – books or essays – on the Rothschilds that tell us the whole truth – the good, the bad and the ugly.
    Appreciate any recommendations.

  4. My maternal grandfather, who died the year I turned 13, was born in Vilna on the 3rd night of Chanukha, 1887, came to America when he was a year old and grew up in different parts of New York City (which was Manhattan until the 1890’s. when the bridge and tunnel crossings were built.) In 1900, when he was 13, he lived on a farm at 116th St. and Broadway, across the street from Columbia University where he would later go to college and law school, classes of 1910 and 13, respectively, though he would then go on to work as first an English teacher and then a high school principal in the New York City Public School system before working as a lawyer. His two (and maybe also a third one who died before I was born) sisters were also public school teachers. I think the family was very pro-Zionist. His tombstone reads in big letters, “Defender of his people and his faith.” My grandmother, born around the same time, who died before I was born, was from a Jewish-American family that had been here for generations. I believe from Lithuania, France, and Germany. She was from Massachusetts. She was a legal secretary before marrying my grandfather. Not sure how they met. One of her ancestors fought in the American Revolution. Her maiden name was Israel.