Barrier should not divide Jerusalem

Realities on the Ground: Jerusalem 2007 – 2025

The American-Israel Demographic Research Group (AIDRG) “Forecast for Jerusalem 2025 and Beyond” shows ongoing Jewish demographic advantage in Metropolitan Jerusalem.

On the verge of demographic victory in Jerusalem, Israel’s demographic barrier backfires as more Arabs converge upon the center of the city than at any time since 1948. In the absence of affordable housing options, a Jewish exodus to the suburbs continues.

By Bennett Zimmerman, Roberta Seid, Michael L. Wise, & Yoram Ettinger
American Israel Demographic Group (AIDRG) Copyright 2007

This week, Israel celebrates Jerusalem Day marking 40 years since Israeli forces captured the eastern sector of Jerusalem. During that time, Israel has built a solid, two-thirds Jewish majority in Jerusalem and throughout a wide Metropolitan region that surrounds the City.

Jews are a 66% majority in the City of Jerusalem, a 72% majority in Metropolitan areas inside Israel’s separation Barrier – and – a 66% majority inside a wide circular region of Metropolitan Jerusalem that includes and surrounds the Center of Jerusalem on both sides of the barrier.


May 16, 2007 | Comments Off on Barrier should not divide Jerusalem