August 15 IDSF Daily Briefing – The story of Gaza: From coexistence to a hotbed of terror

Peloni:  Gen. Avivi shares one of his seminars which he provides to foreign dignitaries who visit Israel.  In it, he describes two narratives, one which leads to victory and the other which leads back to October 7 at sometime in the future.  Avivi also explains that the need to deal with the threat in the North is an existential need and he observes that the threat from the PA in J&S is another existential threat, and that all of these threats must be met.  In conclusion, he explains the title of this episode and how Israel allowed Gaza to emerge as a terror enclave within Israel.

August 18, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Fascinating and brilliant review of Israel-Gaza relations over a fity year period. A few points confuse me , though. Gen. Avivi describes and anital period of peaceful coexistence between Israel and Gaza in which these relations were so relaxed that Isralis not only lived in Gaza, but could shop safely and without fear in Gaza markets, sometimes had friendships with Gazans, etc. What confuses me about this is the people of Gaza, together with all Palestinians, had been brainwashed to hate Israel and Jews at least since 1920, when Amin Husseini took control of the Palestinian Arab population, with the active connivance of the British authorities, Husseini and his minions used their control over the Arab schoolo system and his control over the appoinment of mosque preachers, his ability to provide detailed instructions to these preachers as to what they were permitted to say, etc. to thoroughly brainwash all Palestinians with hatred of “Zionism” and Jews. How then was it possible, decades later, for the Israelis not only to establish settlements in Gaza, but to move around the enclave in safety, should at Arab markets, establish friendly relations with Gazans, etc. as General Avivi says in his narrative. I don’t deny that this happened, but how was it possible? If any of my fellow readers can inform me of how this could happen, please post an explanation either in this space or another on Israpundit. I don’t get how Israel could win over the Gazans for even a brief period of time.