AUDIO: UCLA PD Tells Parent of Jewish Student Blocked From Entering Class Admin Won’t Let Them Intervene

By Jennifer Van Laar | Red State |     April 30, 2024

The “Liberated Zone” protests at Columbia University in New York City took a serious turn overnight, with the pro-Hamas fanatics taking over buildings and even holding students who simply wanted to access classes hostage, and it looks like UCLA will be the next campus in full antisemitic chaos.

On Monday the terrorist sympathizers in Westwood prevented Jewish students from accessing various campus buildings or even campus itself because they didn’t have a wristband signifying they were down with the “Free Gaza” cause.

A Jewish student sent this text to her father, saying how scared she was.

One parent called the UCLA Police Department to ask what was going to be done to protect Jewish students, who paid tuition to be there and are attempting to actually go to class (you know, the things that one is supposed to do when attending a university). That parent was told that UCPD isn’t interfering with the protesters at this time at the direction of the chancellor, and asked if there wasn’t another entrance her son could use. The police officer on the phone did not sound like she’s okay with the policy, though, and lets the mom know that she should contact the chancellor’s office about it.

Here’s a transcript of that call:

MOTHER: They said because he’s Jewish he cannot enter that area…

UCLAPD: That’s probably the protesters that are out there.

MOTHER: So are the protesters allowed to not allow a student who pays tuition access to their class and the library? 

UCLAPD: No, they’re not allowed, but unfortunately they have kinda taken over that little area right there. But is there any other entrance that your son can enter through?

MOTHER: No. They are barricading every area for him to get into. And, you know, with all due respect, why is that even tolerated? Like, why should a Jewish kid have to go to another entrance?

UCLAPD: I don’t know if I’m gonna say it’s tolerated, but unfortunately the police are not intervening with that right now. And this is coming from the university, so if you had any questions or concern you would take it with the university itself.

MOTHER: So the university has taken a stance that they will not in fact allow or help Jewish students get to their classes, that this is going to be tolerated?

UCLAPD: We’ve received a directive to not intervene at this time, yes.

MOTHER: Have they given a directive to you at what point you should intervene?

UCLAPD: As far as right now? No.

MOTHER: Okay. Is there anything we can do as concerned parents about —

UCLAPD: I would suggest contacting the chancellor’s office or higher-ups in the university with your concerns. I do have a phone number, but I don’t know if they’re gonna answer — have a different answer, but I can give you that number.

The police officer then gave the mother the phone number.

MOTHER: At what point does UCPD get involved? Because if my child’s safety —

UCLAPD: So if your son needs police assistance, of course, he can contact us.

MOTHER: So I’m calling and saying he needs police assistance to get into his class, that people aren’t letting him into his class.

UCLAPD: We’re not forcing them to move out of the area….If he’s getting attacked or if he has a police concern, then yes. But the fact that it’s just blocked off, they’re not intervening with that right now.

MOTHER: So if he physically gets attacked, at that point we should contact you?

UCLAPD: All I’m saying is we’re not unblocking the entrances. 

MOTHER: So you’re allowing the protesters to block the Jewish students from going?

UCLAPD: I’m not allowing it; the school is. Yes, the school is saying that they will not be removed at this time.

This is disgusting, and a violation of the Jewish students’ civil rights. This would never happen if Jewish people were attempting to block Muslim students from campus, and no student should be forced to encounter an angry mob physically blocking their entrance to class. No student should be forced to be assaulted before the police help. While across town at USC there are some protests, you don’t see this level of madness because it’s a private university and they aren’t putting up with it.

Gavin Newsom can order the chancellor to dismantle this uprising, and so can Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis, who’s head of the UC Board of Regents by virtue of her elected position. Do it now.

May 1, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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