Attempt to Kill President Donald Trump

Reports say two shooters

Stephen Bryen | WEAPONS AND SECURITY | July 13, 2024

We are awaiting more news on the attempt to kill former President Donald Trump. He was speaking in Butler, Pennsylvania at a campaign rally when shots rang out. One of the first shots hit Mr. Trump in or around his left ear. There was blood strewn across his face. Immediately after he was hit, he ducked down (which probably saved his life.)

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News reports so far (which may or may not be accurate) say there were two shooters. One of them reportedly is deceased and the other is in critical condition. The news reports say the US Secret Service liquidated them.

We know nothing about the shooters, if there were two. This is still not certain.

But from the look and feel of the attack it appears to be a highly professional attempted assassination. Firing at the head is a mark of a professional shooter.

One is reminded of the horrific murder of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas on November 22nd, 1963. Despite a massive coverup, Kennedy was shot in the head, most likely from the Grassy Knoll or near the roadway where his car passed by. The shot was to the front of the head as the Zapruder film clearly shows. It was clearly a professional assassination involving a number of shooters.

Reports say that the Trump shooter or shooters operated from a distance, meaning they probably had long range rifles with scopes. I watched videos of the shooting and you can clearly hear the gunfire, but the sound is far from the reviewing stand where Trump stood.

We don’t have any real information on the security at the rally, or how well the perimeter was protected (if at all).

All the recent reports say Trump is likely to win the election. Is this connected with the attempt to kill him? I would think so.

The Secret Service can help the American people by telling everything they know and all that they learn, with complete transparency. I am not so confident this will happen.

Reportedly one of the two alleged shooters is alive, but in critical condition. It remains to be seen if this is true. Others say that a person in the crowd was killed, possibly a second victim.

An observation: there was no ambulance or medics on the scene as Mr. Trump was taken away in an armored vehicle.

Stay tuned. Be skeptical.

July 14, 2024 | 19 Comments »

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19 Comments / 19 Comments

  1. What punishment, if any, was meted out to John Mc”Whorter of the NY Times for his incitement role in the sniper attack on Pres. Trump?! His view as a columnist-reporter holds weight and should be judged harshly as a hate crime. It was no accident or slip. Was he fired? arrested for trial?

  2. @Ted: many thanks for your input. I have not seen or heard mention of a bullet striking Trump’s body armour anywhere else. Is this new information that hasn’t been presented to the MSM?

  3. @Ted He will need a bullet proof clear face mask, the kind food workers in Korea use that don’t touch the face plus something for the ears, going forward.

  4. SEB-

    You’re “spooky” enough without needing to deny it.

    Why would a guy, a mere 20 years old, be a registered anything except a narcissist who worries about having his hair parted straight, or combed precisely.

  5. SEB-

    The Holmes quote is fallacious. There is NO possible way that even a detective genius could cover and consider ALL aspects, man is fallible, even the most acute and observant.

    And, “whatever remains”, may be another dozen improbabilities.

    ****And even a “skilled marksman” could not be SURE, from 130 yards or even 10 yards to deliberately graze Trump’s ear. A twitchy nerve, slight wind gust, breathing tremor, anything could disrupt the destination of a bullet by an inch.****

  6. Peloni-

    I really don’t know why you brought the assassination of Lincoln into the discussion. There is truly NO comparison. Booth was a very well known actor, a celebrity and could go anywhere in the theatre he wished without hindrance.

    In the present case, Security has become by comparison, a science, a major industry. and a rooftop 130 yards from the speaker’s platform was almost within arm’s length for a shooter with a ‘scope. It should have been occupied by a security guard, as should all potentially dangerous spots.

  7. 9 bullets fired in quick succession from an elevated position at a target in front of a crowded venue, and yet all that we have is one nicked ear, one fatality and one serious casualty. Either there are multiple bullets buried in the two casualties, or we have a great many bullets missing both the primary target and the background crowd simultaneously. That is a lot of good luck, perhaps too much…perhaps. We don’t know what we don’t know, but what we do know seems somewhat overly fortuitous.

  8. @Laura
    Indeed, the Lone Wolf might be a lone wolf, or Lone Wolf might be a tool acting on instruction or influence of other vested parties.

    It is popular to suggest that such attacks are not more broad than the actions of a single nutcase, as you like to frame it. But reality is less supportive of the notion that a single gunman could gain access to the presidential booth in a popular theatre from which he was able to cross the lone bridge out of Washington as he made his escape south. I am of course referencing the Lincoln assassination, but the point made by doing so remains quite relevant. It took a great many ‘mistakes’ to coincidentally align which made the attack on Trump possible and not prevented, even given what we already know about the crowd recognizing the threat of a gunman and the delayed response by the security team which led to the murder of an American citizen and nearly the murder of the former and future president of America.

  9. @Laura

    This was the case with Reagan

    Was it? I Speculation at the time was that it was a warning from the Deep State though the term hadn’t been coined yet.. I mentioned that. And economic policies – remember, he was a Milton Freedman fanatic, just a couple of steps removed from Ayn Rand – about which he had been ideologically inflexible – moderated afterwards. I forget the details. But I remember that. I was 21 and had just voted for Carter in the electiof of 1980, whom I disliked, just to oppose Reagan who I thought was a fascist – as many Dems will do in November with Biden as they did with Fetterman – in my first presidential election 4 months earlier.

    And what about the eye witness accounts saying the Secret Service sat on their hands – video interviews reposted here on Israpundit.

    Not make sense?

    “Sherlock Holmes is known for saying, “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth”. This quote appears in The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle”

    “Who you gonna believe? Me or your lying eyes.” – Groucho Marx, “Duck Soup” (1933)

    Oh, that’s interesting It’s not “lyin” but “own” in the original

    “Chico Not Groucho: Who Ya Gonna Believe, Me or Your Own Eyes – Duck Soup – Firefly Chicolini”

    Well, at least something has been clarified here “in this best of all possible worlds” – Dr. Pangloss, {Leibniz} “Candide” Voltaire/Bernstein/Hellman

    I’m reminded of something profound my dear departed mother – who before would drag me to Shakespeare in the park – would say to me in the last couple of years of her life when I recommended a Korean drama to her:

    “Does it have a happy ending?”

  10. What you’re saying doesn’t make sense. Why would they have missed on purpose? What would be the point?

    What are the odds of anybody but a skilled marksman just grazing the tip of one of Trump’s ears without hitting an artery or something else vital, from a distance, do you suppose?

  11. It was an active shooter situation. Of course they shot him back. Were they supposed to let him keep shooting?

    The shooter was immediately killed, of course – not to talk.

  12. Occam’s razor. Just maybe there wasn’t some elaborate scheme, but this is merely a matter of a nutcase acting on his own. That was the case with Reagan who’s attempted assassination wasn’t even politically motivated. This one against Trump is. Of course, with all of the hateful rhetoric on social media and the regular media, unhinged people get riled up and frankly I’m surprised it took this long for an assassination attempt on Trump. Bibi better up his security.

    I’m not aware of there being 2 shooters.

    I mean what are the odds, that a) a shooter would get this far, much less, two and then b) fuck it up? Just enough. Something’s rotten in the state of Denmark. Just speculating here. based on the videos posted. I’m not a spook, retired or otherwise.

  13. What are the odds of anybody but a skilled marksman just grazing the tip of one of Trump’s ears without hitting an artery or something else vital, from a distance, do you suppose? The now dead alleged lone shooter, Crooks, who managed to kill someone in the audience * is a registered Republican and his father had bought him his gun. The Secret Service and FBI are clueless as to motive (and everything else.)

    “Come on, Man.”

    – Joseph Biden

    * Who? I’m reminded of “Mr. Monk and the Candidate.” Season 1, episode 1.

    “former San Francisco police detective suffering from an extreme case of obsessive-compulsive disorder is called in to investigate an apparent assassination attempt of a mayoral candidate in which one of his bodyguards is killed.”

  14. There was a clear and present danger. What was the Secret Service supposed to do, let him keep shooting? Stop this lunacy. Those protecting Trump should be praised for their heroism, not condemned as some part of a conspiracy. There’s clearly lunacy coming from the left and right sides of the political spectrum.

    The shooter was immediately killed, of course – not to talk.

  15. They’re determined to get of Trump, which only shows how vital it is that he be elected in November. The NWO is really running scared now. And I truly believe that G-d protected Trump.

  16. That was an association attempt that hopefully failed. The shooter was immediately killed, of course – not to talk. Why did not the Secret Service remove the shooter from the roof of the building where the shot came from before the shooting? The shooter was visible. A man who came to listen to Trump and could not get in, showed the shooter to the Secret Service (BBC channel). The security did not react… Setup…