As Palin said, “polls are for strippers”

These numbers sure sound like BS to me. In order to reach 63 seats, the left would have to include the Arab Parties with 10 seats which has never been done before. But more important is the fact that Liku with the greatest number of seats would be asked to form the government. Furthermore, I believe that they the combined YB and Likud would have 10 seats more than what this poll indicates. Ted Belman

Poll: Party headed by Israeli journalist Yair Lapid could become second-largest in Knesset

According to the poll, if Lapid chooses to set up a new party, it would receive 15 Knesset seats in Israel’s next elections, as opposed to Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s party, Yisrael Beiteinu, which would receive 14 seats. Likud would remain the largest party in the Knesset, with 24 seats, and the Labor Party would tie in second place with Lapid’s party with 15 seats.

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Kadima would lose the most seats in the next election, the poll results reveal, receiving only 10 seats as opposed to the 28 seats it received in the last election.

Moreover, the poll showed that should former Shas strongman Aryeh Deri set up his own party, he would receive 7 seats in the Knesset.

Should Lapid and Deri set up their parties and link with the center-left parties in the Knesset – such as Kadima, the Labor Party, Meretz, and the Arab parties, they would get 63 seats and a majority in the Knesset. On the other hand, the right-wing and ultra-Orthodox parties would get 57 seats, so in order to set up a coalition they would need to team up with one of the new parties or choose an exisiting centrist or leftist party.

Lapid – whose late father, Yosef Lapid, headed the Shinui party and served as justice minister under Ariel Sharon – is said to have been considering going into politics since the 2009 general election, but has denied it whenever asked.

December 31, 2011 | 9 Comments »

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9 Comments / 9 Comments

  1. Shimon Peres’ performances in the last several decades unfortunately speak for themselves. However, he did make a constructive statement when he said: “Polls are like perfune, nice to smell, dangerous to drink!”

  2. Almost all successful politicians are ultimately divide and conquer manipulative experts and Bibi is no different.

  3. The results of this poll are almost identical to a similar poll earlier in 2011.

    The voting block numbers remain pretty much what they were in the last elections. Few Israelis cross over from right to left, left to right… secular to religious or religious to secular. I can see some political consolidation among the leftist parties uniting under the banner of a single party. If they do that they will add a number of mandates as fewer votes would be wasted. As long as BB is PM I don’t see the right uniting. BB is a divide and conquer manipulative politician, he is hated by most and has the loyalty on none.

  4. If Lapid is considering running.. why doesn’t Caroline Glick, Deputy Editor of the Jerusalem Post & the most passionate Center-Right Journalist I know…. Run For the PM position….. She’d win in a landslide, the country would prosper financially, because she constantly writes about Israels business sectors as well as the political scene… and she’d certainly stand up to President Obama…. Even if the American Public is smart enough to elect a Republican to succeed him… She’d still stand her ground.. the only difference is that a Republican US President wouldn’t throw Israel “Under The Bus, Start The Engine & Roll Over Her”…..

  5. I think strippers might use poles to mystify too. That may be what Palin was getting at — I don’t think she was talking about paint removal.

  6. The word poll and propaganda both begin with P. This is indicative of their mystical connection in the higher realms. That is to say that those who inhabit the higher levels of the political structure use polls to mystify the public.

  7. The poll’s results do not surprise me. They reflect the fact that Israelis have been repeatedly banging their heads against the ballot box for 30+ years.

    Stupid Jews.

  8. The more I read about Israel’s political shenanigans, the more I’ve come to believe that they need a rather shocking, calamitous war to wake themselves up. They may get one, soon. There is no unity in Israel, and no unity among the Jewish people; and I don’t see any of the diverse parties seriously concerned about the matter.

    We’ll see what happens.
