As Arabs hug each other, Biden and his ilk shed a tear


The Middle East is undergoing a paradigm shift, and the West is facing poetic justice. This video explores how Saudi Arabia and Iran’s peace deal, along with their restored relations and kindling ties with Syria, are leaving the USA reeling.

May 12, 2023 | 1 Comment »

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  1. – So, “……….Biden and his ilk shed a tear”.
    Do you think Biden’s administration is worried about the Future of Israel?

    Or is that administration crying because soon Iran together with Saudi could impose ‘sanctions’ on the United States?

    Calm and relaxation is needed!
    We are sure that Ukraine will be with the U.S.A. as long as it takes…

    And here’s an exhortation for Joe’s administration: Don’t cry! We know you are ashamed, but still prove that you are real fighters…!

    We are sure that you will find a solution for PEACE between all peoples!

    Ladies and gentlemen, did you like this point of view?