Arab League Goes for Broke, Officially Abandons ‘Talks’

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, INN

The Arab League has snubbed U.S. President Barack Obama and officially abandoned the path of “negotiations” with Israel for creating a Palestinian Authority state and will ask the United Nations to do so.

The 23-member League, which includes the Palestinian Authority, said on Saturday in Qatar that it backs PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ strategy for the United Nations to recognize the PA as a country based on its unilateral demands that it wants Israel to accept before “negotiations.”

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The League held out the option of not turning to the United Nations if Israel shows it is “ready” to accept a Palestinian Authority state based on the Saudi Initiative of 2002, which includes the immigration to Israel of several million Arabs living in foreign countries, which have refused to grant them citizenship and a turning the 1949 indefensible Armistice lines into borders..

Turning to the United Nations is a direct dismissal of President Obama’s insistence last week that it is not practical to ask the UN to recognize the Palestinian Authority as an independent country.

The president said, “I strongly believe that for the Palestinians to take the United Nations route rather than the path of sitting down and talking with the Israelis is a mistake.”

In an interview with the BBC, he pointed out that it is not practical for the PA to be recognized by the United Nations. “Hamas still hasn’t recognized Israel’s right to exist and renounce violence, or recognize that negotiations are the right path for solving this problem,” he said. “And it’s very difficult for Israel in a realistic way to say we’re going to sit across the table from somebody who denies our right to exist. And so that’s an issue that the Palestinians are going to have to resolve.”

Earlier last week, President Obama disappointed the Arab world by not directly talking about the issues of the status of Jerusalem and the issue of foreign Arabs that Abbas wants to flood Israel. The president said Israel and the Palestinian Authority should discuss the two issues after agreeing on the boundaries of a proposed PA state.

“In these circumstances, it seems better to me that we freeze discussion of the peace process until there is a partner ready for peace,” said Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr al-Thani, who chaired the Arab League meting in Doha.

“The sound path is going through the United Nations and political struggle,” Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa, told Reuters. “I believe that negotiations have become futile in light of all of these “nos.” What will you negotiate on?”

May 29, 2011 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. I copied this from The City of Slaughter,
    , I don’t have the talent to write this well, and thought it ought to be read by everyone who is as dismayed as I am at any Israeli , I don’t care what wing he’s on , who thinks there can ever be peace with the Arabs. Annexation, transfer and preemption is the only formula for survival. Shema, Israel!

    For the Court Jews are everywhere, the kapos abound, the so-called “peace” constituency retains its prominence, left-wing Jewish professors work tirelessly in classrooms, lecture halls, blogs, articles and op-eds to delegitimize an embattled nation, rabbinical fellow-travelers engage in “dialogue” with anti-Semites and support influential figures ill-disposed toward the Jewish state, Jewish voting blocs mobilize on behalf of their antagonists and betrayers, Israeli revisionist historians and Jewish UN apparatchiks act as Palestinian water-carriers, Jewish public intellectuals and journalists propose solutions to the Middle East conflict that would lead to the disappearance of Israel, directors of Jewish organizations invite Palestinian jihadists to lecture them, or abet sanctions against Israel, or back a unilateral declaration of Palestinian statehood. These trimmers and delinquents stubbornly deny who their real enemies are, as they saunter cheerfully toward the abattoir. For those who want names and addresses, I provide a compendious list of such tergiversators in my recent book, Hear, O Israel!. But the most reprehensible among them are already well known.

  2. Is this the same Moussa, running for president in Eqypt on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood? Nothing good can come from it!

  3. Stop expecting the rest of the world, let alone the Arabs, to do anything for Israel.

    It is up to us but the Israeli stooges in charge are doing everything wrong.

  4. The League held out the option of not turning to the United Nations if Israel shows it is “ready” to accept a Palestinian Authority state based on the Saudi Initiative of 2002, which includes the immigration to Israel of several million Arabs living in foreign countries, which have refused to grant them citizenship and a turning the 1949 indefensible Armistice lines into borders..

    The west should be pressuring the arab countries to take grant them citizenship. I’d like to know why Israel is expected to be responsible for these people rather than their Arab brethren who created their situation? I’d also like to know why Israel should be expected to relinquish part of its already miniscule territory to create a fakestinian terror state on its border instead of the Arab countries being pressured to relinquish their vast amounts of land to give to the fakestinians?