Arab leaders set up $1 billion Arab fund for Jerusalem


The Arab League on Tuesday approved a Qatari proposal to set up a $1 billion fund for Arab east Jerusalem, which Palestinians want as the capital of an independent state under any peace deal with Israel. 

Qatar’s emir, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, said his country will contribute $250 million to the fund, which he called for in an opening speech to an Arab summit in Doha that focused on the crisis in Syria and stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts.

“The summit… calls for setting up a fund to support Jerusalem to the value of $1 billion to finance projects and programs that would maintain the Arab and Islamic character of the city and reinforce the steadfastness of its people,” the draft resolution said.

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The Islamic Development Bank, based in Saudi Arabia‘s Red Sea city of Jeddah, will manage the fund, it said. 

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas welcomed the fund to help protect the Arab character of the city and urged Arab states to contribute to it. 

“The Israeli occupation is working in a systematic and hurried way to Judaise east Jerusalem, change its features and uproot its Palestinian inhabitants, attacking the al-Aqsa Mosque and its Muslim and Christian holy sites,” Abbas said in a speech at the summit. 

Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said the initiative was “a badge of shame” for Qatar. 

“Objecting to ‘Judaisation of Jerusalem’, so to speak, is absurd and is equatable to an objection to the Catholic nature of theVatican or the Islamisation of Mecca, it is naturally unthinkable,” Palmor said. 

On Friday the United States promised $500 million in aid to the PA, and Israel pledged to resume transferring $100 million in monthly tax revenue it collects on the Palestinians’ behalf. 

Qatar’s emir did not say if the proposed Arab fund would be channeled to the PA, whose writ does not run in east Jerusalem. 

About 200,000 Israelis live in the annexed Arab part of Jerusalem, including more than 1,000 in and around the mostly Arab Old City. 

Palestinian officials are skeptical of Arab aid pledges, as few Arab countries carried through on promises last year to cover a Palestinian funding gap aggravated by Israeli sanctions. 

Last year Arab donations, including $200 million from Saudi Arabia, constituted almost half the PA’s foreign aid, with the United States and European Union providing around $330 million.

“As we’ve have seen many times before, unfortunately decisions in Arab summits often do not materialize on the ground,” said Ghassan Shaka, a senior member of the Palestine Liberation Organization. 

“Financing is just a means, political help is the important thing,” he said. “The Arab world must convince and apply pressure so the world knows what’s required for peace.”


March 27, 2013 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. They want to preserve the Arab character of Jerusalem? What army will the Emir bring with him when he comes to deliver the money?

    Islam has strayed from the concept of belonging to the Abrahamic tradition. They worship a different god and do not follow the commandments of Moses, which I guess is too much trouble to learn and obey, because killing and stealing is much more fun.

  2. SAUDIS HIRE JEWISH PR firm to help them with their United Nations job – which is regarded as none other than delegitimizing and harming Israel.

    A Jewish-owned PR company – considered one of the best in the world – has been hired by Saudi Arabia’s permanent mission to the United Nations to provide “creative services and strategic counsel”.

    Although the following article completely misses the point.

  3. @ Dean:
    I agree, Dean. This is truly dreadful news. And just yesterday it seems I was reading Bernard Ross’s comments (I believe) that saw recent events, including Obama’s visit, as encouraging to Israel. In light of the news of Iran’s current nuclear threat, the famous apology and promise of compensation, and now this prospect of a huge Arab investment in East Jerusalem , Israel is in dire straits.

    The key to her future is strong, effective leadership, both here in America and in Israel. Sadly our President is no friend of Israel, and Israel’s leadership needs to take a lesson from Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. However, Israel is a tiny nation compared with the huge Arab presence on all sides, and so Netanyahu has to be circumspect and exceedingly cautious.

  4. I would confiscate every penny were Islamic states to carry out this plan to Islamicize the Jewish State. Besides the disturbing news that Iran has vast new capabilities and facilities to produce nuclear weapons today, this news adds to the reality of the threats facing Israel at this time – as Israel considers compensation for Hamas terrorists – urged on to do so by Obama. What chillingly ominous news as I opened up Israpundit this morning.