Robert Barnes: Appeal grounds for #TrumpVerdict:

Peloni:  The Lawfare cases being presented against Trump in no way demonstrates any sense of Justice, but instead presents a indictment against the entire approach of Justice as has been permitted by the quiescent judiciary in the US.  Of course the purpose of Lawfare is to overwhelm the public with a fait accompli about the captured status of the American nation in the hands of the Left, but I would argue that these public show trials will have a different effect.  Indeed, they are offensive to the expectation of justice which the American people have been conditioned to expect.   The entire persecutorial process which has been perverted for the exclusive purpose of delegitimizing President Trump in the eyes of the American electorate will instead have a sobering effect on that same electorate.  Of course, the heavy hand of the powerful elites in America are so out of touch with what motivates and appeals to the American people that they will likely find themselves in an apoplectic state when the American people reject this latest attempt to disqualify Trump in the eyes of the electorate.

Robert Barnes | | May 30, 2024

Click on Photo for Video

1/ #1stA violations in selective prosecution;

2/ #5thA due process violations in conflicted prosecutor, compromised judge & prejudicial jury;

3/ #5thA due process violations in conviction on an unidentified crime, without unanimity or beyond reasonable doubt;

4/ Article 2 & #ImpeachmentClause violation for prosecution of a President for acts while President without impeachment or conviction;

5/ #5A violations for government withholding discovery, suborning perjury, denying continuance, judges intimidating witnesses & limiting closing arguments. Just the Constitutional top 5 problems.

Many more identified herein as well.

May 31, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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  1. This video of Robert Barnes was a very helpful exploration of the Constitutional issues involved. Trump’s rights under various Amendments were violated. There were so many rights violated that even legal scholars who traditionally vote Democrat said it was the worst miscarriage of justice they have witnessed in their careers.

    I do not know what kind of legal training Judge Merchan had, but apparently (according to Mr. Barnes) he is not actually very smart. If he were smart, he would have taken care to make the verdict appeal-proof. Instead he did just about everything in his power to make the case a slam dunk on appeal.

    This case might very well go down in history as the point at which Biden lost the election. If the American people are one thing, it is that they are FAIR minded. And fair minded people all over the country are outraged at the disgustingly political nature of this case.

    When I try to understand those who are rejoicing, all I can come up with are people who have no moral compass, people who believe that anything they do is justified if it destroys Trump politically. Another word for that is psychopath. These are people who don’t care about anyone but their own selfish goals, and they would be willing to sell their mothers to achieve them.

    Given that the psychopaths are running the country, we can expect more such outrages until they are deposed because they cannot help themselves. This is who they are: they love to torture and destroy good people and bring about chaos. Goodness is their enemy: they cannot stand anyone who is good.

    The Biden Administration has miscalculated very gravely: It seems that the more they try to “get Trump,” the more Americans see this administration as evil and untrustworthy. Each effort to get Trump makes Trump stronger and makes Biden and the democrats weaker.

  2. @peloni

    The entire persecutorial process which has been perverted for the exclusive purpose of delegitimizing President Trump in the eyes of the American electorate….

    That may be so, but I think the persecutorial (prosecutorial ?) process had three specific goals:

    First, by getting a conviction of any kind against Trump, the Left hopes to get Trump knocked off of the ballot wherever they can. This might work.

    Second, the many court cases against Trump, some of which we don’t hear much about, particularly the tax cases, are designed to drain his wealth and impoverish him.

    Third, the constant attacks on him are designed to wear him down physically and mentally. Yes, Trump is a “fighter”, but even fighters have their limits, and can become overwhelmed. I think the rallies have buoyed his spirits, but by how much?

    Trump has been our champion against the Left, but soon, he may become our martyr. I hope that the “torture” he has endured will be worth it.

    By the way, Trump’s challenges aren’t just a concern to Americans, it’s also a big deal for Israel. If the attacks on Trump are not ultimately defeated, and if he is not returned to office, then the dangers Israel faces will increase by an order of magnitude, under Biden 2.