Anti-Semitism is the West’s self-destruction

Hating Israel is really Western hate for its own self. An insidious campaign of political correctness and moral relativism has conquered our intellectuals, our media, our academia, our politics and our society. 

By Giulio Meotti, INN

Hate for Israel is the Western hate for itself.

What makes Israel’s treatment unique today is that every Israeli action is subjected to an unprecedented level of control in slow motion. But Israel’s story and the reasons for what occurs are overthrown by lies. Israel is a victim not only of Islamist terrorism but also of a fallacious and mendacious narrative now widely accepted as an incontrovertible truth.

Western culture, which is going to be radically secularized, looks with indifference, perplexity or hate at the Jews of Israel clinging to their identity, their land, their tradition.

Jews in Europe are also being abandoned. Toulouse, the Southern French city where Islamists massacred three Jewish children, is home to an anti-Semithic imam who preaches for Israel’s destruction in its mosques and nobody seems to care.

In many parts of the West, certainly in Western Europe, the Judeo-Christian values have been been eroded, manipulated, isolated and evaporated. Cultural betrayal flourishes everywhere. An insidious campaign of political correctness and moral relativism has conquered our intellectuals, our media, our academia, our politics and our society.

Israel has become a colonial, “settler” outpost in a Middle East that by birth and vocation must remain Arab-Islamic. That is why the same Europe that is becoming anti-Israel is not moved by the anti-Christian persecution in Syria, Iraq and Egypt. Christians too must leave the region, as if these Christians remind the West of part of its identity.

This is the origin of a frightening wave of anti-Jewish actions and feelings we witness not only in newspapers, in parliaments, in books, on television, but also on Europe’s streets. In Berlin, Jews are now under attack by Syrian migrants if they spot a kippah or Star of David. And the German public opinion is mute and silent in front of this anti-Semitic monster raising its head once again.

Western culture, identified with oppression and xenophobia and imperialism, is damned as racist. The only legitimate values are the universal post-Western ones. Israel has been turned, de facto, into an exclusivist, racist and supremacist entity.. “Elected people”, oppressing people, occupying people.

This is how Europe has become the epicenter of a new political war against Israel. Instead of considering the borders of Israel from Gaza to the Golan like those of the 500 million European citizens, Europe fights the Jewish State in its squares, in its corridors of power as at the United Nations. Only Australia and the US now vote against the anti-Israel resolutions. All the European states now vote in favour (like Belgium) or abstain (like Germany).

Progressive and liberal circles in the West are now conducting a campaign of instigation and homicide against Israel. “Crimes against humanity” and “intentional murder of children and civilians”: these are now the most anti-Semithic slogans. Israel has become the eternal culprit in Europe. The media only show without respite a repertoire of images of bombings and shootings from Gaza. Images of Israeli children crouching in a anti-aircraft shelter do not get an audience.

But the West cannot delude itself. It cannot save itself by sacrifying Israel. The global assault against Israel is in fact part of a broader attack on the moral and cultural tradition that made the West unique. For this reason, Israel is today the single most important issue that defines the moral and political landscape of our time.

Anti-Semitism is self-destruction.

July 13, 2018 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. @ Buzz of the Orient:

    Nah, Michael is really a sincere and nice guy, with some very good posts. (he’ll think I’m “patronising’ him, but I’m not) He just has an obsession with Christianity, and according to him, tried a variety of religions, nearly all, I think, of the Christian genre. He actually studies the New Testament daily or nightly, and could probably reel it off by memory alone.

    I often wondered about this religion obsessed guy, why he never tried Judaism, he knows a lot about it. He and i have had strong disputes, quotes on his part, and utter disbelief and “forthright” VERY outspoken expressions of fake and fraud on my part. So we agreed to keep it “clean”.

    But these little “declarations of faith” keep seeping out from time to time. He knows how I loathe them, but he can’t seem to help it.

    Actually the quote was very apt even though it’s origins are dubious..

  2. @ Michael S:

    Michael, i certainly agree that nobody really hates himself, perhaps after a vile deed, might hate the fact that he could do the action, but otherwise…the tendency is to love oneself more than anyone else. You brought this out very aptly. .

    However, I wish you wouldn’t quote the New Testament to me. I thought we had an understanding about that. You know that I don’t believe that “The Apostle Paul ” ever lived, and if he did, certainly was NO Pharisaic Jew, possibly a G-d Fearer.

    I had written a lot more but decided to be “nice” and deleted it………………!!!!

  3. Meotti is brilliant and also has a warm, human heart, which is so rare these days. His critique of European anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism is spot on.
    Anti-Semitism alway had and still has a self-destructive element. Germany in the Hitler era cursed and murdered the Jews. It ended the war with its people near starvation, its cities bombed into ruins, and six-to eight millions of its people, soldiers and civilians, killed. It lost 20 per cent of its territory, and had to feed 12 million or more refugees. Every country in the world that has ever persecuted the Jews reaped poverty and loss of national power. Look at Russia, Poland, Rumania, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Greece. All countries whose wealth and power declined greatly after they began persecuting their Jews.

  4. Hi, Edgar. You said,

    “Can someone explain to me the Freudian basis for this theory, now accepted all over as fact, with no explanation as to ho it came to be. American Jews are accused of :self-hate” although they often attend synagogues, either Reform or Conservative, have Jewish names, not changed to Smith or Jones, and bring their children up in Jewish surroundings…..not all, but many.”

    I suppose that’s in response to Meotti’s

    “Hating Israel is really Western hate for its own self.”

    I don’t know what Mr. Freaud had to say about these matters. The Apastle Paul said,

    “Ephesians 5:
    29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it…

    Paul, a Pharisaical Jew, seemed to be unaware of any “self-hate” among the Jews, or among anyone else; but I have to agree with you, that the term is often used nowadays, especially when referring to leftist Jews.

    Except for a few seriously mentally ill people, I don’t think anyone really hates himself. As I pointed out above, people DO hate GOD, because they know He has the power to change anything, yet He does not order the world to our personal liking. That’s a hatred that can lead to all sorts of trouble.

    Maybe Charles Krauthammer could have come up with an explanation.

  5. Meotti’s essays are often published by a site called The Gatestone Institute – a pro-Israel site. I am a member of a social news site called TheNewstalkers, and I have posted many articles from it, to derision and criticism by those members Meotti has described here, as being an Islamophobic site (and I am so described as well for posting them). On that site I formed a group called “Light Unto the Nations”, a private group which excludes anti-Semites and anti-Israel members, and is dedicated to positive stories, news and opinions about Israel, Judaism and the Jewish people world-wide. It does not have many members, as it exists in a community that includes many who are well described in the article Meotti has written here. It may differ somewhat from Israpundit as it allows that fair criticism of Israel is permitted. I am an adherent to The Ottawa Protocol (copied by the US Dept of State and the working papers of the EU) in its description of anti-Semitism and criticism of Israel, and I may differ from some members of this site as I have no love for radical fundamentalists of ANY disbelief or faith including my own. My group has little activity these days because in order to obtain some relief from the abuse I have been getting on that social news site recently I am on an extended Sabbatical.

  6. Meotti always writes well, to the point, pulling no punches. Does anybody know if these artiles are printed exactly as written here, in the Italian Press, also….? This would be important, becuase I believ he has a big readership.

    He is wrong on one point. It’s not just a cultural war against Israel by Europe, it’s also a religious war, using the Muslim barbarians as the new Nazis aided by the majority atheistic or agnostic former Christian populations right across the continent.

    Why does Meotti’s writing in Italy, presumably also reprinted in other outlets across Europe seem to have no effect. He lay’s it all out succinctly and truly, documented and proven facts……That is IF these articles are not especially for Israeli consumption only…..????

    I don’t quite understand the theory of “self-hate” especially Communal and Continent wide self hate..It seems to have slipped easily into the everyday accepted vocabulary, with little or no explainable reason.

    Can someone explain to me the Freudian basis for this theory, now accepted all over as fact, with no explanation as to ho it came to be. American Jews are accused of :self-hate” although they often attend synagogues, either Reform or Conservative, have Jewish names, not changed to Smith or Jones, and bring their children up in Jewish surroundings…..not all, but many.

    I hope the explanation is not of the “I hate my father”, or “I hate my mother” variety….

    So someone PLEASE explain. Thank you.!

  7. “Hating Israel is really Western hate for its own self.”

    This is correct. Hatred of Jews and of Israel, is a “religiously neutral” (Jews aren’t viewed as a religion by most of their detractors, but as a race) way of attacking the Bible — which, in turn, is the underpinning of Western society.

    Put another way, people are at war with God; but God cannot be attacked, so they attack His word and His people. This is the true root of “anti-Semitism”. Even Jews can participate, though they must become fools to do so.