The “End of Jewish History” is not as farfetched as Fukiyama’s predictions for the world. Nor is a repetition of the fate of the Ten Tribes.
By Giulio Meotti, INN
Everybody knows that it is either going to be “settlements” or a “Palestinian State”. Both cannot cohexist side by side.
The fate of Jewish life in Judea and Samaria is the most important single defining issue for the future of the Jewish people.
After Yasser Arafat convinced the Israelis that “delivering” Arabs to the Jews is something his people couldn’t tolerate, Israel has convinced herself that she can deliver many Jews to the Arabs.
This is the real meaning of John Kerry’s “security promises”.
Declaring partial sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, the alternative suggested by those Israelis who made a religion out of security, will not ease the tremendous pressure on the State of Israel and the Jews.
Partial sovereignty will lead to the point where the security situation will be even worse, and Israel might fatally decide to abandon every inch of the Biblical heartland.
However – exactly as there is no solution to the Old City of Jerusalem, where separation is impossible unless Israel relinquishes the Jewish Quarter and the Western Wall, the State of Israel in Judea and Samaria has now only two alternatives: annexing all the land (at least Area C where all the Israelis live) in the name of Jewish rights, or facing a new catastrophe, a new cataclysm, a new diaspora, a new cycle of exile, or at worst, a new Holocaust, whether violent or not.
Everybody knows that it is either going to be “settlements” or a “Palestinian State”. Both cannot co-exist side by side.
And a “Palestinian State” means the deportation of at least 100,000 Jews – or up to many times that number – and the annihilation of an entire Jewish civilization in Judea and Samaria.
And it might mean something even worse: it might mean the end of Jewish history. Why is that?
Two exiles, in 586 B.C. and in 70 A.D., created the conditions for a dispersion and isolation. Only a miracle made it possible for the Jewish people to survive under forced conversions and gas chambers. What if the third Jewish commonwealth, which is based in Tel Aviv, Naharya and Hevron, meets the fate of the first two? No people could survive it, again. Not even the Jews.
Yes, Jewish leftist coteries will continue to exist in New York and hareidi ghettos might be seen in Antwerp. But destroying Jewish life in Judea and Samaria and exposing the Jewish life on the coast to an inexorable calamity, means delivering the Jewish people in its entirety to the fate of the Ten Tribes.
They were Jews who melted away into history. Disappeared. Forever.
Muslims prefer the sword rather than the UN resolutions to determine boundaries. The 1947 boundaries have already been washed away by the blood of 6,500 Israelis who gave birth to the State of Israel with their lives.
Do we want the post-1967 boundaries to be washed away by blood of millions of Jews?
Because we all know that the only real goal of all Palestinian Arabs, both “moderate” and “radical”, is the Blue Line. That of the Mediterranean.
CuriousAmerican Said:
The seductive desire to substitute one’s own judgment for God’s Judgment lies at the root of the very first Sin. As the Torah relates: “And HaShem God commanded the Man [Adam], saying, ‘Of every tree of the Garden you may freely eat. But of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, you must not eat from it; for, on the Day that you eat from it, you shall surely die.’” (Gen. 2:16-17). God was warning Adam that human beings were barred from seeking to “‘… be like God, knowing Good and Evil.’” (Gen. 3:5) — meaning that a human being, including God’s Anointed One, the future Messiah, must never believe that he has the Transcendent Ability to declare that which is Good and that which is Evil. From the Dawn of Creation, that Holy Prerogative has been reserved by God for Himself, and for Himself alone. To reiterate: As the Prophet Isaiah, speaking in God’s Name, declares concerning God’s Morality: “For, My Thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not My Ways — the Word of HaShem. As high as the Heavens are above the Earth, so are My Ways high above your ways, and My Thoughts [high] above your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9).
LIVING IN ERETZ YISRAEL is a mitzvah de’oraita – a mitzvah commanded by the Torah itself. Not only that, but it carries equal weight to all the other mitzvot combined. In fact, it supersedes them in importance, because all of them are dependent upon it, since we are commanded to perform all the commandments there, in the Land of Israel. The Torah says, “When the Lord your God cuts off the nations whom you are approaching to inherit, you shall expel them and live in their land” (Deut. 12:29). This verse explicitly states the two mitzvot tied to Eretz Yisrael. The first is expelling the non-Jews. The Hebrew corresponding to, “whom you are approaching to inherit,” is rendered by Onkelos as, “Whom you are approaching to banish.” The second is “You shall live in their land.” It is a mitzvah to live in their land, in Eretz Yisrael.
Conquest and settlement are two sides of the same commandment! The centrality of the Land of Israel to Judaism is the primary national commandment to the Jewish people and is necessary for G-d’s redemptive plan for Israel and through Israel the gentile nations. Any non Jewish people living on the land is in opposition to G-d’s will and must be driven out or killed if they resist because resistance is not then to the Jews but G-d’s will, making the commandment a perpetual commandment not limited to time or the specificity of the gentile peoples occupying the Land of Israel in any time period. The Torah calls this an obligatory war “Milchemet Mitzvah” A Jew may perform most commandment dealing with personal ritual purity in the exile but not those National commandments relating to the Land the Temple, the priesthood, legal judgements, holidays, festivals and warfare comprising of about 2/3 of the 613 commandment required of observant Jews.
A Jew therefore cannot truly be a Jew if not living on the Land of Israel.
These are not the same people that the Tanach said exterminate. How can you justify application to the people of today?
That command was 3,500 years ago; and fixed in time.
I think you are doing bad exigesis.
You are not paying them for property. You are paying them to leave.
Bad suggestion.
Not a bad idea …. expel them to where? The surrounding countries won’t take them in.
Since many are multi-generational born in Judea and Samaria, that would not work.
They are not temporary.
Offer them a bit more. South America has a lower cost of living.
That would be interesting! Try it!
Only problem is: Israel would be compared to the Nazis who did that, and you would be furious over the comparison.
But Try it.
That is not a bad idea.
Why Bibi and the left don’t get it?
The left, it is understandable although unacceptable: Their reasoning is faulty. A repetition of “communism”! They did not learn anything.
But Bibi, that is a different story.
Mandela was not a hero for the Muslims or the West! The next two presidents dropped the ball shamefully.
@ CuriousAmerican:
A few options exist:
1. pay them for what they have legal title to show.
2. make them sear an oath of allegiance to Israel or be expelled.
3. Make them temporary residents with limited rights
4. Offer each family $50,000 and free plane tickets to the USA.
5. Put them on boats to Europe, Canada, South America and Australia and see if these countries let the boats sink like they did to Jews.
I agree with annexation; but please tell me what you are going to do with the Palestinians once you annex.
Pay them to leave.
@ Shy Guy:
Like you said on the Shiloh’s Musings thread: Stupid Jews.
Israel would be better off with the wise men of Chelm in place of the political cowards and chocolate soldiers who take the easy way out every time Israel is tested by the Arabs.
@ yamit82:
I can’t say I disagree with you. But in the Middle East, not avenging the spilling of blood is considered a sign of weakness. That’s how blood feuds begin among the Arabs and never end.
Then of course Jews have no honor to worry about – and his family needs to understand Israel has to lay low for its own good!
After all, what will Brussels and Washington say?
yamit82 Said:
If only.
@ NormanF:
Except for the family of dead soldier nobody is wringing hands here. The alternative is possible escalation and more pressure from EU and Obama, so our wise men of Chelm gnash their teeth and take it. Israel has become has become the classic deer in the headlights syndrome. Conflict avoidance is what motivates them and to do nothing that will harm the economy, piss off our main trading partners and our moneyed oligarchs that pay our politicians.
America and Europe are the models of nations whose primary aims is protecting and enhancing wealth accumulation and existing assets. Poor countries can afford conflicts more than wealthy established ones; they have nothing to lose. Israel in the 50’s 60’s and 70’s was one of those poor countries….Prosperity mitigates inclinations to war and conflict. Benny Gantz is an American sycophant he was pushed into the job by Washington after being passed over and sent out to dry as the American military attache in the Embassy in Washington….All those cocktail parties and schmoozing with the American brass for most Israelis is overwhelming and they will toe the American line once placed in power.
We have corrupted cowards as political leaders and chocolate soldiers running the IDF… that’s a toxic combo .
@ yamit82:
Israel wrings its hands over Lebanese Arabs killing an Israeli soldier.
Arabs do not wring their hands over killing Jews.
Israel is craven about its right to defend itself from Arab aggression.
XLucid Said:
“The Gibeonites had to pretend that they were from far lands in order to make peace with Joshua. When the Jews realized that they had been fooled, Joshua pressed the Gibeonites into servitude.
Nevertheless, Joshua 11:19-20 states that no town sought peace with the Jews because G-d hardened their hearts. The case of the Gibeonites supports the general principle that Jews must not leave any natives in the land they conquer. Presumably, the natives belonged to the six or seven tribes specifically proscribed, but in any case none of the previous inhabitants could remain in the land. The peace, therefore, could only be one of exile: the natives could leave our land peacefully or be killed. G-d, however, did not want the peaceful option. He hardened their hearts so that the Jews would exterminate them.
How do we know that the natives must have sought peace before the start of hostilities? In Joshua 13:13, and elsewhere, it says that several native clans remained in the land. The Jews, did not drive them out. No entertainment of the possibility of peace with them because by that time the option of peace has already closed, since the Jews had started their conquest. The option to expel rather than exterminate exists only for towns beyond the Land of Israel proper. We can expel natives in expansionist wars, but must exterminate them inside our own borders, says the Tanach”.
The only thing standing in their way is G-d.
We shall never have peace with the sons of Ishmael.
“ Everybody knows that it is either going to be “settlements” or a “Palestinian State”. Both cannot coexist side by side.”
It is reminiscent of the legacy left to us by Sarah, our Matriarch: “Cast out this bondwoman and her son; for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, with Isaac.”
Sarah knew how to deal and to remedy the problem at its root once and for all, and said remedy got G-d’s full and complete approval.
“And Abraham arose up early in the morning, and took bread and a bottle of water, and gave it unto Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away ”
Just a bread and a bottle of water: No Judea and Samaria. No compensation. No bowing to US or European Union.
Not only sharing the Land was out of question, but even the presence of the mother and the son in the Land was not an option.
Abraham and Sarah resolved the problem at its root 4000 years ago: EXPULSION was the solution.
But the Israeli leaders consider themselves “smarter” and they elected to rewrite the Jewish History.