Many years ago, a phrase was coined by the leaders of the Soviet Union to describe those in the West who naively promoted the cause of Russian Communism when in reality they were held in contempt and were being cynically used by the Soviet hierarchy. The term “useful idiot” more than ever applies to a vast swath of citizens in the United States who have been cynically used by the hardcore left for a cause they are unwilling to understand.
Among the mysteries confronting those of us who have immigrated to the United States from countries that have experienced the devastating outcome of socialist/Marxist ideology is why seemingly successful and educated people could be so easily swayed to support those whose end-game is to transform the country into a socialist “utopia” and to control the day-to-day lives of all Americans. Among these “useful idiots” are a seeming majority of the Jewish population as well as many in business, and nearly all in entertainment and the media.
The answer appears to be that despite the hardcore left accounting for less than 20% of the population, their influence extends far beyond thanks to the apparent inability of their peripheral supporters to use any modicum of reasoning — as the left in the United States has been able to identify and manipulate those susceptible to emotional arguments.
Traditionally, the age-old Marxist strategy of fomenting class warfare and demonizing capitalism has been an effective tactic with those in the lower-income and education strata, who can be easily swayed to blame others for their perceived misfortune. However, in a nation, such as the United States, which has experienced great peace and prosperity for nearly seven decades and whose population is overwhelmingly middle-class, this argument alone cannot sway a sufficient number to support the ascension of those dedicated to socialist/Marxist ideology.
Therefore, while still using the class-warfare dialog to keep the lower classes stirred up, the left has, beginning in the 1930s but accelerating in the 1960s, combined class warfare with the promotion of guilt for one’s success and falsely portraying their ideological enemies as being intolerant extremists whose single-minded determination is to limit and control everyone’s lifestyle, and who are at their core virulent racists. Yet leftists are just what they accuse their opponents of being.
The tactic of fomenting guilt for one’s success is a codicil to overt class warfare. The argument begins with the benign assertion that in a nation this wealthy, surely everyone can be guaranteed a minimal level of support at the taxpayers’ expense. Particularly wealthy taxpayers should be willing to part with a “fair share” of their income (as defined by the left) in order to assuage their guilt for living in a country that “facilitated” their becoming rich. Not desiring to be branded as insensitive or evil, many simply acquiesced to this not-so-subtle extortion. Further, in an attempt to buy peace, many contributed vast sums of money to the Democratic Party — now dominated by the far left.
The management of many large corporations as well as numerous successful business owners, entrepreneurs, and inheritors of wealth refused to understand that as in all protection rackets, there is never an end to the demand for payment. Additionally, these dupes were funding a political party whose end-game was to destroy the system that made them successful in the first place. All the while the money being siphoned out of the economy by the government in order to establish a so-called “safety net” was being used to create an ever-expanding dependent class who would vote to keep the left in power.
The Obama administration represents the culmination of this process, as leftists have, through an avalanche of mandates, regulations, and laws, begun weaving a suffocating web around the American free market, as they assume complete control of the economy. Firmly in their clutches will be those who fall into the ever-changing definition of rich and successful.
In the 1960s, America experienced a social revolution against historical and societal norms. An era of peace and prosperity unprecedented in the history of mankind was underway, allowing a new generation to focus on hedonistic pursuits, self-aggrandizement, and a search for so-called “meaning” in their lives. Traditions, based on the religious foundation of the country and the societal mores that sprang from them, came to be viewed as standing in the way of allowing the population to experience absolute freedom.
Coupled with the Johnson administration’s mishandling of the Vietnam War, a broad movement began. The true believers of the left promptly injected themselves into this landscape, proclaiming to the gullible that not only was the United States waging an unjust war, but the U.S. was by its nature a repressive country. The siren song of a society wherein all are treated fairly and there are no absolutes found eager ears.
In short order, the left began to portray their political adversaries as intolerant religious zealots whose primary objective was to deny personal freedom and cast a beady eye toward whatever was happening in the bedroom. An unfettered lifestyle as well as being part of the in-crowd is of paramount importance to not only the vast majority of those in the entertainment and media arena, but also many in the general population. They were willing cast aside any disbelief and wholeheartedly swallow the premise that only the political left or the “progressives” could protect them from this narrow-minded right-wing horde.
This attitude was further entrenched when many conservatives and the religious community began to organize and rightly object to abortion on demand and the concomitant coarsening of the culture. The left now had a virtual stranglehold on the self-centered, whose personal pleasure and egocentrism were the primary driving forces in their lives. They were now completely in the thrall of the left, but what has this blind loyalty wrought?
A cursory examination of those nations that fell under the control of socialist/Marxist ideology reveals that among the first actions the new regimes institute is to put in place laws to greatly limit personal freedom as a prerequisite in subjugating the populace.
The passage of ObamaCare is not a health care plan; rather, it is a blueprint to allow the government to control the day-to-day lives of all Americans, and under the guise of budgetary expediency, the bureaucrats in Washington can and eventually will declare any behavior they choose unacceptable. Meanwhile, Barack Obama and his administration have been busily issuing edicts and regulations aimed at telling the American people what food they can eat, what medicines they can take, what cars they can drive, what houses they can live in, and in due course what they can do in their bedrooms.
One of the most consistent supporters of the Democratic Party is the Jewish population, as the Party has been portrayed over many decades as the defender of the downtrodden and in recent years a bulwark against the supposed racist fanatics on the right. However, this is a party now dominated and controlled by hardcore leftists, many of whom are virulently anti-Semitic and opposed to the state of Israel. A hallmark of all socialist/Marxist regimes is discrimination against and persecution of minorities, in particular the Jews.
That history coupled with the policies of the Obama administration in the Middle East, the Democrats’ class-warfare tactics, the past and present associates of the president, and the anti-Semitic rhetoric of many on the left should alarm the American Jewish citizenry and cause them to cast a wary eye toward the party they have blindly supported over many decades. Unfortunately, the desire to believe that the worst could never happen seems to have permeated the psyche of a people whose history should serve as a cautionary tale as they continue to vote for and financially support a party that views them with disdain.
Barack Obama would not be occupying the Oval Office if it were not for the people over the past sixty years who have blindly supported those who have lied to them. The overriding stratagem of socialism/Marxism is “the ends justify the means” — thus, no lie is too big to tell, no promise too outrageous to promote, and no tactic out of bounds. The overall strategy of the Obama re-election team confirms this mindset as it conducts a demagogic campaign based solely on emotional appeals to that part of the population its operatives consider “useful idiots.”
Those who thoughtlessly supported the left in America over the years are beginning to reap what they have sown. Unfortunately so is the rest of the population.
@ Catarin:
Shut up and sing!
@ Catarin:
I didn’t know using a teleprompter was a sin.
No but in Obama case based on his unscripted speeches and interviews he comes across as mostly incoherent,not versed in facts of what he is trying to discuss and stammers after every second word.
53 seconds that should end a presidency
Thanks, I like it. 😛
Max, did you mistype your last name?
Do you really need to see the transcripts of a person who was admitted to Harvard and headed the Law Review?
I didn’t know using a teleprompter was a sin. David Letterman uses prompters. So who cares?
@ Catarin:
Evidence? Obama without teleprompter –
Obama’s secret college records – the reason:
Not so, hotpepper breath.
You said our dime. If you live in the U.S. you better get down on your knees and pray he is reelected because the Republicans will create a bigger disaster than Bush. You act as though he cut off Israel’s foreign aid. Now THAT would prove he was anti-Semitic.
@ Catarin:
Smarts??? Let’s see his real college transcripts first. As President he has not demonstrated smarts but dumbness and obtuseness. He does know how to party, fund-raise and play golf, all on our dime. I think he has an aversion to work and any thoughts requiring an active brain or any brain for that matter. He makes Bidden look smart.
Obama is not a far left politician. He is firmly middle class and the result of the opportunities America offers to any one of its citizens. Of course, Obama’s success is also due to his smarts, intelligence and education, while, let’s face it, most people don’t have the smarts and intelligence. Also, anyone running for high office has to have a tremendous amount of energy and endurance, which knocks out a huge number of people. Some people have the package necessary, but most people don’t.
I don’t see an extreme left in America. It’s the extreme religious right who are causing upheaval. Maybe you heard about the brouhaha this past week over women’s rights and abortion. Some of these righters are just plain ignorant and stupid, stupid, stupid. I fear they may start a civil war because they are so stupid.
@ Bill Narvey:
First of all I m against Rabbis from voicing any political opinion as rabbis.
I see little difference between Republicans and Democrats except nuances and particular American ethnic and economic pandering. Both are populous parties, both do not adhere to stated platforms after elections both perceived at best dysfunctional, corrupt and alienated from the common folk. Both have pursued almost identical foreign and domestic policies both are adversarial parties trying to capture the votes of uncommitted 10-20% in all national elections. If the democrats and republicans can claim today that 90% of registered voters who intend to vote are solid with both democratic and republican parties then this elections as have most past modern elections been about getting those 10% to vote their direction. Therefore one can say that 90% of the American electorate who intend to vote are all partisan useful idiots to their pre determined party, almost nothing will move the mass of them to the other side.
It was the republicans who mostly created the current economic crisis with a lot of democratic help but the main culprit was deregulation, unpaid for wars without necessary revenue and domestic excessive spending spending like education and drugs ,along with big tax cuts that put America in a situation that is untenable.
Bush inherited a 2 trillion surplus and left with a 5 trillion debt, that adds up to over 7 trillion in 8 years. Obama made situation worse but it’s trite just to say he inherited a bad situation, he did and it was 8 years of irresponsible Republicans who instituted exactly those policies that they advocate today as a cure. Lower taxes and deregulation and (now austerity).
Austerity will-make the situation exponentially worse than what is today, increasing the deficits and national debt will eventually lead to a financial collapse of America, the dollar and high inflation with overall negative growth. Most of the banks will fail and expect some sort of bank holiday and currency regulations with very restricted credit policies. In short the final nail in the middle class coffin.
Stupid and wasteful wars ( neo-cons pets) for what? I will give you a hint before 9/11 oil was less than $$$20.00bbbl and after 9/11 oil has not looked back. Who profited who lost? at $$15 bbl… Big 0il was going chapter 11. Contracts of tens of billions $$$ without tender and oversight awarded to FOB (Friends of Bush) like Halliburton and many many others.
No policy and restrictive individual rights laws in America approach what the Patriot Act has become and the latest National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 a mostly Republican Law, happily signed by Obama giving him dictatorial powers. (so much for Republican conservatives in congress!! It was the radical left who got some of the provisions knocked out by having the courts declaring those provisions unconstitutional. It’s still pretty bad after the courts rulings.
How Romney made is maoney and how much is relevant. How much if any taxes he paid is relevant because the American people who have no lobby and will be asked to cover the asses of the Wall st Crooks and Banks have a right to know that the rich who mostly benefited from the deregulations and lack of strict oversight of Banks and markets didn’t. Nobody’s heads have rolled but the American people especially the middle class will be asked to pay for the manipulations fo the money junkies and crooks.
Ryan voted along the Bush party lines for every bailout including TARP and increasing each time debt ceiling. Lets not be taken in by media hype of the right or left they all have a pig in the contest.
Ever hear a financial analyst or pundit on TV tell their audiences to get out of the equity markets and put their money under their mattresses or in safety of Gold?
All Useful Idiots
The political game like the markets is fixed and it does not matter who wins or loses, they have all been bought by the crooks on wall st, the too big to fail banks and corporations. In other parlance it’s called fascism.
Yamit, which Rabbis are useful idiots for the conservative-right and Republicans? If you don’t have names, please describe that class of Rabbis you are speaking of.
Incidentally, McCann’s analysis of the left is fair. I expect however, that any leftist reading it and only a few would have the guts to do so, likely would be incensed and mouth a bunch of deleltive expletives McCann’s way.
There are many useful idiots on both sides of the American political divide.
As presidential race heats up, Obama touts rabbinical support
Hundreds of Jewish clergy have signed on to support re-election bid, more than double the number at this stage of 2008 campaign