Americans in Israel Sue Clinton for US Funding of Arab Terror

By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, INN

Two dozen Americans in Israel are suing U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for negligence in allowing the United States to fund the Palestinian Authority, which used money for terror.

The suit was filed in a federal U.S. court in Washington by the Israel Law Center (Shurat HaDin), which has revolutionized the war against terror through “lawfare,” winning colossal lawsuits against terrorist organizations and banks that handle their funds.

The Federal suit alleges that the U.S. State Department violated the Anti-Terrorism Act, and abandoned Congressional safeguards, transparency and reporting requirements.

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Clinton allegedly ignored congressional safeguards and transparency requirements attached to American aid to the Palestinian Authority, the Law Center stated.

The plaintiffs also claim that the White House has not been complying with the regulations and reporting obligations governing presidential waivers which facilitate emergency funding to the PA.

The United States Department of State, under the Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act, is prohibited from providing “material support” to proscribed terrorist groups.

It is estimated that since the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993, the United States State Department, via USAID, has given over $4 billion to PA Arabs, with portions of that funding illegally landing in the hands of terrorists. During the last four fiscal years, average aid has been roughly $600 million per year.

Additionally, the United States gives approximately $200 million to the United Nations body UNRWA each year, and during the fiscal years 2008 and 2009, UNRWA gave roughly $500 million of their funding to recipients in the West Bank and Gaza.

Under the Anti-Terrorism Act, the State Department is required to certify that the Palestinian government is committed to a peace co-existence with Israel before distributing funds, and ensure that no part of funding is used for Palestinian terrorism.

“As a result of this non-compliance, US funds have been flowing to terror groups like Hamas, the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine\ (PFLP) and the Palestine Liberation Front,” the Israel Law center wrote.

The Americans in Israel filed the lawsuit, relying on the basis that they are among those that Congress sought to protect through the safeguards and regulations that the White House, State Department and USAID are disregarding.

USAID distributes funds for programs in the Palestinian Authority and the United Nations Refugee Worker’s Administration (UNRWA) in Gaza. Arutz Sheva previously disclosed evidence (here and here) that many of the programs are used to incite terror.

The suit asks the federal court to review the conduct of the State Department and the safeguards on funds, with an order to suspend future U.S. aid to the PA and UNRWA until the Obama administration complies with Congressionally legislated regulations.

Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, the director of Israel Law Center, stressed that “once handed over, US funding of the PA and UNRWA is difficult to trace and the State Department has been lax in requiring the Palestinians to utilize bank accounts and other transfer methods that ensure transparency.”

The founder of the Israeli counter-terror group added that “elements of the US Government, particularly the State Department and USAID, are breaking the law and must cease all funding of the PA immediately. US aid to the Palestinians is killing innocent people.”

New York attorney Norman Steiner, who also is representing the plaintiffs, added, “The American people are opposed to terror and do not want to fund it via their taxes. The ongoing non-compliance of the White House and State Department with Congressionally mandated protections cannot be allowed to continue.”

November 27, 2012 | 29 Comments »

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29 Comments / 29 Comments

  1. Not disappointed – figured that. Was just telling you more about RJC and what we folks are like. Pam is fantastic. Hope you join. Would love to meet you in 3D

  2. @Honey Bee,
    Darlin. ROFL! Reminds me of the more acerbic Southern “Bless his heart”. If you Google Republican Jewish Coalition, you will find the website. We also have and welcome non Jews as members. I think there are chapters in Texas. We have a growing one here in the Philly area. Spring leadership meetings in Vegas and Fall meetings in DC. Annual mission to Israel. I am admirer of Hagees CUFI, Sarah Stern’s EMET fighting radical Islam in DC and educating legislators and ZOA. In Philly, ZOA holds Friday pro Israeli rallies on Philly streets. Are we winning? No. But we are making steps and not going “shhh” into that good night.

  3. @ Lynne Lechter

    Darlin, were Texans here,poor cousin is tongue in cheek, meaning neglected amd overlooked. I don’t do twitter. Iam stuck somewhere in 1800drs with a cowboy. Ever watch Lonesome Dove or No courtry for Old Men.

  4. yamit82 Said:

    @ Honey Bee:
    Honey Bee Said:
    Looking for onions at the market,latka time is nearing.
    How do you make yours?

    2 1/2lbs of grated potatos [try frozen hash browns thawed] 1 large onion finely chopped. 2 eggs, one egg yoke, 1/3C flour, salt, pepper [opt green chili] 1/4C chicken fat and fat for frying
    Mix flour, eggs,salt and pepper chili? add thawed potatos and coat with egg mixture. fry in HOT fat including chicken fat.
    Serve with sour cream home made apple sauce and or green chill sauce

  5. @Honey Bee
    Thanks. I don’t agree, however, that Israeli Jews are poor cousins. They are leading the way and are the light for Jews globally. Their bravery is stunning. Imagine being surrounded by a billion people screaming for your annihilation. And not being able to afford to make a single mistake. Being the most humane place in the neighborhood and mislabeled the aggressor and worse. The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) is on Facebook and Twitter. On Facebook I think we use the whole name. On Twitter it is @RJCHQ We have a website as well. While many of our candidates lost, we did increase the Jewish vote for Rs from 20 to 30% Our RJC membership has grown from a few thousand to over 30K and growing. We are not giving up or going away. BTW, the lawsuit should join the UN.

  6. BTW, I would imagine the US and Israel have a Treaty on Foreign Judgments do collecting an award should the litigants prevail should not be at issue.

  7. Bravo to to filers of the law suit. While the vast majority of American Jews are liberal and voted for Obama (70%), that is almost the same percent that have never been to Israel. That lack is our biggest priblem – they have no understanding of Israeli law and history because they are brainwashed by the liberal educational and media establishment. However, there are many Anerican Jews who stand up for Israel and Judaism ( even many who voted for Obama). I am a proud member of the Republican Jewish Coalition – we support candidates who support a muscular Israel. We are against the charade of the UN funds and the special fund for “Palestinians”. We blog about radical Islam and Sharia creep. If Israel is an ” illegal” state for having nuclear then so is the US. And why should the US give funds to Morsi or the Muslim Brotherhood? They are terrorists. Having nuclear arms does not make a nation a terrorist country. Behavior does.

  8. Israel is a SOVEREIGN nation and has the right to defend herself. Israel should use more drones over Gaza. The drones could send locations of Hezbollah terrorist that are firing rockets to overhead jets that could immediately take them out permanently. If Israel security knew of the existing tunnels in Gaza, why did Israel permit the tunnels to remain in operation. It’s kind of late to be bombing tunnels after terriorist hauled hundreds of missles into Gaza.

  9. From :

    The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 was amended by the Symington Amendment (Section 669 of the FAA) in 1976. It banned U.S. economic, and military assistance, and export credits to countries that deliver or receive, acquire or transfer nuclear enrichment technology when they do not comply with IAEA regulations and inspections. This provision, as amended, is now contained in Section 101 of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA).

    The Glenn Amendment (Section 670) was later adopted in 1977, and provided the same sanctions against countries that acquire or transfer nuclear reprocessing technology or explode or transfer a nuclear device. This provision, as amended, is now contained in Section 102 of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA).

    It is ILLEGAL for the US to give aid to Israel. Israel posses nuclear weapons/technology. Israel is NOT a signatory to the NPT. Israel has never allowed inspections by the IAEA.

  10. yamit82 Said:

    @ Bernard Ross:
    Have any of the winners of these lawsuits collected a cent?

    Honey Bee Said:

    @ Bernard Ross</a
    If a court judgement cannot be enfored what is the purpose of a lawsuit. Great weather for Flea Market this weekend.

    Great mind follow the same track. Well, I guess a moral victory is better the none.Looking for onions at the market,latka time is nearing.

  11. @ Honey Bee: I never said it could not be enforced, I think some have. Perhaps you can check the various suits and see their outcomes. I know that there are huge cases with big law firms going after the Iranian money held by the US and I believe some have got it.. Some cses dont involve money such as mandamus and estoppel, but have to do with preventing a party from action or compelling the govt to action. One can always do nothing and let the other side win their lawsuits or one can use every weapon in their arsenal. It seems strange for Jews to not believe in the “Jewish Lawyer”.

  12. For me, the only thing I go by is what G-d has said !! No matter who the enemies , say like the Clintions and all who follow the deviding the Land called by HIS NAME. He will soon bring all nations against Israel and HE will destroy all of them. The Jews who do not suport Israel that call themselves Jews but are not..G-d said that…Things are coming to the end. Tho war is coming, Israel win because after the psalms 83 war when all nations come against HER , HE will be waiting to destroy all of them.. and we will then live in PEACE forever.

  13. Honey Bee Said:

    A lawsuit“full of sound and fury signifying nothing”

    And yet the GOI is worried about palestinian lawsuits at the ICC if they win their application. Why hasnt Israel been suing the terrorists in foreign courts or even in Israel? Maybe becuae they themselves are guilty. Most of the pressure on Israel is related to the citing of international law. Apparently the pals know enough to utilize this weapon. Maybe the Jews aren’t as smart as we think. You kind of have to wonder why Israel does not support the legal rights of jews to settle the west bank which is enshrined in San Remo, LON and UN Charter 80. If they dont make the arguments who will? Perhaps they dont believe in their own case or they are so busy second guessing outcomes they never get to anything..

  14. @ Bernard Ross:

    What about Israeli Jews?

    Israeli Jews need to feel they are not alone and isolated in the world. They mistakenly equate their own legitimacy with the nations acceptance of Israel. Jews have always since the exile sought to latch onto and seek protection from the dominant Power of the time.

    Historically when Jews had sovereignty; in total less than 500 years, she screwed herself by seeking alliances with Egypt, Assyria, Persia and Rome.

    Each case proved disastrous for the Jews. Even when Jews became vassal states of those empires they remained Jews in every sense of the word and only revolted seriously when Judaism was threatened. Like the Hasmonian Revolt and the many revolts against Rome.

    Can you see your American Jews revolting to defend Judaism or even themselves? When Israel lost the critical need for Jewish diaspora money we lost mostly the need for Jews not in Israel. Most American Jews have never been to Israel, most give more to non Jewish charities and causes than Jewish ones most are totally ignorant of Jewish history or Judaism ans as a collective they are becoming irrelevant to us and themselves as they will have in 2 more generations assimilated themselves out of existence as Jews.

    Israel (The Jewish people was meant to live alone in an environment of cultural isolation)

    “From the rocky peaks I see them, from the heights I view them. I see a people who live apart and and will not be reckoned among the nations.” numbers 23:9
    “Deuteronomy 33:28 So Israel will live in safety alone;”…

    Jeremiah 49:31 “Arise and attack a nation at ease, which lives in confidence,” declares the LORD, “a nation that has neither gates nor bars; its people live alone.”

  15. yamit82 Said:

    Wasn’t referring to this one but past judgements awarded to victims of Arab terror.

    Don’t know, I think some have been awarded money but depending on the defendant(Iran?) collection is another problem, but there is money of Iran’s frozen in the US. Do you know about those cases attributed to fatah/PA? I think this case is a first of its kind, being against a western govt. Nothing ventured nothing gained.

  16. @ Bernard Ross:

    Wishful thinking about Jews. They don’t care or listen to any narrative that does not advance the narrative that they have adopted and accepted. American Jews need to believe they are accepted and equal to the gentiles. Their overwhelming attachment to Obama is clear evidence to the fact.

    How Did Liberalism Become Judaism?

    By Steven Plaut

  17. @ Bernard Ross:

    I think it woud bring attention to the issue where other actions have not. Firstly, Jews would be interested and they can learn some facts.

    Let’s hope so–there is so much ignorance among American Jews of what is actually happening in Israel!

  18. @ yamit82: It was just filed. One of the good things is the PR which might make Jews think more carefully about how institutions and govts facilitate the murder of Jews. We are already reading about it and it hasn’t started. My view, as I have stated before, is that a class action suit should be filed wrt jewish settlement rights on YS, the illegal obstruction of those rights, and the failure to “encourage” those rights as mandated in international agreements. this suit could be filed in Israel, US, UK etc and against the UN. I think it woud bring attention to the issue where other actions have not. Firstly, Jews would be interested and they can learn some facts.

  19. This is great! Israel needs to take lawfare globally rather than always being afraid it might lose. The Jewish settlement rights issue can be taken as a class action suit on behalf of global jews whereby any indivudal jew has the right to settle west of the jordan river according to san remo, LON mandate and UN charter 80. GOI can be sued to cease obstructing and to encourage settlement, same for US, UK,UN and any signatory to the agreements. Terrorism charges can be brought against the PA, fatah, PLO, hamas, hezbulah,…Kudos to Shurat HaDin but not much can be said positively inthis regard for any govt of Israel and Israeli political leadership.