American Jews want Judea and Samaria, Judenrein. Why?

The 4 Minute speech that will change your entire perspective on peace in the Middle East


Not only are a large majority of American Jews in favour of preventing Jews from building in Judea and Samaria, they support Obama’s willingness to expel Jews from the contemplated Palestinian state.

The whole issue of “Settlements” in Judea and Samaria is not about demography or peace. It’s about civil rights. Anyone who tells you otherwise, is simply distorting the facts. What are the liberal values that are being advanced by another Jew-free Arab Muslim country?

January 24, 2016 | 20 Comments »

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20 Comments / 20 Comments

  1. @ Bear Klein:
    Interesting, Bear. Whether she was in The IDF or not, if she objected to Oslo, which many IDF personnel did,and risked court martial, okay Glick could have been assigned to different duties,so she must have supported the initiative ie they would not have wanted her in there either. We all make mistakes and yes she realized the policy error in Oslo, to her credit and became an effective detractor of note…iT JUST MAKES ME WONDER ABOUT HER SUPPORT FOR A PLAN THAT WOULD GRANT ISRAELI CITIZENSHIP TO THE ARAB RESIDENTS OF JUDEA AND SAMARIA in light of developments after the publishing of the book, which I believe is obsolete and needs to be revised, under the circumstances existing today, that is my point, where is her revision? I agree with the video, only object to the generalization about The American Jewish Community, which has been stated in the past by Glick, as I noted and there were earlier mentions of this by her and I objected to them then, think it makes her look bad by generalizing that way, she was hired by The Freeman Center, obviously she has lots of support here why nuke her supporters, throw the baby out with the dirty bath water so to speak. The generalization was endorsed and expanded to the Judea and Samaria issue, by Ted. It was Ted’s comment that I am objecting to and he understands that, I am sure.
    I TOO am very disappointed in the community’s support for Obama and all he representsd, as you must know if you actually read my posts here. I have spent hours and hours with family memebers, friends and the like to convice them to see Obama for what he is.I just do not believe the generalizations serve Israel’s interests. Israel should not be influenced by any of the manipulations by outsiders and should proterct it’s vital interests in J or Samaria or let it become a second jewish State.

  2. Would anyone be interested in Canned Bear….me Guess you do not get it Bear, it was a misunderstanding, Ted made comments about The Jewish Community in print and he coupled it to snipet of an old Glick video, which does not raise the same topic. Obviously I saw the video, if you read my comments. Originally I only watched a portion of it before I wrote the first comment and then went back to view the entire clip before comment two. Yes, I made aliyah, Bear….

  3. Glick defends Jewish Civil Rights to build on land they own. She fights against the ethnic cleansing of Jews. This is what is in the video those who attack her did not see the video perhaps or just want to attack her?

  4. Glick’s role in the OSLO negotiations my understanding is was part of her military duty as a Captain in the Judge Advocate’s office. This was not advocacy from a journalistic or political endeavors. The politicians of the country entered into this agreement.

    She has spent nearly 20 years now as a journalist supporting Israel with staunch right wing views. I actually find some people have quite some Hutzpah in blasting her. Those who blast her should look in the mirror. Then ask did I make aliyah? Did I join the IDF? Did I spend my career supporting Israel for the last 25 years? What do I do constructively to support the Jews of the world and Israel? What makes me a positive Zionist?

  5. I applaud the video by Glick sorry wollything. Many good American Jews have moved to Israel and are strong Zionists. In the USA there are certainly strong supporters of Israel.

    What is disappointing is that many voted twice (70%) for Obama because they are more liberal democrats than pro Israel.

    I have a couple of friends who did this. One even has lived in Israel and is pro Israel in the way Herzog is pro Israel hoping to find a two state solution, desperate for peace. They were very disappointed in how Obama treated Israel but they hate Republicans and identify the Democrats as the good guys.

  6. Ted, thank you for clarifying it was you who wrote the comments about The American Jewish Community and not Caroline Glick. Given Glick’s recent remarks accusing The American Jewish Community of “betrayal” because AIPAC extended an invitation to Senator Coons and the coupling of your comments with The Glick video, made it seem as though Glick was expanding her betrayal of Israel remark to other issues in addition to the AIPAC swipe. Both accusations, yours and hers, are not supported and obviously meant to be offensive. Why carpet bomb the entire Jewish Community in America when you have the same people in Israel and elsewhere. Why burn your bridges with your natural allies? As I stated, there are serious questions surrounding these so called “Jewish organizations” and whom they represent, because Gentiles are welcome members in Reform and even Some Conservative temples and shuls. Let me put it this way, 100 Syrian migrant would be more welcome for membership in a reformed temple than anyone who posts here. So what value are the surveys unless they correct for the infinite anomalies. Also in The U.S. There is a huge unaffiliated group of Jews who are disgusted with American Jewish institutions. I do not believe the surveys and polls regarding these polemics. They may be very misleading.
    The American Jewish Community is not unlike any other Jewish Community on earth, including the most important one, in Israel. In every Jewish Community bar none, so far as I know they have their leftists who buy the arguments put forth by the so called “peace camp” or at least they did, because things are changing now. Just as Herzog recognizes that the TTS is dead, so too do individuals who may have supported the TTS in the past. Along with this sea change in opinion in The Community is a different take on Jewish Communities in Judea and Samaria.
    Then there are the rock solid supporters of Israel, like myself who NEVER EVER bought this line including Oslo, which was a huge blunder. When you generalize the way you did, you are blaming the victims, The Jews in America who have had the guts to not go along to get along, many get beaten up and threatened every day on US college campuses and I just cannot respect this kind of unfair characterization and misrepresentation.

  7. I am a simple THINKING man. If American Jews had any significant interest in Israel, there would be no poverty of the level seen in the country. I believe that most American Have NEVER put a foot in Israel and that should say everything about Am Jews knowledge of Israel problems. All the IL IPOs do not benefit Israel but the US and Am Jews do not seem to care! How much more evidence do I need to present here? The Reform movement wants to “transform Israel” just like Obama wants to Islamo-socialize the US with the assistance of Liberal Jews. They are working on the next holocaust diligently.
    In another blog a question was discussed with a negative outcome. Why Jews have no future in the EU (and perhaps in the US)? Very simple: why do Jews need a future in a FOREIGN country when they have their own country. That should not disqualify Jews for migrating wherever they wish. Just like the Italians!

  8. @ woolymammoth:
    @ Vinnie:
    @ Bear Klein:
    I agreed with every thing Glick said. Thank you Bear for giving us the background of this incredible individual. Woolymammoth, you are over the top with you attacks on her even if she supported OSlo. She certainly has come around and redeemed herself if redemption was necessary.

    Those of us who follow events closely, like Bear and Vinnie, know that everything she said was true. We didn’t need her to prove it.

    As for the paragraphs, I wrote them. It didn’t occur t me to say so though I am shown as the one who did the post.

    Glick did not accuse American Jews of anything. I did. I wrote the title to the post. That was my message and I didn’t say most Jews.

    Obama supports the creation of Palestine, along the ’67 lines with the division of Jerusalem and over 70% of American Jews support Obama. For that matter they also support Hillary who was complicit and would not be better.

    In the final throes of the negotiations Kerry was hopeful of getting a deal which required about 25% of the 800,000 Jews living east of the greenline to be evacuated. American Jews supported such a deal.. They needed to be evacuated because of the PA’s demand that Palestine be Judenrein. So American Jews accepted this.

    Furthermore a higher percentage of American Jews believe that the settlements are illegal or at least illegitimate. This is because this mantra has been repeated by the whole whole with few exceptions. And a higher percentage than that believe that the settlements are an obstacle to peace.

    Those of us on the other side believe that the settlements are legal and are safeguarding peace. Anyone who supported Obama’s policies in this regard and anyone who supports the creation of Palestine either don’t know how dangerous such a state would be to Israel’s existence or couldn’t care less in the interest of “peace”.

    Keep in mind that they also supported the Iran Deal. Just the other day I was talking to a big supporter of Obama’s policies, including the Iran deal said how much she loves Israel. I said “How can you say that when the Iran Deal is such a mortal threat to Israel to say nothing about the threat that would be posed by the creation of a Palestinian state.” She was speechless.

  9. @ Bear Klein:
    I thought true Bears were in hibernation, you must then be a pseudo bear, not that there is anything wrong with that. Your post proves my point, Caroline Glick is washed up, finished, a has been, and even that is spin. “Thanx”.

  10. @ Vinnie:
    And Vinnie, you are correct, the video has nothing to do whatsoever with the American Jewish Community. This is not the first time Glick has dumped on American Jews. Most recently in a piece she penned for the JP she took the flip flopping on the Iran nuclear issue by a politician named Coons and a subsequent invitation for speaking privileges at AIPAC as a reason to accuse the Americam Jewish Community of “betrayal”, get it.

  11. @ woolymammoth:

    I agree with her main point, which is that the idea of forcing Jews who live in J&S to leave in order to enable the creation of a Palestinian “state” amounts to a complete refutation of the alleged “liberal” values of those who propose such a “solution”. She is right that even if there were to be a Palestinian “state” created in J&S. there is no reason that Jews should not be able to live there, from the point of view of the most rudimentary concepts of human rights as espoused by those who claim to be concerned about the same. That was the main point she was making. I suppose I don’t agree with her “completely”, if she is claiming that most American Jews support uprooting Jews from J&S in order to create a Palestinian state. I didn’t get that impression from the video, however. I think she is claiming that ANY Jews who support this idea that settlements in J&S must be uprooted for a Palestinian state are in effect making common cause with anti-Jewish genocidal entities (e.g., Hamas), but I did not get the impression that she accused “most” American Jews of adopting this position.

  12. Glick immigrated to Israel in 1991 and joined the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).[5] She worked in the IDF’s Judge Advocate General division during the First Intifada in 1992, and while there edited and co-authored an IDF-published book, Israel, the Intifada and the Rule of Law. Following the Oslo Accords, she worked as coordinator of negotiations with the Palestinian Authority. She retired from the military with the rank of captain at the end of 1996. She then worked for about a year as the assistant to the director general of the Israel Antiquities Authority. She served as assistant foreign policy advisor to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Glick returned to the US to earn a Master of Arts in Public Policy from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government in 2000.[4]

    Upon her return to Israel, she became, and remains, the chief diplomatic correspondent for the Makor Rishon newspaper, for which she writes a weekly column in Hebrew. She is also the deputy managing editor of The Jerusalem Post, for which she writes two weekly syndicated columns. Her writings have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, the National Review, The Boston Globe, the Chicago Sun-Times, The Washington Times, Maariv, Moment, and other newspapers with worldwide circulations. Glick has also contributed to many online journals.[4] In addition to appearing on Israel’s major television networks, she has appeared on US television programs seen on MSNBC and the Fox News Channel.[6] She makes frequent radio appearances both in the US and Israel.

    In 2003, during Operation Iraqi Freedom, Glick was embedded with the US Army’s 3rd Infantry Division and filed front-line reports for The Jerusalem Post and the Chicago Sun-Times.[4] Via satellite phone, she also reported daily from the front lines for the Israeli Channel 1 news. Glick was on the scene when US forces took the Baghdad International Airport. She was awarded a distinguished civilian service award from the U.S. Secretary of the Army for her battlefield reporting.[7]

    In its Israeli Independence Day supplement in 2003, Israeli newspaper Maariv named her the most prominent woman in Israel.[8] She was the 2005 recipient of the Zionist Organization of America’s Ben Hecht award for Outstanding Journalism (previous recipients have included A. M. Rosenthal, Sidney Zion and Daniel Pipes).[4] She has also been awarded the Abramowitz Prize for Media Criticism by Israel Media Watch. A representative for the organization praised Glick’s high degree of professionalism and her critical reporting after Glick wrote a series of articles accusing the Israeli media of blatantly rallying support for carrying out the disengagement plan.[6][9] On May 31, 2009 she received the Guardian of Zion Award from the Ingeborg Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies at Bar Ilan University.[8]

  13. @ Vinnie:
    Vinnie, how can you fully agree w the Glick video when there is no mention of the American Jewish Community or even more importantly any proof to the allegations, your personal experience aside w all due respect. It seems to me Glick may come off as melodramatic at best. Notice all of the blogs put on Israpundit list the name of an author or contributor with each article, not this one. Only a title and a mere two short paragraphs, only one of which attacks The American Jewish Community when the same charges can be levied against any Jewish Community in the world including in Israel. Ugly filthy lies. Who is this post attributed to, did Glick write the sundry two paragraphs, how about a source, Ted, this is not like you.

  14. The Israeli minister in charge of the diaspora should send to every US synagogues and temples individuals/delegates with the main goal of EDUCATING the ignorant! If need be more than once.

  15. As an American Jew living in the American heartland, and being involved with a local temple and federation, I can give you at least a fairly good idea where most American Jews are at concerning Israel. There’s good news and bad news.

    The bad news: They are very, very ignorant of issues that would probably be elemental to most Israelis. They don’t know the historical context of the events occurring right now. Many do not watch FOX or read the Wall Street Journal, and as deficient as these venues may be, these are the only moderately pro-Israel national media venues left. All other national-level print and broadcast media venues are quite hostile to Israel, and so many Jews here do in fact buy into the argument that the so-called “settlements” are a big obstacle to “peace”. This is not because they are knowingly or willingly making common cause with terrorists or Jew haters; they just don’t know any better. They haven’t looked into this in any depth. They keep hearing this stupid mantra all the time on the news – “settlements = obstacle to peace” – and by dint of repetition and the lack of any countervailing point of view being expressed in most media, have come to accept it.

    Even worse news: Most Jews here do not place Israel’s welfare at the top of their political agenda. They care about “abortion rights”. They care about “climate change”. They care about “social justice”. They’re afraid of the “religious right” (that is to say, Israel’s best Gentile friends). They care about “gun control”. There is a growing minority among Jews who are not so focused on these bullshit issues, who are turning right politically, and who are placing Israel’s welfare front and center on their political priorities, but still, in the main, this is what most are thinking about.

    The good news: BUT…to the extent that Jews here do focus on Israel, they care very much about Israel’s security, and again, more and more are putting a greater priority on this issue. This may seem inconsistent, but in terms of the ongoing tension and conflict between PM Netanyahu and Obama, overwhelmingly, Jews here sympathize with Netanyahu…even those who have voted for Obama twice. When Obama gave that speech in May of ’11 publicly demanding that Israel return to ’67 lines, everybody – EVERYBODY – was furious with him, in the Jewish community here, no matter how they voted.

    I have written and had published literally dozens of letters to the editor of my local newspaper, defending Israel, responding to anti-Israel editorials. I’ve had at least fifty such letters published over the last 20 years, plus a few guest op-ed columns, a local record in our community. I’ve received many thanks, often from local Jews I barely even knew personally, for my efforts, and these kind words of support came from people across the political spectrum.

    Jews here DO care about Israel. But unfortunately, they often lack the knowledge and self-confidence to defend Israel against her many attackers. And, even if they have the knowledge, many here are afraid of the old “dual loyalty” charge, and are thus intimidated into silence.

    That is the situation here, such as it is.

    I fully agree with the point Ms. Glick makes in her video; I have been saying the same thing for many years to anyone who would listen.

  16. @ Bear Klein:

    “Great video”, opines The Bear. Well, in this case, The Bear, comfortable in his lair, is not being fair.
    The video features one of the most prominent enablers of Oslo, Caroline Glick(she was one of Rabin and Peres’ chief gophers)giving her tired and worn out diatribe castigating The “American Jewish Community”, which Glick was a prominent member of for most of her life, in the most prejudiced and aggregious fashion based upon a mere allegation. Because there is no proof of this offered in this video, it is not even a subject of this video. Shame on you.
    I would like to see proof that the American Jewish Community supports a Judenrein Judea and Samaria. How does Glick define The American Jewish Community for one. For the last fifty years 70 to 80% intermarriage has been the norm. Many so called Jewish American Organizations are ruled by self appointed scum bags with JINO characteristics and actively manipulate mostly naive geriatric and otherwise brain dead JINOs to support their organization based upon, for one, the big lies promulgated by Europeans The EU perverting truth with all kinds of semantic infiltration techniques developed by deep thinking terrorist chiefs and the most repugnant and puke inducing lie that they care and strongly support Israel, when in actuality the support they give is exclusively to the most far left organizations, like Jackass Street or the pitiful Jewish Voices for Peace who are propagandists, generally homely dreck JINOs who are wealthy class like for example the hideously disgusting offspring of Ed Asner, a twisted perversion of a human, although he trained as an actor and acts like a friendly warm person, I met this man, 45 years ago.
    Anyway, Glick’s regular attacks on The American Jewish Community is stupid, does not take into account the views of the real Jews, who are just as likely to support the views of ZOA President Morton Klein as not, please, do not believe Glick’s rants. They are designed to upset Jewish supporters of Israel and to give her, The increasingly irrelevant Glick, some ill gotten and wicked attention.
    Just to prove her willful obtuse agenda, she constantly pitches her OLD book, in which she cannibalizes an obsolete and lame plan for Israel to annex Judea and Samaria and offer, if you can realistically envision it, Israeli Citizenship upon the “Palestinians”. Glick outlines her belief in a series of safeguards which can and would, if put into practice, be negated by The Israeli Supreme Court and or watered down to a point where it would be impossible for the individuals to fail the tests unless they openly swear allegiance to ISIS or the like. I assure you their leaders will not only educate their charges on how to behave, but will be equally as judicious about reversing any trends in demographics to make damn certain that in fifty years they are the majority, by all means, including any and all forms of “resistance”.
    The Israelis are too intelligent to fall for Glick’s smoke and mirrors, but Caroline is okay with that because really all she wants to do is sell all of the copies of her book she has stored in her kitchen and pantry room and garage and under her bathtub and her girlfriend’s bath tubs.
    It is a very boring book, not as well written as her old articles in the JP because her ghost writers have moved on, and so too would you have, if you were earning so little.