America: They’re Coming To Take Down Your President

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America: They’re coming to take down your president.  They’re calling it the noble mission of an impeccably honest and above-board ‘special’ investigation, mounted by the Robert Mueller ‘Dream Team’, without anyone saying that the fix was in long before the Big Hunt got underway.

It’s an initiative whose narrative is being written by the full-of-hate Democrats in defeat, disseminated, world-wide by the mainstream media.

Find your situational awareness and be prepared to take cover because Mueller’s handpicked Dream Team is the nightmare from which it will be impossible to shake yourself awake.

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The mainstream media—out to get Donald Trump since the 2016 election campaign—is cavalierly passing Mueller’s assignment off as a perfumed package, completely missing the stench of the bungled anthrax letters case under his watch as FBI director.

It defies belief that the “special counsel” leading the Dream Team is the same man who let Islamists rewrite FBI training manuals during his tenure as FBI chief. (AIM, June 17, 2017)

Nary a word from any of the cool dudes and dudettes on the Dream Team when their boss, former President Barack Obama disallowed the term “Islamist terrorism”  from public use.

How much worse does it get?

Incredibly, Mueller’s Dream Team is setting off as a legalized lynch mob and bounty hunter with a whopping 61 percent of public support.

“According to a new poll from the Associated Press and the University of Chicago’s NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, 61 percent of Americans surveyed believe Trump has tried to impede or obstruct the FBI’s investigation into his campaign, while just 37 percent said they believe Trump hasn’t tried to impede or obstruct the investigation. (The Blaze, June 17, 2017)

“The poll also found there is a growing concern over the possibility that Trump’s campaign colluded with Russian operatives during last year’s election. When asked, 48 percent said they are extremely or very concerned about the possibility, up from 44 percent in March, while just 30 percent said they aren’t very concerned or not concerned at all, down from 36 percent in March.

“An overwhelming majority, 52 percent, also said they disapproved of Trump’s decision to fire Comey, while 22 percent said they approved of the decision and 24 percent said they were indifferent.”

Mercifully, the poll found that not many Americans believe special prosecutor Robert Mueller will carry out a fair and impartial investigation—and at the bottom of the report on the poll—only 26 percent believe in his ‘special counsel’.

‘Dream Team’ is a term dreamed up by the always highly imaginative MSM back in the days of the riveting O.J. Simpson trial, a misnomer that went on to prove that anything the media manufactures, like Google, gets to live forever.  The still rational among us can take it to the bank that the tooth fairy is more real than Mueller’s, or anyone else’s,  so-called ‘Dream Team’.

When special counsel Mueller comes back with evidence that President Donald Trump was the agent provocateur in the Russian election collusion story,  or is ready to impeach due to his “obstruction of Justice”  for having fired FBI Director James Comey —and Mueller will claim his mission unearthed irrefutable proof of Trump impeachable guilt—a tsunami of MSM stories will attest to Mueller’s breath-taking integrity and credibility.

That will be their story and they will stick to it.

This is a Dream Team that will come back with evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russia, obstruction of justice—and will have the audacity to feign surprise when they do.

The Dream Team will bring in just what leaders of the Obama-led Resistance want—President Donald Trump’s head, not in a comedian’s performance art, but on the proverbial platter.
It’s a process, once started,  that just cannot be denied, a win-win situation for Mueller and Company because if Trump fires Mueller as he did James Comey, he’ll automatically be found guilty of “obstructing justice”.

Former FBI Director James Comey kicked off the process when he leaked information to the New York Times all to have his close friend Robert Mueller named as “special counsel” to find evidence of a story, the Trump/Russia collusion story, already proven untrue.

Who can the heavily propagandized and constantly lied to American citizenry trust?

Not Comey.  That’s for sure.  He was the leaker hunting down other leakers and the man who bought into and considered paying for the filth produced by ex MI6 agent Christopher Steele who passed on a dirty dossier including the ‘Golden Shower’ mother of monstrous lies.

Few believed that Trump hired prostitutes to urinate on a bed the sacrosanct Obamas slept on at a Moscow Ritz-Carlton.   But the FBI must have as they planned to pay Steele to do further research for the bureau.

It defies belief that Mueller’s Dream Team is going out gung-ho on a predetermined mission,  in which they can rest assured that their former boss Barack Obama, his failed protégé  Hillary Clinton and the entire Democrat team wait with bated breath for their return.

The masses who buy into the bunk that the real life FBI are like the ones they see ion popular television shows will be easy to fool when they come back to announce to the world that Hillary Clinton was right all along, the tag team of Donald and Vladimir stole the election from her.

The FBI has never corroborated or verified any of the outrageous allegations in Steele’s dirty dossier.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein gave the special counsel job to Mueller on May 17.

Lawyers with loyalties to the Democrat Party have been jumping aboard the Dream Team ever since.

“Mueller has his pick of some of the top lawyers in the country. “If you’re a prosecutor, this is what you dream of—getting on a case like this,” says Peter Zeidenberg, who prosecuted I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney’s chief of staff. (Bloomberg, June 14, 2017)

“Among the most notable of Mueller’s early hires is Michael Dreeben, who’s argued more than 100 cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and is considered an expert on whether the president can legally keep his staff communications secret.

“Another is Andrew Weissmann, former head of the U.S. Department of Justice’s fraud unit. Aaron Zebley has spent years in proximity to Mueller, most recently at WilmerHale and before that as his chief of staff at the FBI. Zebley worked as a national security prosecutor in Virginia, where at least one of the Russia-related cases was based. He was also the lead FBI agent in the case against a key Sept. 11 conspirator.

“This is an incredibly intelligent, tenacious, and thorough team,” says Tom Hanusik, a former  prosecutor on the Enron Task Force.

“Regardless of your political persuasion, if you’re interested in having this resolved, you should be heartened by this kind of team.”

“Trump allies have already questioned the independence of some of Mueller’s investigators over their political donations to Democrats.

“Trump’s personal lawyer, Marc Kasowitz, is having trouble persuading people to join his defense team, according to two people familiar with his efforts. Instead, Kasowitz is leaning on his longtime partner, Michael Bowe, a prominent litigator. He also signed up Jay Sekulow, chief counsel to the conservative American Center for Law and Justice, who was dispatched to cable news shows to attack Comey’s credibility.”

It shouldn’t be Trump’s past that should be coming back to bite him.  Trump arrived at the White House as an outsider and a successful businessman—and had no say in what the FBI did or didn’t do before his highly unexpected arrival.

“Robert Mueller took office as FBI director in 2001 expecting to dig into drug cases, white-collar misdeeds and violent crime. A week later was Sept. 11. (Chicago Tribune, May 18, 2017)

“Overnight, his mission changed and Mueller spent the next 12 years wrestling the agency into a battle-hardened terrorism-fighting force.

“Now, Mueller once again finds himself catapulted into the midst of historic events: The Justice Department has named him special counsel to investigate potential coordination between Russia and the Trump team during the 2016 presidential election and related matters.
Republicans and Democrats alike praised Mueller, 72, as someone widely respected for his integrity and independence.

“As FBI chief, Mueller stood alongside James Comey, then deputy attorney general, during a dramatic 2004 hospital standoff over federal wiretapping rules. The two men planted themselves at the bedside of the ailing Attorney General John Ashcroft to block Bush administration officials from making an end run to get Ashcroft’s permission to reauthorize a secret no-warrant wiretapping program.
“Republican Rep Jason Chaffetz of Utah, chairman of the House oversight committee, tweeted that Mueller was “a great selection. Impeccable credentials.”

“Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer of New York said Mueller’s appointment gave him “significantly greater confidence that the investigation will follow the facts wherever they lead.”

That’s akin to saying that the mainstream media of the day follow the facts wherever they lead in this era of Fake News, Mr.  Schumer.

Where is the proof that Mueller transformed the FBI into a “battle-hardened terrorism-fighting force”?

Where is the evidence that Mueller delivered on his promise to delve into “drug cases, white-collar misdeeds and violent crime?”

With violent crime multiplying every weekend in the streets of Chicago, the evidence must be in the whitewash.

The media has been cutting Mueller a break from the get-go:

“Mueller’s effort to shift the FBI’s top priority from solving domestic crimes to preventing terrorism was a daunting challenge: Even preventing 99 out of 100 terrorist plots wasn’t good enough for a traumatized nation. (CBS News, May 17, 2017)

“In response, the FBI shifted 2,000 of the 5,000 agents in its criminal programs into national security.

“Two terrorist incidents occurred toward the end of Mueller’s watch — the Boston Marathon bombing and the Fort Hood shootings. Both weighed heavily on him, he acknowledged in an interview two weeks before his departure in 2013.

“You sit down with victims’ families, you see the pain they go through and you always wonder whether there isn’t something more” that could have been done, he said.”

Did the victims’ families know that Mueller let Islamists rewrite FBI training manuals?

There was no FBI tip-off when James Hodgkinson cut loose at the Alexandria baseball practice Wednesday injuring five, including House Majority Whip, Steve Scalise.

Police often stand-down at public events where Trump supporters are assaulted.

In short, the Donald Trump administration can look to little support from the FBI in an era where violence seems to be the norm.

There may be good agents in the FBI but somehow they never get to the top.

The FBI of the present day is nothing like the ‘good guys’ viewed on television drama.  For mainstream America, the FBI is the Robert Muellers and Jim Comeys—a clear and present danger that is now coming to take down America’s duly elected president.

Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years’ experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh,, Drudge Report,, and Glenn Beck.

June 19, 2017 | 2 Comments »

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  1. This is fine with me.

    The US presidency — note: it is not supposed to be a kingship — has long needed to be taken down a few notches.

    Besides, the more time and effort that the US Government spends on battling itself, the better off the rest of the world will be; and especially US lawyers.