America, be wary of a Palestinian state!

By Yoram Ettinger, ISRAEL HAYOM

U.S. President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry intend to advance recognition of an independent Palestinian state by January 20, 2017 — the end of Obama’s second term — regardless of how adversely it will affect national and homeland security. In light of this, the president turned down a request by Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid to commit to vetoing any U.N. Security Council resolution calling for an independent Palestinian state. According to Obama and the U.S. foreign policy establishment, a Palestinian state would enhance stability, moderation, peace and democracy.

But how credible and realistic is this expectation?

In 1993, then-Senator Kerry and the U.S. foreign policy establishment were convinced that PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat — a role model for international terrorism — would respond to Israel’s unprecedented Oslo Accords concessions by transforming himself from “outlaw to statesman.” However, their assessment was discredited by an unprecedented wave of Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas-engineered hate-education, incitement and (the resulting) terrorism — which persist even today.

In 2011, Obama, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and then-Senator Kerry believed that the eruption of turbulence on the Arab street was an Arab Spring, a youth revolution, a Facebook revolution that would transition the Arab world into democracy “Through the moral force of nonviolence, the people of the [Middle East] have achieved more change in six months than terrorists have accomplished in decades.”

However, their assessment has been disproved by the reality of an anti-U.S., anti-human rights, terror-driven and Islamic supremacy-inspired Arab tsunami, led by ruthless minority regimes and cheered on by an obedient and politically insignificant Muslim majority.

On May 19, 2011, Obama stated that “when [Libyan President Moammar] Gadhafi leaves … the transition to a democratic Libya can proceed.”

On Sept. 21, 2011, Obama celebrated the toppling/lynching of Gadhafi by anti-U.S. Islamic terror gangs: “From Tripoli to Benghazi Libya is free. … The idea that change could only come through violence has been buried with [Gadhafi].”

However, Obama’s assessment proved to be wrong on Sept. 11, 2012 when four Americans were murdered in a massive terrorist assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, and when post-Gadhafi Libya transformed into the largest platform of well-armed anti-U.S. Islamic terror organizations, feeding Islamic terrorism in Africa, the Middle East and Europe.

In June 2012, after pressuring then-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to resign, Obama and the U.S. foreign policy establishment congratulated the Muslim Brotherhood on its victory in Egypt’s presidential election. They heralded it as a milestone in Egypt’s transition toward democracy However, this assessment proved false in July 2013 when the Muslim Brotherhood — the largest transnational Islamic terror organization that haunts pro-U.S. Arab regimes — was ousted, by a rare coalition of liberal Egyptians and the military, opposing a Muslim Brotherhood Islamic dictatorship and its support of terrorism in the Sinai Peninsula and on the mainland.

What would be the realistic impact of a Palestinian state on U.S. national security and homeland security?

The nature of the proposed Palestinian state and its impact on vital U.S. interests can be gleaned through the anti-U.S. hate-education and terror track record of the Palestinian Authority and the PLO, the quintessential terror organization which (according to the Oslo Accords) oversees the Palestinian Authority — both headed by Abbas. Whether led by the PLO or Hamas, a Palestinian state would risk an Arab tsunami on the Palestinian street.

For example, the Palestinian Authority maintained the PLO’s close ties with anti-U.S. regimes such as Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, China and Sudan, as well as with Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. A Palestinian state would provide Iran, Russia, China and possibly North Korea with naval and land access to the eastern flank of the Mediterranean, at the expense of the U.S. power projection.

A Palestinian state would mean one more anti-U.S. vote at the United Nations.

Moreover, Palestinian leaders collaborated with Nazi Germany and the Communist Bloc and were trained by the KGB and other ruthless communist secret services. Abbas received his doctorate (in Holocaust denial) from Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow, was trained by the KGB, and managed the finances and logistics of the 1972 terrorist attack at the Munich Olympics, where 11 Israeli athletes were massacred.

The PLO, led by Arafat and Abbas, was a role model and incubator for hijacking, suicide bombing, car bombing andinter-Arab treachery, exporting terrorism to India, China, Russia, Afghanistan, Europe, Africa and the United States. PLO autonomy in Jordan (1968-1970) and in Lebanon (1970-1982) provided manpower, training and inspiration to a multitude of terror organizations in the Middle East, the Far East, Western Europe and Central and Latin America. Abbas’ PLO murdered the U.S. Ambassador to Sudan in 1973 and helped Islamic Jihad operatives murder 300 U.S. Marines in Beirut in 1983. Palestinian terrorists fought U.S. forces in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The dramatic 1993 and 2005 Israeli concessions (retreating from 40% of Judea and Samaria; offering to retreat to the pre-1967 lines; uprooting all Jews from Gaza) facilitated the establishment of the Palestinian Authority by PLO terrorists from Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Tunisia. As expected, in light of the reality in the Middle East, this has intensified Palestinian terrorism as well as international terrorism.

Since 1993, the Palestinian Authority has been characterized by hate-education, the glorification of homicide bombers, the systematic violation of commitments, corruption, the oppression of the Palestinian people and a forced wave of Christian emigration, which transformed Bethlehem, Beit Jallah and Ramallah from Christian-majority to Christian-minority cities.

Jordanian military commanders caution their Israeli counterparts that “Palestinians violate in the evening that which they sign in the morning,” and that “a Palestinian state would be a death sentence to the pro-U.S. Hashemite regime, transforming Jordan into a platform of terror, haunting the shaky pro-U.S. regimes in the Persian Gulf.”

In 1950, 1966 and 1970, Abbas (who speaks softly) and Arafat fled Egypt and Syria due to subversion and terrorism and were expelled from Jordan following an attempted coup against King Hussein. In 1975, they tried to topple Lebanon’s central government, triggering a multiyear civil war and Syrian occupation. In 1990 they participated in Saddam’s rape of Kuwait. Leopards don’t change their spots, only their tactics.

After regaining control of the mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria in 1967, Israel dramatically upgraded its posture of deterrence and transformed from a consumer to a producer of means to ensure national security. Against the backdrop of the rising conventional and unconventional Islamic threats to the U.S., Israel increasingly resembles the largest and most critical U.S. aircraft carrier, one which does not require a single U.S. boot on board, deployed in a most vital area for U.S. military and economic interests. The establishment of a Palestinian state on the mountain ridges of Judea and Samaria would dramatically erode Israel’s posture of deterrence, which currently extends the strategic hand of the United States, sparing the need to deploy additional U.S. troops to the Middle East. This enhances the national security of pro-U.S. Arab regimes — especially Jordan — which consider Israel to be an effective life insurance policy.

Could the proposed Palestinian state advance U.S. interests and values, enhancing stability, moderation, peace, and democracy?

The proposed Palestinian state cannot exist simultaneously with U.S. values and national security interests.

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February 13, 2016 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. @ Bear Klein:

    Thank you Bear. In only a short time the generation of old fat heads like the fellow you replied to above will expire from our political demographic here in Israel and the insanity which led to Oslo and the Gaza disengagement will likewise be a thing of the past.

    In the meantime, everyone is getting a practical lesson in how to eliminate the Islamic threat from Vladimir Putin.

  2. @ lsatenstein:
    You ignore 100 years of history and the Palestinian collective goal of trying to get rid of the Jews. All the Palestinian factions are united in their goal of trying to destroy Israel only the tactics differ.

    You also ignore reality the Israel needs the Jordan Valley and much of Samaria is needed for security due to the topography and short distances. Israel would be physical paralyzed if it could not control these locations.

    Pretending the Pals will become Canadians if Israel pulls out of Judah/Samaria is insane.

    By the way the 1973 borders were great they included all of the Sinai and do include all of Judah/Samaria (West Bank to those that do not know history). So Israel would agree to those and the Palestinian State would be in Jordan as always was intended.

    I am sorry wishful thinking does not make for a rational plan for a conflict that will not go away soon.

    A rational plan would be using the Russian Strategy in Syria and elsewhere (i.e. kill the terrorists and drive away their supporters). In other words Israel has the military capability to win the conflict within a short period of time if it fights to win and not send flyers and text messages watch out terrorists we are coming to get you in the next break out of hostilities.

    The two state idea (not a solution) is at this point held open by the three blind mice (Obama/Kerry/EU) who are not only blind but deaf and dumb to reality in the middle east.

  3. Once there is a state, the rules change. The Palestinians will have to act like a state. That means, borders as of 1973, and self funding. As for terrorists, if the statehood does not occur, when Abass leaves, which group will take over? Hezbolla or Hamas, or ISIL or Iran?

    To protect Israel, Palestinian statehood is a requirement. The rhetoric about driving the Jews to the sea will, over time, disappear. It will take two generations to undo the hatred taught the pre-kindergarden children of the previous and current generations.