Amb. Oren: ‘Israel-US Economic Ties Growing at Dizzying Pace’

By Rachel Hirshfeld, INN

Israel has become an American economic interest, “beyond the basis of cooperation of common values and democracy”, Israeli ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren told Globes news.

After keeping a low media profile for months, in order to keep out of the U.S. presidential elections campaign, Oren affirmed that the close strategic relations between the two countries was one of the few issues on which Democrats and Republicans agreed in both Houses of Congress.

“The US-Israeli alliance has always been based on values, democracy, and common strategic interests,” Oren told Globes. “But now there is another foundation: the economic and commercial ties between the two countries, which are growing at a dizzying pace. In the past 20 years, bilateral trade has increased 350%. Almost every large US high-tech company has activity in Israel.”

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“At a time when the US is outsourcing countless jobs to China, Israel is outsourcing to the US. Many American workers are employed at enterprises of Israeli companies there,” Oren continued.

“There is no question that Israel has become a US economic interest, and one of the strategic repercussions of this development is that the US agreed to extend the loan guarantees last month,” he said. “At least in terms of intelligence, I say this with the fullest authority, as a man who is familiar with the contacts between the two countries.”

Oren dismissed the perceived weakened relations between the two countries during the Obama administration.

“Obama says that he has spent more time with Netanyahu than with any other world leader,” Oren said. “I was present at all of these meetings, and I can testify that they were all open and friendly. There have been disagreements between the US and Israel in the past, but they have been greatly reduced now.”

“We haven’t always agreed with the administration,” he told Globes. “Early in Obama’s term, there were disagreements over the peace process. The president demanded concessions from Israel on the settlements in the hope that the Palestinians would make corresponding concessions. The prime minister ordered the construction freeze for ten months, but the Palestinians made no corresponding concession, and the administration did not focus on this issue again.”

“Today, there are no differences between the US and Israel over the settlements or Jerusalem, and although the Obama administration isn’t enthusiastic about the settlements, it doesn’t put them at the top of the agenda. At the same time, the two countries are determined to prevent a unilateral Palestinian move in the UN,” Oren said.

November 13, 2012 | 10 Comments »

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10 Comments / 10 Comments


    I think you have me confused with another comment.

    My comment as per #1 was spam blocked and never retrieved and it was a good cogent comment that should have been retrieved and posted.


    I trust few people and no politician Israeli or American, whether Obama is a Muslim sympathizer or a Marxist is no concern to me, What he does is because it affects me.

  2. Ted, Thanks for all you do. I appreciate your work and dedication. If I need to view your articles up closer, I just hit my view tab and voila. I agree with many of the comments above. Israel needs to rely on itself and within by its’ citizens. Any genuine outside support is always welcomed. Bottom line, it begins within…ourselves.

  3. @ Bert:
    I agree with you that we cannot trust anyone but ourselves and Israel’s friends.

    But what bothers me is that although the United States apparantly is cooperating with israel militarily, it is not doing nearly enough about the nuclear plans and ambitions of Iran. Iran continues producing a large supply of Uranium 235 to the 20% plus level and my soon have enough to produce several atomic bombs. Obama swore that “containmment is not an option.” And he streessed that he does not “bluff.” Amerdinigad(s) boasts at the United Nations that Iran will extinguish Israel. Yet Obama won’t even agree with natenyahu to establish a red line. How soon do we forget what happened to the Jewish people when Hitlor’s Mein Kamph warnings to destroy the Jews were ignoredwhen he could have been stopped. Israel’s very existence is at stake. NEVER AGAIN!!!!

  4. I trust neither Netanyahu nor Obama. I trust the Jews of faith in Israel and those Christians of faith in America who have shown genuine understand and support.
    Naturally the Israeli government and U.S. Jews are too dumb and inept to capitalize on these developments. Therefore too many Americans still believe that Israel is a liability and should be dumped, or worse, in favor of the Arabs.
    Israel will need to hang tough and resist increasing pressure from Obama and his gang. And Susan Rice may be the next Secretary of State with all her hostility towards Israel.

  5. Ted your type is too small to read, but when I enlarge, the sentences fall off the edges of my screen. Either enlarge your type or set margines so that we can enlarge.. Thanks.

  6. Another comment of mine blocked. Get a new software program the one you have only frustrates us, pisses most of us off and makes a lot of unnecessary work for you.


    I agree with his comment on commercial trade and outsourcing is part of the commercail globalization. Just like the Japanese manufacture cars in America and other products in China, Korea Singapore and HK. That has little to do with government to government relations except in the Mil spheres where Israel must spend 75% of American aid in the USA which in turn outsource much of these contracts to 3rd parties.

    While America is now Israels largest trading partner we are in $$$ terms almost insignificant to America.

    Much is made of Loan Guarantees. They save Israel money paid in interest for Loans made by the Israeli government. While we welcome the savings, it costs America zero. Israel has never defaulted and won’t. Of the 10 billion Loan guarantee Israel uses less than half. We don’t borrow that much any more and have no major national project requiring massive loans. In my opinion it’s more of a political gesture than a major item. The way the American economy is going in a few years Isral might reciprocate by giving America our loan guarantee. In any event it’s the initiative of the congress and not the President.

    Lastly Oren is BB’s appointed stooge in America and since we are going into elections here, I see Oren’s comments more of a PR aid to BB, who said something similar yesterday to the press and the Israeli public because he is under fire at home for not acting forcefully against Gaza.

    Watch Obama begin supporting the Likud’s main opposition ala Clinton when things become settled here politically.

    Oren and BB expect us to buy ‘ SPIT FOR RAIN’


    I agree with his comment on commercial trade and outsourcing is part of the commercail globalization. Just like the Japanese manufacture cars in America and other products in China, Korea Singapore and HK. That has little to do with government to government relations except in the Mil spheres where Israel must spend 75% of American aid in the USA which in turn outsource much of these contracts to 3rd parties.

    While America is now Israels largest trading partner we are in $$$ terms almost insignificant to America.

    Much is made of Loan Guarantees. They save Israel money paid in interest for Loans made by the Israeli government. While we welcome the savings, it costs America zero. Israel has never defaulted and won’t. Of the 10 billion Loan guarantee Israel uses less than half. We don’t borrow that much any more and have no major national project requiring massive loans. In my opinion it’s more of a political gesture than a major item. The way the American economy is going in a few years Isral might reciprocate by giving America our loan guarantee. In any event it’s the initiative of the congress and not the President.

    Lastly Oren is BB’s appointed stooge in America and since we are going into elections here, I see Oren’s comments more of a PR aid to BB, who said something similar yesterday to the press and the Israeli public because he is under fire at home for not acting forcefully against Gaza.

    Watch Obama begin supporting the Likud’s main opposition ala Clinton when things become settled here politically.

    Oren and BB expect us to buy ‘ SPIT FOR RAIN’

    Read: Netanyahu: Israel-US alliance ‘stronger than ever’