Israel’s Ambassador to the UN denounces rapper’s latest comments: All of the lights must be turned off on this despicable antisemite.
Ambassador Gilad ErdanAlexi Rosenfeld
Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, on Thursday blasted rapper Kanye West’s latest antisemitic comments, which he made in an interview with Alex Jones of Infowars.
In a tweet, Erdan called for West to no longer be given a platform to make such comments.
“All of the lights must be turned off on this despicable antisemite. Kanye West’s deplorable comments today endanger Jews around the world,” he wrote.
“It is past time for the curtain to drop on this racist. No stage for Ye. No microphone for Ye. No applause for Ye,” added Erdan.
In Thursday’s interview with Jones, West responded to criticism of his numerous outbursts – online and in person – regarding Jews.
Speaking with Jones even as his face remained completely covered with a zipped-up mask while on air, West said he “loves everyone,” including Jews, as well as Nazis.
When Jones defended West from his critics and accusations of antisemitism, saying “You’re not Hitler, you’re not a Nazi,” the rapper said he found some things about the late Nazi leader to be admirable.
“I see some good things about Hitler also,” Kanye said. “I love everyone. The Jewish people are not going to tell me ‘you can love us and or you can love what we’re doing to your contracts, but this guy [Adolf Hitler] that invented highways and invented the very microphone that I use as a musician – you cannot say out loud that he ever did anything good.’ I’m done with that.”
“I’m done with the classifications. Every human being has something of value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler.”
Later, West told Jones that that he does not consider Nazis to be evil, and said that he loves both Jews and Nazis.
West also mocked Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu with a bug net and a bottle of Yoohoo – a play on Netanyahu’s last name.
Israel’s Ambassador to the United States, Michael Herzog, also condemned the interview earlier on Thursday.
“I am sickened by the conversation that Alex Jones had with avowed antisemites Kanye West and Nick Fuentes. At a time when antisemitism is on the rise, it is alarming that such vile rhetoric is given a platform and legitimized,” said Herzog.
@Edgar G.
No one really knows how Christianity started there are lots of hypotheses and there are a few books written about it.
Christians did open the gates of Betar to the Romans, and this was pretty early on.
@Edgar G.
It is from a Yiddish book that was published in Europe in 1931, and later republished in the US, it is out of print.
This is supposed to be a clever rejoinder to a priest who asks why the Jews believe in the God of Vengeance while the Christians believe in the God of Love (which is an insult to the Jews because it assumes that the God of Jews is vengeful and vicious but Jesus is good and loving)!
This Christian view is especially ridiculous because Christianity is the most murderous religion in the world.
You don’t like it, complain to whoever came up with the joke, not me, and try to actually understand what I write instead of rushing to condemn and criticize.
This was the actual topic of the Kanye West’s interview by Alex Jones but the JEWS DIDN’T GET IT (most of them).
@Reader @stevenl My cynical Holocaust survivor father who lost his whole family and who didn’t believe there was anybody up there, or at least anybody who cared, used to randomly and sarcastically quip, “God is love,” for no particular reason, all the time.
Perhaps Reader is so submerged by the flood of contrary information to his, that he has not yet been able to come up for air. (translated- made a lucid opinion response.)
Very early Christians (who were not yet called Christians) were not “anti-Jewish” (where DO you get your IDEAS from???), They were just one of dozens of different offshoots of Judaism, which proliferated, beginning maybe a hundred or more years before the Destruction. Like the Essenes, . The Christians referred to themselves as “Ebionim”, or sometimes “The Way”, whenever they felt they had to, but were strictly Jews, with some most likely G-D Fearers who keptthe NoachideLaws. .(speculation)
You may not be aware, but ALL of their leaders, until after Bar Kocheba were strictly Jews, (so we can also assume that the majority also wereiland they retained many Jewish customs until at least the Councli of Nicaea. On of the complaining points brought up at that Council was that they had far too many Jewish customs, including that many still observed the Jewish Shabat. Although, from the early 2nd century there was a move to diverge from this..
{40 or so, years after Nicaea, the Church still had to impose penalties for those who did NOT work on the Jewish Shabat.}
It was “A Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight” for the conclave, since at least 3 “bishops” were stabbed to death during “discussions”, and I didn’t hear how many were wounded, as I was not Present,
– ,having had another engagement..
@Reader I can tell you from personal experience that If you haven’t light-heartedly quipped at a seder that there are two kinds of antisemites, the good ones and the ones who are still breathing and had an ultra-orthodox dude scream at you from across the table that Jews don’t kill, you haven’t truly lived.
I meant to include Joseph Karo and the Shulchan Aruch, but ran out of edit time. Also Readers’ reference to my being a “heretic”…
So Jesuitical… Tsk Tsk. Stake immolation is out of fashion, Reader.
This purported Aliya of Reader, Looong delayed, seems to have lit a religious fire within him. Kol Hakovd. It hasn’t seemed to have improved his religious knowledge but at least, his enthusiasm to discuss it. And, of course, only HIS opinions, imperfectly derived, and flawed as they are, are the TRUE ones.
Fortunately for me, heretics are no longer “hung on a tree”, as described in the Talmud about a couple of Jesuses, who lived long before the Destruction of the Temple.
Although, on a side note, I have never regarded the Herodian Temple as being a PURE place of worship and sacrifice. Because of Herod of course. A grandiose building , still going on for 65+ years after Herod’s death, but , to MY mind, not “pure” nor fitting to worship G-D.
By the time of Yavne, and the past, turbulent destructive history of the Jews, culminating in utter disaster, the surviving Sages, HAD to gather their scattered brethren who remained alive, and devise a different, less conservative, negative kind of Judaism.
They realised clearly that it was no longer possible, and likely never possible, after Moses, to live exactly according to the strict Torah terms.
They also were more open minded, and realised that much of the Torah was the History of The Jews, and some of the Torah was allegorical -not meant to taken literally.
So, whilst keeping as close to the actual principles of Torah, but more realistically interpreted so that those living in the present and the future,, in a much changed Jewish world, could keep being Jews according to their best intentions.
They didn’t “get” it from Torah; they got it from the deliberation of dozens of scholars and very deep and philosophical thinkers.
So THAT”s the religious blueprint which Jews of today try to keep to, although with certain changes and different interpretations so as to LIVE IN A CHANGING WORLD.
Each age produced authorative Rabonim and Scholars who issued new interpretations to cover customs or laws, no longer able to be kept.
I’ve already quoted Rabbi Gershom of Maintz, And there was Maimonides, Yehuda Hanasi, and many of the later Tannaim, Amoraim, as well as the exegetes, who collectively produced the Mishna, Gemora comprising the Talmud, and, eventually, Modern Judaism.
Some ancient customs asre kept, others, regarded as ancient actually are just from the late Middle Ages but whose origins, lost in time were assumed to have been from Ancient time. For instance, consider the “Magen David”, and the “kippa” and “sheitls”…
Far more ancient symbols of Judaism are the Menorah, bunches of grapes, and the shofar. The distinctive fringes and stripes on a Tallis are suggested to be a combination, of the “fringes ordered by G-D, and the stripes which have been identified as of Hyksos pattern.
Many pictures and carvings of these invaders from beyond Palestine show striped outer garments like Tallisim.
As I said, I have read on this subject extensively, and whilst I don’t profess to be aby sort of biblical Scholar, I do recall much of what I’ve read, all from impeccable sources. I have books that few if any others on this site have even heard of.
For Instance….. “The Nizzahon Vetus”…. Anyone…without looking up WIKI???
Much of the above is derived from reading scholars on the subject. and some is from my own logical, analytical opinion, the former being more reliable than the latter..
Sorry, you didn’t clarify it, you just repeated what you’d already said. And it’s isn’t funny, certainly not a joke. If you just withdraw the “joke” definition and substitute aphorism”, it’s still it’s a pretty poor aphorism, but better than it being a “joke”.
And you’re causing the Rabbi to acknowledge that there are TWO G-Ds.
No joke…
It’s really just a polemical observation, by a person prejudiced against Jews.
@Reader Oh, yeah? Without cherry picking like mad? Besides the examples I already cited and many more, That’s undoubtedly why everything is read in little excerpts. Find me a rabbi who quotes much less agrees with the last line of Psalm 137.
OK, I will clarify the “joke” that I posted, I hope it will help because I think there is some misunderstanding here.
The rabbi is saying that our God took the task of vengeance upon himself and left love to us, your God engages in love and leaves vengeance to you.
If someone can say it better, he is welcome to do it.
@Sebastien Zorn
This is complete BS because where did the rabbis get their opinions and rules if not FROM THE TORAH?
And it is not ONLY from these rabbis, to say the least.
Edgar might have read lots of books but his knowledge of Judaism seems to approach ZERO or is heretical.
There are rules of interpretation of the Torah, Jews are not supposed to follow the literal text of the Torah as they see fit, and these rules apply only to the original Hebrew text, they are impossible to apply to any translations of the Torah.
Christianity misinterpreted and mistranslated the Torah to suit its own (anti Jewish, BTW, needs), and they didn’t even translate it from the original Hebrew but from a Greek translation, and later in Spain (Protestants) from a Ladino translation.
Their view of God is utterly different from the Jewish view.
Can’t you reread a few times what I wrote about it and TRY TO UNDERSTAND IT instead of trying to equate Christianity and Judaism, or to defend Christianity, or to downgrade Judaism?
@Reader As Edgar pointed out, Judaism is from the rabbis from Yavne on not from the Torah though it certainly can be confusing when everybody is claiming to be expounding Torah values.
Of Gershom Ben Judah, who I never heard of before, have you? Wikipedia says,
“He is famous for his religious bans within Judaism, which include:
The prohibition of polygamy;
The prohibition of divorcing a woman against her will;
The modification of the rules concerning those who became apostates under compulsion;
The prohibition of reading another person’s private mail.[5]
The influence of his ban can be seen in mail from the Middle Ages. A letter would contain the seal “B’chadrag” which meant that it was forbidden to open except by the recipient under the ban of Rabbeinu Gershom.[6] His religious bans are still in force for Ashkenazi religious Jews and are used for establishment of law in modern Israel.[7]
“Gershom ben Judah, (c. 960 -1040) best known as Rabbeinu Gershom (Hebrew: ???? ?????, “Our teacher Gershom”) and also commonly known to scholars of Judaism by the title Rabbeinu Gershom Me’Or Hagolah (“Our teacher Gershom the light of the exile”), was a famous Talmudist and Halakhist.
Less than a century after Gershom’s death Rashi said of him,[1] “all members of the Ashkenazi diaspora are students of his.” As early as the 14th century, Asher ben Jehiel wrote that Rabbeinu Gershom’s writings were “such permanent fixtures that they may well have been handed down on Mount Sinai.”[2]
He is most famous for the synod he called around 1000 CE, in which he instituted various laws and bans, including prohibiting polygamy, requiring the consent of both parties to a divorce, modifying the rules concerning those who became apostates under compulsion, and prohibiting the opening of correspondence addressed to someone else.”
@Reader If you re-read from my first post, I began with, “both are true” provided examples and then went on to remark that Judaism was saying the same things as Christianity, a little earlier, actually during the same later period. It’s not this or that religion but the era. There was an evolution.
Unconditional love was an unheard of concept outside of India even 500 years before the common era.
@Sebastien Zorn
I wrote about a Christian antisemitic libel that Jews believe in a vicious God but Christianity is all love.
Do you think this is true?
Because otherwise I don’t see why you started apologizing for the Torah.
Or maybe you are just not getting the Jewish European culture from before 1931?
@Edgar G.
This “poor joke” is from a book of Jewish humor in Yiddish first published before 1931 in Europe.
I translated it from Yiddish (skipped the intro as irrelevant).
My point was that Kanye/Alex Jones conversation was a set up, that “Christian God is good and merciful but the Jewish God is mean and vengeful, that Christianity is love but Judaism is evil” is an old anti-Jewish Christian trope, and that it was understood by the non-Jews who listened to the show but NOT understood by the Jews who keep attacking Kanye West (the poor victim of the Jews who loves everyone as a Christian).
Therefore, if Jews keep calling for the deplatforming and punishing him, it will prove his and Alex Jones’ point.
Yes, it is hard to understand why Kanye West is given all those opportunities to pour dirt on Jews unless he is being actually encouraged by someone to do it.
Your comment is completely misguided.
(cont.) Emerson’s Hidden Inflfluence: What Can Spinoza Tell the Boy?” Adam Adler
The Germans, extrapolating tenuous linguistic roots as racial, also extrapolated the irrelevant – in a European context – condept of ‘Aryan.’
The Nazis persecuted and murdered the Gypsies because they weren’t Indian enough (Aryan) supposedly.
Not because they were,being from India, “people of color.”
“At the conclusion of his study, Ritter declared that although Roma View This Term in the Glossary had originated in India and were therefore once Aryan, they had been corrupted by mingling with lesser peoples during their long migration to Europe. Ritter estimated that some 90 percent of all Roma in Germany were of mixed blood and were consequently carriers of “degenerate” blood and criminal characteristics. Because they allegedly constituted a danger, Ritter recommended they be forcibly sterilized. The remaining pure-blooded Roma, Ritter argued, should be studied further. In practice, little distinction was made between Ritter’s so-called pure-blooded and mixed-blooded Roma. They all became subject to the Nazi policy of persecution and, later, mass murder.”
“Emerson’s Hidden Inflfluence: What Can Spinoza Tell the Boy?” Adam Adler
The Germans, extrapolating tenuous linguistic roots as racial, also extrapolated the irrelevant – in a European context – condept of Aryan.
The Nazis persecuted and murdered the Gypsies because they weren’t Indian enough (Aryan) supposedly.
It appears that Ralph Waldo Emerson, the earlist exponent of Transcendentalism which was called New Age by many in the 70s, there’s no agreed upon name, it’s very individualistic, before being heavily influenced by Eastern mysticism had its roots in Spinoza, whom I remember my mother saying she liked. Was Spinoza influenced by Indian mysticism the way other European thinkers like Hegel were?
Dialectics comes from Buddhism. So, I’m sorry to say, does the Swastika, which the Nazis turned from a Buddhist good luck symbol much like the Chai in Judaism to a symbol of racist antisemitism and evil. The ideological roots of the Nazis were in Ariosophy, a turn of the twentieth century reaction to Theosophy which was an American Buddhist revival movement with its roots in Transcendentalism founded by Madame Blavatsky whom Marx debated and whose book I remember we had and Colonel Henry Steele Olcott who revived Buddhism in Sri Lanka and invented the Buddhist flag which is today the flag of India. . Ariosophy bears the same relation to Theosophy as Satanism does to Christianity, inverting, in this case, Buddhist and Hindu symbols into their opposites rather than Jewish and Christian.
@Edgar G. That’s very useful and informative. Thank you.
We only had books by people like Alan Watts and various and sundry Indian gurus and American Transcendentalists in the house when I was growing up (anyways after my militantly rationalist and anti-religious father moved out when I was 9.) But, now that I’m a political Zionist going on 23 years, I figure I should know something.
(And thank you for testing my equanimity with your cornucopia of ever more creative insults. As characters often say on leaving a room in the English sub-titles for Korean Dramas, of which I am a devotee, “You worked hard.”)
You seem mired in Torah. My Jewish studies were fairly extensive, in English translations of course, but also some biblical Hebrew, which as you know is not quite the same as Modern Hebrew.
You also must know that Jews do NOT live by Torah Law, but by Rabbinic Laws laid down since Yavne, and all through the centuries, from a variety of centres. Many of their decisions are contrary to the surface reading of a Torah precept.
Rabbi Gershom of Maintz comes to mind. We abide by his decisions to this very day….except for the Black Hebrews , who are not Jews, regardless of their spurious claims, accepted by spineless Israeli Govts.
sounds like somebody needs to delve deeper into their Jewish studies!
That first line is 23:4. And unspoken categories of “enemies” as well is my main point. It obviously draws a distinction between your next door neighbor who dislikes you, say, and a wartime enemy – and back then, nobody distinguished between non-combatants and combatants, yet – though it refers to both categories, as an “enemy”. Same goes for “foreigner,” In English, anyway. Does it use different words to describe them in Hebrew?
It seems really clear that the Torah distinguishes between unspoken categories of friends versus enemies when speaking of “neighbors” and “strangers” that liberals like to emphasize. But, it is clearly not internally inconsistent. In the very same breath:
@Edgar G. Like, oh say, Candace Owens befriending neighbor, Nazi supporter and hater of Jews, Kanye West?
I think it’s in Devarim somewhere….It’s not really literally feasible. It’s hyperbole in it’s most foolish form. For instance what if, your neighbour is a Nazi supporter and hates Jews..
The only suitable example that springs to mind, is if your neighbour happens to be a handsome/beautiful/kind-hearted person. (assuming opposite sexes)
The usual interpretation is ” to do it good and quick before he does it to you”
Mel Brooks, “The Producers” (1967)
Sometimes…. no most times it is not easy to “Love one’s neighbor as oneself”, But that is what Torah teaches. Set the bar high and try every day to reach it.
Today or for that matter 2,000 years ago when Rabbis like Hillel, Akiva and Shammai were giving voice to the same kind of ethics Christianity is usually credited with.
It’s obviously both and just as obviously not always justified to any Jews – or any other civilized people – today, otherwise explain Numbers 31, lines 13-15, among other passages.
Only Muslims think like this today. Clearly these were the – Bronze Age – passages Mohammed liked more than a thousand years later when he plunged the mostly Christian, Jewish, Zorastrian, and Animist Middle East back into barbarism where it remains to this day.
Everybody cherrypicks. You have to.
I am disappointed that you are descending to poor…very poor jokes. This was not even a joke.
We already have a self appointed “court” jester. who fancies himself as a jokester, always quoting jokes…other peoples’. Some are funny but many are not.
I prefer to see you in your normal serious, argumentative mode, digging up often rare facts.
It is the TORAH which depicts G-D as “The G-D Of Vengeance”, but only regarding certain obvious events which cry for vengeance. Otherwise HE is the G-D of Love, as exemplified in “You are my BACHUR), my first born” ……when referring to Israel the People. Even with all the sins of commission and omission perpetrated by the Jews, under a variety of pagan worshipping kings, G-D STILL loves Israel, from “Shemot” onwards with numerous metaphors , all through the Torah, David’s Psalms and many other places through prophets and etc.
My Chaidar teaching is a bit misty, but later reading confirms my above assertions.
As a side note, when discussing the sayings of the Sages etc, did you know that those who compiled the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds believed in Demons, and Magic and Spells etc.
So naturally one has to be careful to sift the sand from the sugar….
Call me anything you want but I think that the PTB want to have another worldwide Great Depression, another world war, and another Holocaust, this time including Israel.
I can’t believe that this Kanye thing, etc. is spontaneous.
An old Jewish joke about “Our God is the God of Love but your God is the God of Vengeance!”
One day a priest said to a rabbi he knew: “You know, I am not an antisemite, I really like Jews. But I there is something I fail to understand. Why do the Jews believe in God of Vengeance? After all, our religion is much nicer – our God is the God of Love.”
The rabbi responded: “I won’t argue with you. You are right. Our God is the God of Vengeance, and your God is the God of Love. But what is the meaning of “God of Vengeance” and is the meaning of “God of Love”? Our God is the God of Vengeance – this means that vengeance we leave to Him, and love stays among us, the love of one’s neighbor, and if with you it is just the opposite – it is not our fault.”
I notice all the things crawling out from under rocks complaining that the Jews are against free speech. Here is one thing no one is saying, but is important. When was the last time anyone saw the n word or a photo of a noose on Twitter or any other social media? Years ago? Anti-black words and images have been completely suppressed.
So the sad little nazis whining about muh free speech are only whining about free antisemitic speech. No one is whining, they won’t let me call black people the n word, they won’t let me post a noose. That’s all been disappeared, except for tiny accounts on obscure platforms. This must be pointed out again and again, because so many people only react to the controversy of the day, and don’t have the critical thinking skills to ask themselves, where did the n word and the noose go, should we insist on bringing them back for free speech.
The ambassador (and most Jews) completely misunderstood this conversation between Kanye West and Alex Jones – it was, basically, a setup, and Alex Jones knew exactly what he (and his team) were doing, i.e., he was in on it.
The meaning of the conversation was:
We are Christians! (See the huge painting of Christ appear).
Christians can love EVERYONE – the Jews, the Nazis, Hitler but Jews CAN’T – they have to persecute the poor Kanye (like a crucified Christ) who loves the Jews in spite of the way they (allegedly) treated him!
It is the old “Our God is the God of Love but their God is the God of Vengeance!”
At this point, the more the Jews (like the ambassador now) keep pushing for the “deplatforming” and punishment of Kanye, the more they will be confirming the idea of this conversation, and the more the public will feel Kanye’s “pain” and get angry with the Jews.
Kanye is just the tip
Of an giant Continent sized Iceberg of Jew hatred welling up in America…
Anyone who disagrees is blind or not paying attention.
The Left in America is Powerfully Jew Hate friendly.. especially the younger set.
The Education System in America has become a breeder of Anti Jew anti Israel Hate…