Almaala: “It Is The Mother of All Tweets”

See translations below tweets.

Rabbi Herzog

Or tweets. Information through my senior acquaintances from Riyadh, through Jerusalem, New York, and Washington. All of this is coming before the end of the year.

The change and coup that I mentioned in a Gulf ruling house occurred in complete secrecy. The Arab Rambo has become an illusion and an image in front of the people, and he cannot leave his palace without the permission of the military Khawaja. This is the punishment for anyone who kills innocent people and interferes in what does not belong to him. And what is hidden is greater. The matter will remain a secret, perhaps for more than a year, but Rambo is finished.

The Saudi state has a big dream and long patience, but it does not tolerate those who insult the Saudi people and the prestige of the Kingdom. Soon you will hear one of the attackers fleeing the banana state he rules and living in exile. 

There are no demonstrations in Bahrain. Unfortunately, the project to destabilize the Bahraini regime involves two Gulf countries. But Saudi intelligence thwarted their efforts.

We can turn all of Lebanon into a vast drifting arena, better than Al-Nazim or the messing arena in Al-Khobar, but we do not need that. We hunt the leaders of Hezbollah and the Revolutionary Guard like rats, and we will finish them all off and let Hassan Nasrallah grovel in Tehran. We will make the party bleed to death. You will see more.

Jordan is a republic. The king flees and the Palestinian Falcon of Amman rules. Whoever angers true kings loses his king, and this is what happened.

NATO entered Jordan for one reason, which was to prepare for after the fall of the king. The Jordanian king threatens civil war and incites against his Palestinians. Therefore, America sent huge forces to ensure the prevention of problems and civil war in Jordan after the annoying king and his narcissistic wife who incite against the Jews leave.

Hussein, son of the King of Jordan. I feel sad for you, my son. Your mother’s ambition and obsession destroyed you, and if you continue, it will destroy you. In general, all of the Hashemites’ money is gone, and they will not get anything from it after their departure.

Prince Hassan, brother of King Hussein. If you could please stop performing black magic against me, this is a backward method and does not work for me. Talismans and magic are a waste of your money and will come back against you in my case.

A terrifying decline in the Egyptian economy and the deal to sell the Suez Canal will not be completed, Sisi.

A major banking problem in the UAE, and you must beware of fraudsters and hackers. The topic will be great.  A Hashemite princess, one of the rulers of Jordan, and an elderly woman. Your real estate and money in America are subject to an evil eye. You will understand everything soon, but it will be too late.

The economic situation of citizens in Kuwait has declined and a security shock at the beginning of next year will be dangerous  . Assassination of a Hamas terrorist leader in an Arab country that may be very Gulf.

Laila Abdel Latif Neither a star nor a watermelon. Its source is a European intelligence officer linked to one of the Illuminati lofts in Paris. And the smart one understands.

Abedalelah Almaala: 
To His Excellency Rabbi Yaakov, may God protect and protect him. Yes, I agree with you. It is the mother of tweets, and I call it the mother of the final arrangements for the new Middle East. I also call it the mother of the upcoming events for change in the Middle East. Regarding the mother of the tweets about Jordan. Today, one of Jordan’s former ministers named Ahmed Dhouqan Al-Hindawi. His father was one of the pillars of the Jordanian deep state. He predicted what I predicted, and that Jordan is in the eye of the coming storm, and the next storm is the departure of the Hashemites and the end of their political journey to Jordan. Jordan and Jordanians are on a date with the new Jordan. May God protect you, Rabbi Jacob, and you have now become a source of hope for the starving peoples of the Middle East.
July 15, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. Maybe another self-felt Shabtai Tzvi, in goat’s clothing.

    Sounds like a prognosticator nut case.
    “The :Falcon of Amman” who “rules” is merely a compound of residential high rise buildings about 2 miles from Amman.

    At first I thought it was a Tom Conway copycat.. Sebastien will know who I mean.