Allegedly leaked Trump peace deal cites ‘New Palestine, United Jerusalem

T. Belman. Not a word or this deal is true. Israel will be sovereign over all lands west of the Jordan River.

A document was released that allegedly gives the details to the secret American plan to bring Arab-Israeli peace, including a “New Palestine” and one Jerusalem for two people.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials have allegedly been passing around in their online communication an unsigned document that claims to offer insight into the secret “deal of the century” peace plan soon to be released by US President Donald Trump and his administration.

It is impossible to know if the details are genuine or perhaps a hoax, Yisrael Hayom reported earlier this week.

The deal, the document claims, will be signed between Israel, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, and will bring about the creation of a state called “New Palestine.” This state would include the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, excluding Israeli settlements, and will share its capital with Israel. Arab residents of Jerusalem will be citizens of New Palestine.

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Education of Arab residents will be overseen by New Palestine, all other issues will be handled by the municipality of Jerusalem.

The holy places will remain in their current state and no Arab or Jew will be allowed to purchase homes in neighborhoods of the other community.

Egypt is meant to lease to New Palestine land on which it will open an airport and an industrial zone, according to the supposedly released plan. A road would be paved between Gaza and the West Bank and it would be possible to transfer desalinated water via an underground conductor between the two places.

The US, EU and Gulf States purportedly would finance the deal at a cost of $30 billion during the first five years. Israel will carry the cost of evacuating any settlements. This support is meant to build a viable economy for the Palestinians.

The costs are split among the countries in this way, 70% paid for by the Gulf States, 20% by the US and 10% by the EU. New Palestine will not have an armed force and Israel will defend it from any attacks in exchange of payment.

Hamas, according to this document, will agree to hold a free election a year after the deal is made. These elections will decide the government of New Palestine. Prisoners will be released in the space of three years and a sea port and air port be built in Gaza in five years from the time the deal is sealed.

New Palestine, if the released documents are correct, would be given two border passages into Jordan. The rest of the territory along Jordan will remain under Israeli control.

Should Israel refuse to sign this deal, the US will end all financial support of the Jewish State. Should the Palestinians refuse to sign it, the US will end all support of the Palestinian people and ensure no other country in the world will offer them funds.

The White House refused to comment on the news or verify it in any way.

May 9, 2019 | 19 Comments »

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19 Comments / 19 Comments

  1. I forgot to mention that I confirmed my info with Roy Glashan who is exceedingly careful as to what he publishes in his highly acclaimed, eclectic library.

    He s a noted bibliophile, a highly qualified (former) librarian and B.B. C. official, He has even made arrangements for The Roy Glashan Library to be carried on for many years, by training and collaborating with a much younger man -presently collecting material in Germany-, who will take over when he passes on.. So he told me.

  2. It’s actually called “The Adventure of The Yellow Face”.. In “running down” stories over the many years, and getting the histories of their genesis (or geneses…?) I found it was not unusual for a prolific writer to reissue a story -perhaps a few years later for a different publisher- revised and often with other details added and even different endings. ….

    I strongly believe it’s the very same story called “The adventure of the Yellow Face”…first printed in Strand Magazine in 1893…. Project Gutenberg is meticulous over the provenance of each item it publishes.

    Your link piques my interest. As I say, I have a very large collection of Doyle and have taken most of the rest from libraries. I particularly like Doyle’s books and have read much about his life I think I have his biography somewhere.

    {{ He was also a first-class (high level) cricketer and played against many of the great players including W.G. Grace….and also against the great Wilfred Rhodes…. whom I actually saw several times in the late 1940s and early 1950s when he was a very old man and blind but still attending cricket matches with a friend who would describe the action to him. He was an early hero of mine and I have books about his matches.}}

  3. @ Adam Dalgliesh:

    I only came across just a single reference to the film name by accident as an addendum to just one of very many different entries all naming the story as “The Yellow Face”. So the idea that a film gave it the name is anachronistic. Maybe you wouldn’t have mentioned this solution if I had not referred to the film. In your story are the names of the characters I gave mentioned at all….?

    Perhaps you’d post a link to your story. I can’t find it anywhere,, so far. Thanks …I’ve a bit of Sherlocking to do on this. It has become interesting.

    Just you key in Doyle’s “The Yellow GIrl” and see what you get…

  4. @ Edgar G.: Edgar, A similar but not identical story to the Doyle original story. Sounds like a screenwriters adaptation of the Doyle story with sensationalistic, Hollywood-style additions. The ‘yellow” (i.e., half black) child doesn’t wear any sort of wax mask in the original story.

  5. @ Edgar G.:

    Also I’ve keyed in Conan Doyle’s.. “The Yellow Girl” at many venues and nothing comes up but loads of “The Yellow Face”. It has to be the same story. Doyle wouldn’t “plagiarise” himself.

  6. @ Adam Dalgliesh:

    I just looked this up ..It’s story #3 in “The Memoirs Of Sherlock Holmes” (Gutenberg Australia) and entitled “The Yellow Face”….Grant Munro is Holmes’ client. Yellow face turns out to be a little “half” black girl with a Scottish nanny living in a little cottage near Munro’s house. She wears a yellowish-white wax mask at the behest of her mother Effie who is also Munro’s wife -her second marriage, Her first having been to an earlier deceased American attorney named Hebron..who was black..

    I think they are the same story but with similar -but not exactly the same- names. Possibly a publisher’s change-or error.

    Holmes’ comment at the end is that if he ever seems over-confident, that Watson should remind him of “The Norbury Case”.:

    The movie was also called “The Yellow Face”

  7. @ Edgar G.: Edgar, the story is named “Yellow Girl.” Holmes client is the second husband of a woman who lived in the U.S. for many years, married there, and then returned to her native England and remarried. However, the guy thinks that the woman’s first husband may be still alive, and may be blackmailing his wife with having made a bigamous marriage. But it turns out that the woman’s American husband did die, but hewas black, and they have a daughter who is also black. The woman left her daughter in the United in the care of a nanny she hired. But now she has brought the daughter to England in a house near where she lives with her second husband. She is always hanging out in this house, but she refuses to tell her husband what she is doing there and who is living there. Alarmed, the guy hires Holmes (for a large fee, as Holmes warns him) to investigate.

    Holmes breaks into the house and immediately finds out what’s going on. The woman is scared her husband will reject her daughter because she is black, and that is the reason for her secrecy. However, the guy immediately bonds with the little girl, and announces he will adopt her as his stepdaughter, no problem. He’s not a racist, and the little girl is both pretty and extremely intelligent for her age. They all go back to their house, husband and wife holding hands, and the little girl riding piggyback on her stepdad’s shoulders and “squealing with delight.”

    That’s when Holmes and Watson head back to London, and Holmes makes his remark about having been wrong (in his initial theory of the case) and ‘liking it.” As far as I can remember, the only Holmes story with a completely happy ending. Nobody killed, nobody robbed, no one’s heart broken, everyone happy at the end. I also liked the story because Doyle’s ridicules racism at a time (about 1900) when that was still an unpopular view. Doyle showed courage publishing the story.

  8. @ Adam Dalgliesh:

    That’s O.K I hate the thought of “New Palestine”…Like poison.

    .I thought I had read ALL of the Holmes stories and many times over. (I have many Doyle books including his Boer War account..which as we all know was premature) ..You may be thinking of “Yellow Face”…about a little black girl… I think Holmes said in that story that Watson should remind him of this case if he ever got over-confident… something like that. So maybe I missed one story. Do you recall anything of the plot…?

  9. Edgar,In view of Jason Greenblatt’s denial that the plan has leaked, and his specifically saying that the so-called “New Palestine” plan described in the Jerusalem Post is a fake, I must take him at his word. Mr. Greenblatt did not specifically comment on the versions of the plan that have been reported in the Lebanese Press, and that the PLO ,Abdullah’s regime and Abdullah’s insider opponents within the Jordanian government all seem to think are accurate. But by implication, they too are fake news if Greenblatt is right that the plan has not leaked.

    So yes, Edgar , I “sliiped up” this time. I am reminded of the ending of Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes story ‘the Yellow Girl,” which is the only Sherlock story in which there is a completely happy ending for all the characters. Watson notices Holmes is grinning broadly. This is the first time Watson ever saw Holmes smile. When he asks Holmes why, he says, “you know Watson, I’ve been wrong about a case before. But this is the first time I’ve been wrong about a case andliked it. No s—-t, Sherlock!

  10. @ Adam Dalgliesh:

    Adam…I think that you have “slipped up” here (a rare happening for you I admit) just too fantastic for (in my opinion) serious consideration . Trump would not…could not be that convoluted. Not with Israel…His relationship with our country is uniquely doubt at all about THAT. The whole “Plan” sounds like unadulterated poppycock, and would never float an inch, but immediately sink nose down to bathysphere depths. It’s provenance -if delved into- would likely lead to Al Jazeera or some such.. (Maybe even Al Capone)

    I was only half-kidding when I earlier mentioned djinns and 1000 year old brass bottles…

  11. Again this article was bullshit per Jason Greenblatt.

    Jason D. Greenblatt

    FYI: our plan hasn’t leaked. Reports like this are inaccurate & just speculation. The article itself even says it may be a hoax. Once again, speculation & bad sources don’t do anything to advance peace. If you haven’t heard it from our team don’t trust it
    12:49 PM – May 9, 2019

  12. My gut feeling is that Trump has been sending out probes–possibledeals or elements of deals–that may contradict, or seem to contradict each other. The Arabs are sent “probes” that demand extensive concessions from them, while the “probes” sent to Israel demand extensive concessions from Israel. Publicly, the administration denies responsibility for all of the probes, and reminds everyone that the “deal” is still incomplete, a work in progress. The purpose is to find out what concessions the U.S. can squeeze out of both sides (without demanding a public committment from either) and in this way move the two sides closer to each other, creating common ground on which an agreement may eventually emerge. A very devious strategy, but one that an experienced deal-maker like Trump must be very familiar with from his days as a private businessman. You offer two or more competitors deals with slightly different terms, starting a bidding war, begin with hard-line demands and move gradually towards the other side’s positions in return for concessions from them, etc. It’s not a straightforward or transparent process. But if anyone at all has the negotiating skills necessary to bring about some kind of agreement between Israel and some future Palestinian entity (probably neither Fatah nor Hamas), it is Trump.

  13. @ Bear Klein:

    We certainly agree on this. (and I would include ALL Arabs) The “do-gooder” will find out soon enough. But they must have been blind over the past 100 years anyway. The point you mention has been in plain sight for ever…Like Poe’s “The Purloined Letter”…The Koran is freely available to read and “understand”… Yet with all this evidence…REAL evidence. they still think that Arabs can be trusted.

    These tyros wear the rosiest coloured glasses that ever existed. They never heard of

    “Respect…but Suspect”…

    Prelude to “The World Gone Mad”….Great new Bestseller.

    I’m usually a “half glass full” advocate …but with Arabs. it’s the opposite.

  14. @ Edgar G.:No plan which requires the PA or PLO or Hamas to agree to anything will ever work. The Arabs all know this and the Israelis know this. Just the people residing in other countries have not all figured this out yet.

  15. @ Bear Klein:

    It’s only about 5 times more complicated than the most tortuous plan that has yet been floated as being THE Plan. Does that sound logical….????.even from politicians in an arena where the most unreal speculations are being passed around non-stop………..???? !!.

    All depending on ARAB agreements……when Arabs have NEVER kept agreements-except of hate and slaughter..

  16. If this is true both Bibi and Trump et al are finished politically. And heaven help them all on their judgment day because this is against the will of the Almighty.

    The rest of us will gladly give up US money and we will fight to get back the rest of our country.

  17. Well….It’s a perfect description of how to hold a gun to one’s head…. That’s all I can say about it. Certainly not a relationship between one sovereign state and another…like the US and Israel…..