Alex Jones in a riveting discussion with Dr. Ben Marble

A declaration of victory 

By URI WEISS      AUG 18

I want to pay tribute to all the braveheart doctors, who put everything on the line in the face of the largest, most evil, gruesome, cruelest conspiracy to commit the greatest genocide mankind ever experienced, on innocent, unsuspecting citizens, under the guise of public health. It’s hard to quantify what was worse, the relentless psychological war carried out to break the spirit, moral, mental health of children, adults and the elderly, or the campaign of coerced poisonous injections, on fear of losing your livelihood and the roof over your head.

Against this backdrop of evil malevolence stood up a few doctors, towering figures such as Dr. Zev Zelenko, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, and the American Frontline Doctors an organization formed ad hoc by Dr. Simon Gold. Right there at the very top, stood up Dr. Ben Marble, also a towering figure, who provided a compelling testimony at the Senator’s Ron Johnson’s hearings, of crimes against humanity committed by the cabal of psychopaths headed by Bill Gates, Rochelle Wallenski, Fauci and the World Homicide Organization.

The gaslighting and the psychological war conducted against us the REFUSENIKS, can’t be understated. The isolation and the uncertainty was suffocating and I don’t believe that we could have survived this campaign of psychological terrorism without giants like Dr. Ben Marble.

August 19, 2023 | Comments »

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