Remembering Orde Wingate

‘Aharai!’ to Afghanistan:

By Shoshana Bryen, The Times of Israel

A small group gathered Sunday at Arlington National Cemetery to commemorate the life and work of British Maj. Gen. Orde Wingate of blessed memory, who is interred there with the Americans with whom he was flying when his plane crashed in Burma in 1945.
Israel and the Jewish War Veterans led the annual commemoration of Wingate, a passionate Zionist and a believer in Jewish military capability long before it was a proven commodity. But it would be unsurprising to find that CIA Director David Petraeus was a Wingate acolyte. His Iraq surge owes much to Wingate’s style of thinking, and the British general might well have lessons for Afghanistan.

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Sent to Palestine by the British government in 1936 to put down an Arab insurgency, Wingate was an egalitarian, responsible for the fact that Israeli soldiers don’t salute. He taught the Jews of the Yishuv, as well as his British soldiers, counterinsurgency tactics to defeat marauders who were attacking villages and British installations including the Baghdad-Haifa oil pipeline. Night operations to keep the insurgents off guard; ambushes rather than fixed defense; and living among the people to engender trust and gather intelligence – these were all part of his textbook. Most important, he gave the Jews what remains the battle cry of the IDF: “aharai!” – after me.

Wingate – and especially “aharai” – was a rebuke to the British military hierarchy that sent young soldiers “over the top” in World War I while their officers remained in the trenches. His love of Zion was a rebuke to the British political hierarchy that was uncomfortable with the Mandate to establish a Jewish State in Palestine.

A master at doing more with less – too few soldiers, weapons and supplies, and never enough time – Wingate established the spirit that makes the IDF and Israel leaders in innovative technology and weapons that he could only have dreamed of. It is hard to imagine his response to the rifle that shoots around corners, or to the missile defense system that distinguishes between those that will hit populated areas and those that will fall harmlessly and takes out the former.

A devout Christian, he used the Bible as a map and history as a guide.
An Arabic and Hebrew speaker, he understood the language and the nature of both his adversaries and his friends. Unfortunately, his British superiors believed they needed Arabs more than Jews, and were not pleased that he encouraged this “Night Squads” to undertake offensive operations.

(Perhaps that explains why, although the program announced the appearance of the British Defense Attaché along with Israeli and American representatives, the British Embassy was a complete no-show. Too bad, the children’s choir sang an enthusiastic “God Save the Queen.”)

Removed unhappily from Palestine in 1939 (according to a witness, his passport was stamped, “The holder of this passport is not allowed to enter Palestine or Trans-Jordan”), Wingate went on to serve his country with distinction, creating the Gideon force in Africa, where fewer than 1,700 men in Ethiopia captured more than 20,000 Italian soldiers. In Asia he created the Chindits, airborne jungle units that fought the Japanese far behind the lines. Winston Churchill eulogized him as “a man of great genius who might well have become a man of destiny.”

Professor Nicholas Kittrie of American University met Wingate in Cairo during the War. At Sunday’s memorial service, he brought Wingate into the present, noting the main points of a recent letter of agreement between the United States and Afghanistan. According to the terms, the Americans will no longer take the lead on night missions and American forces will be increasingly confined to bases, rather than operating among the people. These, said Kittrie, violate Wingate’s prescription for winning a war against insurgents. “And this is,” he said, “a war against an insurgency.”

Quite right.

But Wingate need not be applied directly to America’s current wars to be relevant. It should be enough that his work helped to organize and direct the army of the Yishuv – which became the IDF, a model for citizen-soldiers — and became a friend, a partner and an ally to the United States armed forces.

April 24, 2012 | 4 Comments »

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  1. In Israel, to this day, Wingate is fondly remembered in many circles as ha-Yedid

    — the Friend.

    “A devout Christian, he used the Bible as a map and history as a guide.”

    “There is only one important book on the subject [of Zionism], the Bible, and I have read it thoroughly.” — Orde Charles Wingate.

    “An Arabic and Hebrew speaker, he understood the language and the nature of both his adversaries and his friends.”

    Born in India to a Plymouth Brethren family of military background, Wingate believed that the British were descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes, and took it upon himself to learn the Hebrew language.

    “Israel and the Jewish War Veterans led the annual commemoration of Wingate, a passionate Zionist and a believer in Jewish military capability long before it was a proven commodity… A master at doing more with less – too few soldiers, weapons and supplies, and never enough time – Wingate established the spirit that makes the IDF and Israel leaders in innovative technology and weapons that he could only have dreamed of.

    For Israel, the second-most significant individual of Scots heritage after Balfour, and as much appreciated in his day.

    “Sent to Palestine by the British government in 1936 to put down an Arab insurgency…”

    He organized, trained, and coached some 3000 British-authorized Haganah “ghaffirs” (incl Yitzhak Sadeh, Yigal Allon, & a very young Moshe Dayan) for his Special Night Squads (SNS) against Arab rioters & the Grand Mufti’s assassination teams. Get a load of the flavor, the passion, of this fellow:

    “His first evening in the land of Israel seemed to allow his blazing intensity to take hold of him, focus, and envelop his very being. That first evening, after settling in at Haifa, he went up to Mount Carmel — with its beautiful view of the Haifa Bay area — and met the Chief Intelligence Officer of the Underground Jewish Defense Force, the Haganah. His name was Emmanuel Wilenski.

    Wilenski was unaware, at first, that Wingate knew who he was.

    Wingate, as was his wont, peered closely into his eyes, and asked Wilenski, ‘Do you believe in a Zionist State, in an independent state of Israel?’

    Said Wilenski, ‘I am not afraid of answering that. Yes. I do.’

    Wingate clambered to his feet. ‘Aha! You do? — But do you know what it means? Do you realize that you will have to fight for your independence?’

    Wilenski replied. ‘I think, Captain Wingate, that we do.’

    ‘But fight! I mean fight! — A bloody struggle!’ shouted Wingate. ‘There will be no free Palestine for the Jews unless you fight, and win.’

    He went up to Wilenski and prodded him in the chest. By this time his eyes were blazing.

    ‘And you will not win, my friend, unless I teach you how to fight and I lead you into battle’… MORE… “

    Wingate was a keen observer, who had noted that

    “[t]he military [i.e., the British troops stationed in Mandatory Palestine], in spite of their superior armament, training and discipline, are in comparison with the guerrilla warrior at a disadvantage as far as knowledge of the ground and local conditions are concerned; it is advisable to create mixed groups of [British] soldiers and faithful local inhabitants. The Jews are the only local inhabitants who can be relied upon. They know the terrain well and can speak the languages fluently. Moreover they grasp tactical training quickly and are well disciplined and courageous in combat.” [Orde Wingate, as quoted in Israel Be’er, Hagana as Britain’s Ally (Cooperative Press “Achdut,” Tel Aviv, 1947)]

    “He taught the Jews of the Yishuv, as well as his British soldiers, counterinsurgency tactics to defeat marauders who were attacking villages and British installations including the Baghdad-Haifa oil pipeline.”

    Capt. Wingate’s resourcefulness, his leadership skills, his readiness to lead PERSONALLY & to train personally, as well as his tactical adaptability, particularly his vision of preemption & “active defense”: i.e., counterassault — tracking down & destroying attackers — were frequently recalled by the bear-like & often flamboyant Sadeh, who later became the commander of the Palmach — the permanently mobilized, striking arm of the Haganah [p’lu-GOHT mahkh-AHTZ — “shock platoons”]:

    “Eventually we would have done by ourselves what Wingate did, but we would have done it on a smaller scale and without his talent.” [cited in Howard M. Sachar, A History of Israel: From the Rise of Zionism to Our Time, 2nd Revised Edition (Alfred A. Knopf, NY, 1996), p. 216; see also Christopher Sykes, Orde Wingate (London, 1959)]

    Wingate was one piece of work; a real character. Had a thing for eating raw onions as a matter of personal discipline (part of his take on asceticism, it seems; hoo-hah!).

    “Described by Weizmann as “my favorite madman,” Wingate became, after a few months in Palestine, the most popular British personality since Balfour among Palestinian Jews, a sort of Lawrence of the Hebrews.” [Ahron Bregman, A History of Israel (Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2003), p. 29]

    “His love of Zion was a rebuke to the British political hierarchy that was uncomfortable with the Mandate to establish a Jewish State in Palestine.”

    Yes, quite. He remained in Palestine for the three years of the Arab rebellion, until in 1939, HMG — under Arab pressure for Wingate’s intense, unashamed, & controversial support of the cause of Jewish restoration — transferred him out of the country.

    Upon leaving, he said, b’Ivrit, to his SNS unit & the Haganah leadership:

    “I am sent away from you and the country I love. I suppose you know why.

    I am transferred because we are too great friends. They want to hurt me and you. But I promise you I shall come back.”

    It was not to be. He would never again set foot on the Land before he died.

    When his plane went down over Burma six years later [actually, not “1945,” as stated above, but rather, 1944 — March 24 of that year]

    — Wingate, now Major-General Wingate, had just turned 41 years of age the previous month.

  2. The sports institute for Israel is named the Wingate Institute.

    I wish I had known about the commemoration at the Arlington Cemetery. The weather was lousy on Sunday, but I would not have missed it.

    Wingate was truly an eccentric genius. He was a thorn in the side of his own British military. When in Burma, he would walk around camp in the nude with an alarm clock hanging from his neck. He was deeply devoted to the Zionist cause as a believing Christian.

    I doubt that very many American Jews know the importance to Jewish history of this Righteous Gentile. Of course, many American Jews know very little of Jewish history, anyway.

  3. AZA in Toronto in the 50’s had a chapter named “Wingate”. There was also a “Wingate House” for Jewish WW2 veterans just off Bathurst street.
    My copy of his biography disappeared into some relative’s library.