Ah yes, “rabbi” Jacobs.

From Gerald Honigman

Dear Friends,<

Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings….

Since this represents the largest denomination of American Jews, think about what the implications of the following article are:


Ah yes, “rabbi” Jacobs.

I know I’m not going to win many fans by what I’m now sending,

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But there’s too much at stake for those who truly care about who we are as Jews for me to stay silent. The alternative is to consent to what you’ve read in the link above and either explicitly or implicitly support it. Obviously, with The Dancer’s popularity, many do indeed agree him.

The “Progressive“ Jacobs & Co. attack President Trump for recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s 3,000-year old capital and moving the American embassy there.

That would be the same Trump who also closed down the PLO/PA latter-day Arafatians’ offices in Washington; defunded blatantly anti-Israel organizations like UNRWA; recognized Israeli sovereignty on the Golan so Syria can never rain death upon Israel below from it again; appointed the amazing Nikki Haley as America’s UN rep; etc.

And unlike Obama, Trump isn’t badgering and threatening Israel because it refuses to return to the ‘49 Auschwitz/armistice lines—what the Settlement Issue is largely all about.

He’s also withdrawn America from the deal with Iran that turned over $150 billion in cash to it to fund Hamas, Hizbullah, etc., and gave the atomic ayatollahs a pathway to however many nukes they want in the not-too-distant future.

Jacobs honors and repeatedly invites antisemites and anti-Zionists like “reverend” Al Sharpton, and other blatant anti-Zionist speakers to do their thing at important Reform Judaism functions and programs.

The author of the important article both above and below below leaves out an early attempt by the Reform to change Shabbat to Sunday so Jews wouldn’t stick out so much among their Gentile countrymen.Read my mind…Totally pathetically nauseating.

Sitting at a Kiddush luncheon, I had to listen to congregants cursing Trump out for the above “sins” Jacobs attacks him for.

Not that I agree with everything Trump does or says, but the above is not what to go after him for. And think about who his likely opponents in the 2020 election will be.

For the sake of my Mother, ex-president and devoted to Conservative Temple Israel where I’ve also belonged since 1985, and my Grandkids in the preschool of the Reform Temple that T.I. now shares the former’s building with, I come through the doors of this Reform Temple. T.I. no longer has a school of its own.

The rabbi of both congregations is very nice and accommodating to all.  I wish the rabbi well.  And there are a decent number of Reform friends who strongly disagree with rabbi Jacobs’ controlling crowd. But this is still very much a Reform Temple which supports and chooses the folks like Jacobs…agin, a great dancer I’ve read.

As you’ll see in the article, Jacobs has had, has now, and will have even more company regarding his pathetic thoughts in the future. May they all become full-time dancers instead.

So, for now, I walk through the doors of the conjoined Temples…Read the linked article and weep. Jacobs is so ignorant—or deceitful—that he doesn’t even know that the ‘49 armistice lines imposed upon Israel which made it 9-15 miles wide were never meant to be Israel’s official borders, and UNSC Res 242 addressed the necessary territorial compromises that would have to be made in the disputed lands of Judea and Samaria after the ‘67 War to give Israel more secure, defensible borders.

Instead, Jacobs pretends that Israel’s Jews have to try to exist in their virtual sardine can, surrounded by enemies sworn to their demise whether Israel is 9 or 90 miles wide at its strategic waist—where 85% of its Jews live. I travel farther to come to Temple. Jacobs probably does too.


My answer to the Jacobs Crew re Jerusalem and such is below; and I understand that one of his fellow enlighteners is coming to town to do a program here……How thrilling.

Is it really a wonder that so many Jewish kids go off for higher indoctrination instead of education and wind up supporting anti-Israel groups like J Street U and even Students for Justice in Palestine? Look who their teachers are…  https://www.meforum.org/campus-watch/59239/a-plague-of-coleitis-in-academia-on-juan-cole

Here’s what those kids need to set them straight:

http://q4j-Middle-East.com …….Get it for them for Chanukah, their bar/bat mitzvah, confirmation, graduation, birthdays–whatever. But trust me, it will be one of the best investments you will make if you want them to care about such things.

Now, before ending this for now, please read what comes next carefully below:

       Some Reform friends have said that it is best to work from within to change this sickening situation.

       Working from within…Where has that gotten them–other than allowing themselves to contribute more to the Reform bigwigs in return for some bones thrown in   response. When the Messiah arrives, that’s when they’ll see a change.
       My suggestion?

       Pull your money out, find rabbis who conform to your more honorable and true Jewish beliefs…and form a breakaway movement. Then tell the other sickening disgraces to go shove their ideas where the sun don’t shine…

     Follow this pertinent story:

    The Middle East Studies Association (MESA) had a monopoly in this field in academia until less than a decade ago.
     As a result, duplicity and vilification of Israel have been commonplace along with the intimidation and outright punishment directed to those who dared to dissent.
     I paid the ultimate price myself. The most advanced doctoral student in the program, I was denied a Ph.D. dissertation advisor by the tenured chief honcho who liked to lecture me about fascist Zionists and the like… the kiss of death for a higher academic career.
     Please read this following article to see what I mean: https://www.meforum.org/campus-watch/59239/a-plague-of-coleitis-in-academia-on-juan-cole
     About 7 years ago, things finally came to a head–but much too late for me.
     Two leading stars–the late Profs. Bernard Lewis and Fouad Ajami–lead a revolt and broke away from MESA.
     They formed ASMEA instead–and that’s where my own book was introduced into academia in Washington, D.C. at the annual ASMEA Conference across the bridge from Georgetown.
     The Jacobs ilk give all Reform Jews a bad name in non-Reform circles.
    The answer is found above…Come up with another name for a brand new Reform subgroup and attract those worthy of the better of you. The Lutheran Church has subgroups because of serious differences, and so forth.
     Many will flock to the new movement, including from other branches in Judaism–but it’s important that it be made well-known why the schism has occurred.
     Or, another option would be to just leave the Reform movement altogether. I write all of the above as a Conservative member of The Tribe.
     Whatever path is chosen, adhering to the ideas of the assorted rabbi Jacobses will lead to the disappearance of our four millennia-old people and their beliefs and traditions which have indeed done so much to make this world a much better place.

All my best,


November 7, 2019 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. @ Dean Blake:

    Most likely it’s the Nazi George Soros who poses as a Holocaust surviving Jew while he enjoyed robbing the Jewish victims who were shipped to Auschwitz.
    He also follows the Op-Ed page of the antisemitic New York Times (slimes).

  2. Mr. Jacobs (I can’t call him a rabbi) is working against the Jewish State and is taking sides with our enemies on the left. He prefers to march in lockstep with the ‘progressives’ as they aim their sights on the Jewish State and as we have seen in Germany and the Soviet Union in the 1930s how the locksteps can turn into goose steps as the Jews were persecuted.
    He is a rasha (wicked) for misleading his followers against the Jewish State and the Jewish faith.