By James R Corsi, WND

obamahillaryHillary Clinton and President Obama discuss the Libya crisis at White House press conference in 2012

NEW YORK – Recordings of top Pentagon officials in 2011 strongly criticizing Hillary Clinton for leading a State Department “march to war” against Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi in 2011 and for working with the Muslim Brotherhood confirm the conclusions of the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi, according to members who spoke to WND.

CCB members said the recordings revealed by the Washington Times provide additional evidence to support the group’s interim report concluding the Obama administration “changed sides” in Libya, rejecting an effort by Gadhafi to abdicate and choosing instead to arm al-Qaida-affiliated militia seeking to forcibly oust the dictator.



Last week, WND reported retired Adm. James Lyons’ conclusion the Obama administration could have ousted Gadhafi peacefully by accepting a deal brokered in March 2011 by retired Rear Adm. Chuck Kubic with AFRICOM in Germany.

“The release of the Pentagon secret tapes by the Washington Times today validates the CCB interim report that the Libyan war was totally unnecessary, since it now has been validated that Gadhafi was willing to abdicate and that he had no intention of causing a humanitarian crisis, as promoted by Hillary’s State Department,” said Lyons, a former four-star admiral who served as the commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific and a founding member of the CCB.

The CCB – comprised of 17 retired admirals and generals; former intelligence agents; active anti-terrorist experts; media specialists; and former congressmen – has been conducting its own investigation and working behind the scenes for the past year-and-a-half to ensure Congress uncovers the truth of what happened in Benghazi and holds people accountable.

“It is long past time that the Obama administration and especially his then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton come clean about why they were so determined to turn on Gadhafi – our ally in the war against al-Qaida – and instead chose to arm and support al-Qaida militias fighting to overthrow him,” said Clare Lopez, a former career operations officer with the CIA and currently vice president for research at the Washington-based Center for Security Policy.

Lopez said it’s “critical to note that Gadhafi was actively engaged with Department of Defense officials to arrange discussions about his possible abdication and exile when that promising development was squashed by the Obama White House.”

“The Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi has been asking ‘Why?’ for well over a year now,” she said. “It is time the American people and the families of those who fought and gave their lives at Benghazi in September 2012 were told why those brave Americans had to die at all, much less die alone with no effort made to save them.”

Retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, another CCB founding member, told WND in an email that the Washington Times disclosure puts additional pressure on Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., to subpoena Clinton and other key Obama administration officials to testify soon in public before the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

“Delays by Gowdy are unnecessary at this time,” Vallely insisted. “Gowdy can press forward now as he does have sufficient intelligence and documents to call all witnesses and issue subpoenas as necessary.”

“Additional delays will only give the obstructionists in the Obama White House, the State Department and the Democrats in Congress time to thwart the efforts of the select committee,” Vallely said. “Gowdy needs to call immediately former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Obama administration CIA Director General David Petraeus and former director of both the CIA and the Department of Defense Leon Panetta, as well as General Dempsey, the current chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.”

Retired Air Force Gen. Thomas McInerney, also a founding member of the CCB, was equally disturbed over the content of the Pentagon recordings revealed by the Washington Times.

“It becomes obvious these Pentagon tapes reveal a starting point by the Obama administration to start switching sides by taking down Gadhafi when all informed analysts knew that Benghazi was the incubator for radical Islam in sending suicide bombers to Iraq to kill American troops,” McInerney said.

“Why the administration wanted to do this is bewildering, but the evidence continues to grow,” McInerney added, citing as evidence President Obama’s enthusiastic support for former President Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood in his country, as well as the Obama administration determination to exchange five Muslim “high value targets” from Guantanamo for U.S. Army soldier Bowe Bergdahl, who was held captive by Taliban-affiliated radicals in Afghanistan after he allegedly deserted his unit.

The disclosure of the Pentagon recordings also prompted CCB members to comment on the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood on the Obama administration.

“The war in Libya was a manufactured war produced in part by the influence the Muslim Brotherhood exerted on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, with the Muslim Brotherhood penetrating her office through the influence of Huma Abedin, Clinton’s longtime deputy chief of staff, who transferred to the State Department to serve as Clinton’s aide,” Lopez added.

WND has reported extensively Abedin’s family origins in the Muslim Brotherhood and her work for a dozen years as an assistant editor for the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs for the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs. The organization was founded by her late father and directed by her mother with the full backing of the Muslim World League, an Islamic organization in the Saudi holy city of Mecca founded by Muslim Brotherhood leaders.

“Remember that Huma Abedin’s family’s Saudi ‘godfather’ is Abdullah Omar Nasseef, the founder of Rabita Trust, an al-Qaida funding institution that was shut down after 9/11. These were the connections advising our secretary of state  it’s called an influence operation,” Lopez said.

Lopez said that also during that time, among the closest advisers to John Brennan, now head of the CIA, and Dennis McDonough, currently White House chief of staff, when they were on the National Security Council was the son of the Sudanese grand mufti, Imam Mohamed Magid, the president of the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Islamic Society of North America, ISNA.

ISNA was listed by the Department of Justice as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2008 Holy Land Foundation trial, which convicted the organization and its leaders of funding the terrorist organization Hamas, Lopez noted.

Magid, imam at All Dulles Area Muslim Society, near Washington, D.C., is a member of the board of advisers to the Department of Homeland Security’s Countering Violent Extremism working group.

January 30, 2015 | 78 Comments »

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50 Comments / 78 Comments

  1. dweller Said:

    Are you seeing a pattern here, Max?

    If I was to bother with all the patterns of personal dysfunction here, I would have to write a ten volume book set and who would care?
    Woody Allen wanted to name one of his films “Anahedonia”,I wonder if it’s a salient Jewish cultural trait?
    Sayonaora off on your quest ..looks like and “Doneyouins and Draggins”

  2. @ honeybee:
    @ yamit82:

    “Yamit82 is not a troll, he is an intellectual giant, and his opinions, like my own, are pure gold.”

    More like iron pyrite.

    “Did I write that or you?”

    Is there a difference?

  3. @ Max:
    @ mar55:

    “Watch and think before you talk…

    Talk positive or as much as we are anti-communist you are going in the dog house.

    I like your opinions but do not get yourself in the dog house.”

    Are you seeing a pattern here, Max?

    In English grammar it’s known as “imperative mood,” and it’s reserved for commands.

  4. @ honeybee:

    “I always enjoyed leading the boys on a merry chase, still do !”

    “Mostly because that’s all you’ve ever been able to do.”

    “And my Sweetie, you’re always first in line to dance in my parade”

    That kind of line is just your way of dancing around the fact that, unlike the real dancers in your parade, I take the time to correct you.

    Truth is, I’ve NEVER danced in anybody else’s parade.

  5. @ yamit82:

    “Majority voted Hitler in to power.”

    “Hitler wasn’t even elected — let alone, elected by a ‘majority’…”

    You and your ‘Rudy Rummel’ fail to mention that the system is parliamentary and he describes how coalitions are built…Are you really that stupid or just pretending?”

    Guess I must be really stupid; somehow I had the idea you had said a “majority voted Hitler in to power.”

    — But of course you wouldn’t have said something as nonsensical as that.

    “BB and Likud here only got some 23% of the vote but he was given opportunity to form coalition which he did.”

    Likud won a plurality; so its leader got first crack at forming a govt.

    Hitler’s party got neither a majority NOR a plurality.

    ” If you don’t think Hitler was legitimate…”

    “Legitimate” is a loose term and was not the matter at issue. The specific term I responded to was “majority.”

    Neither Hitler NOR his party got a majority.

    — It was Hindenburg’s party which got a majority.

    “Be nice if you could provide link to your source. Quotation marks for historical references don’t do it for me.”

    Poor baby. I gave you quotation marks and a name, so you knew it was in print. You’ve got a mouse. . . .

    OTOH, I could’ve left OFF both the name AND the quotation marks — as you quite frequently do.

    As for your asking for ‘nice’:

    — When your manner towards me becomes ‘nice,’ you can start asking for reciprocation of such things as niceties. Until then, you’ll get from me what I’m willing to give you in the FACE of your discourtesy.

  6. honeybee Said:

    dweller Said:
    Mostly because that’s all you’ve ever been able to do.
    And my Sweetie, you’re always first in line to dance in my parade.

    That’s breaking with an old standing Texas tradition that first in parade are the rodeo clowns, and second are the steers

    oh…I see 🙂

  7. Her mother was the same. In fact you remind me of my daughter.
    She has a championship mouth and very quick and funny comebacks. We went to the playground and instead of playing
    in the sandbox with girls. She had five boys a bit older than her who were always waiting for her to organize them.
    When she arrived they would be Hey, here is J. Games, firemen, police and robbers and all sort of boys game. She likes boys a lot as she got older.
    I’m sure my grand and Texas would be a good fit.

  8. @ Max:
    Watch and think before you talk. yammit82 is not a troll neither is honeybee. Wash your mouth before you talk about them. Start reading what yammit82 says and then opine. He is superior when it comes to intelligence and capacity for analytical know how. His predictions are very accurate
    analyzing Israel politics and political situations elsewhere. Read what yammit82 say and then talk. Talk positive or as much as we are anti-communist you are going in the dog house. Nobody in this forum has the quick and witty comments honeybee has. You need intelligence for that and a quick mind. I like your opinions but do not get yourself in the dog house.

  9. yamit82 Said:

    Compared to Max Obama is an intellectual giant

    I absolutely love to study the intricate working of “Maxie’s mind “. His “manifestos” a most entertaining.

  10. @ yamit82:

    So glad you arose from your “sick bed” to address my previous statement. Dichas, by their very nature are short and to the point. It would be helpful to inform your “ghost writer” of that fact.

  11. honeybee Said:

    Yamit82 is not a troll, he is an intellectual giant, and his opinions, like my own, are pure gold.

    Did I write that or you??? 🙂

    Compared to Max Obama is an intellectual giant. Both are 3 sheets to the wind!!!

  12. @ honeybee:

    Dichas Yamit: The problem with Leaders are leaders except where they are elected by the people. Then the blame must be divided equally.

    With bad Monarchs the people always retain the right of insurrection if all else fails.
    Sometimes you get lucky and have a good monarch but democratically elected leaders are never good.

  13. Max Said:

    You are at troll and afraid of living in daily life.
    Your opinions are valueless.

    Yamit82 is not a troll, he is an intellectual giant, and his opinions, like my own, are pure gold.

  14. They put my name in all the papers, calling me a racist. And it hurt, ya know? As a Jew, you know, as a member of the Jewish community, I was really concerned, you know, that we were losing control of the media.

    Sarah Silverman

    Yeah considering Haaretz, NYT, Globe and Mail , etc. etc. I wonder how that control of the media canard is so popular?

  15. mrg3105 Said:

    I tried watching one video (Sarah Silverman Jesus is Magic

    “Alex Renton laughs out loud at Sarah Silverman”

    Some interesting analysis and POV on why she is popular and why quite a few people find her humourous.

    Obama was selected by the American people, not elected. The people were offered a limited choice and they selected him from that limited choice – they had no direct input into that choice selection.
    Obama was elected by members of the Democratic Party under the direction and mentor-ship of the economic elite’s political advisers and lobbyists.

    Also since that same elite owns the majority share (along with the GOP) of the propaganda and information system, we can hardly say that it was a “democratic” election more like a programmed election, very calculated, with some variance, plus or minus.

  16. mrg3105 Said:

    I would like to find out which part of her is ‘Jewish’.

    Her neck – she is a JAP.

    Honest , I’ve seen interviewers stumble all over themselves before they could start the interview – more than one and more than once she has pointed out to them in a straightforward manner that they are impressed by her neck.
    “The Bedwetter” was quite interesting.

    I was raped by a doctor… Which is so bittersweet for a Jewish girl.

    Funny is funny.

  17. Yamit is right.
    Obama was in the first place elected by about 32% of the US population.

    Max, I do have a sense of humour. I just didn’t find anything of Sara on YouTube that I thought was funny.

    I tried watching one video (Sarah Silverman Jesus is Magic) and realised…she can’t talk! As in, she does not, like many Americans, know how to string a complete sentence together.

    Besides that I have no opinion of her. I would like to find out which part of her is ‘Jewish’.

  18. dweller Said:

    “Majority voted Hitler in to power.”

    Not so.

    Hitler wasn’t even elected — let alone, elected by a ‘majority.’

    Are you really that stupid or just pretending???

    You and your 'Rudy Rummel' fail to mention that the system is parliamentary and he describes how coalitions are built.

    BB and Likud here only got some 23% of the vote but he was given opportunity to form coalition which he did. If you don’t think Hitler was legitimate then neither is BB or any other leader elected as a majority but formed coalitions to gain positions of power and rule.

    Be nice if you could provide link to your source. Quotation marks for historical references don't do it for me. Amateurish try thou Barbs!!!!!

  19. dweller Said:

    Not so.

    Hitler wasn’t even elected — let alone, elected by a ‘majority.’

    It’s true, it was more like a coupe d’etat.

    mrg3105 Said:

    Personally, I’m a monarchist

    You might have some trouble selling that in France or America. Though they may may in fact already be monarchies with royal bloodlines just not in name. Unfortunately these kind of systems raised ascendent over democracies a long time ago when the Emperor system triumphed over Republican Democracy in Rome. This has set a bad example for centuries.
    Once the sheeple get used to something, they can’t think of anything else they think this is the way things have to be. In fact there are many positive methods of social organization that have yet to be tried or implemented. The libertarian model of workers being primary shareholders shows a lot of promise.

    The depressing thing is that it takes centuries for bad ideas to wear out and they take so much of the positive, hard won, gene pool with them in their destructive path. So many human beings wasted in social evolution and the outcome still precarious, indeed apparently hanging on a razor’s edge.

  20. @ yamit82:

    “Majority voted Hitler in to power.”

    Not so.

    Hitler wasn’t even elected — let alone, elected by a ‘majority.’

    “Hitler was never elected. He ran in two national elections in 1932. In the first, he got 30 percent of the vote, and no one got a majority.

    In the resulting runoff election, he increased his votes to 37 percent

    — while his opponent, World War I hero Field Marshall Hindenburg got a majority.

    And since the Nazi party won 230 seats out of 608 in the Reichstag, it did not have the majority to make Hitler Chancellor.

    So how did this happen? By backroom backstabbing, double-crossing, threats, and promises, including among former Chancellor Franz von Papen, present Chancellor Lieutenant General Kurt von Schleicher, and the elected President Hindenburg.

    Their maneuvering, a rumor of a threatened military coup, and the urging von Papen, who had entered into a secret alliance with Hitler to get supporters into Cabinet positions, finally persuaded Hindenburg to reluctantly appoint that ‘little corporal’ Hitler chancellor.

    Many involved in this intrigue, including von Papen, thought that this would bring Hitler under their control. . . .”

    Rudy Rummel

  21. Max, there is this thing called monarchy 🙂
    Personally, I’m a monarchist

    You are right in a sense though; the UK, USA and France did admire and fear the Wehrmacht, and they did get that ‘bug’ which is still affecting their militaries. Americans in particular are very badly affected.

  22. So apparently most of the people here envy the Nazis and just wish they had been the oven masters in Germany.
    One might say it’s the Bettelheim Syndrome, though I am more inclined to think it is the triumph of Nazi ideology. Nazi ideology didn’t die, it was taken by Stalin and Mao and refined and perfected. And somehow Westerners such as the Brits, Americans and the French admired their fierce enemies and absorbed their ideologue and methods particularity applying them to Big Business.
    Overall the most important lesson learned by all was to emulate the newly developed Nazi propaganda methods, hemethods of mass indoctrination.
    One might say Goebbels is the father of today’s Western culture or Neo-Stalinist Democracy.

  23. Max says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    February 1, 2015 at 4:49 am

    mrg3105 Said:

    On previous to the previous comment

  24. oldjerry Said:

    You can also add the Palestinians that voted Hamas into power.Isn’t democracy wonderful?

    First that wasn’t democracy because pro-democracy advocates in that fake election were killed and such parties eliminated.

    Second , it was wonderful – the terrorist declared themselves and stuck their heads out – the mistake was that Israel didn’t exterminate them within 24 hours ,as they had the perfect right to exterminate them as a terrorist organization.

    Hamas is a problem with the Israeli Government and a world wide problem for democracy and the citizens of democratic systems to evolve to a system that defends it’s existence. It’s a hard lesson – how many millions will continue to die before it is learned?

    And if not learned the future of your descendents will be like the life in an Apple factory in China.
    If they are lucky,
    And if you don’t know what that’s like you should find out because it is where the entire world population (except for a small group of leaders of course) is headed.

  25. mrg3105 Said:

    The problem with democracy is that no state that ever adopted it survived for very long

    That is not a problem with democracy, that is a problem with tyranny and fascism. A full democratic system has never been implemented anywhere – but we do have forces that can lead us to a solid, defensible and self sustaining democratic system. The half successes are encouraging.
    The war is ongoing, it can be said to have been ongoing from Roman Times. The end result for humanity and civilization has not yet been determined.
    Democracy under the power of elites who have their wealth and power from human slavery, bondage and oppression is corrupted democracy and needs to be reformed and safeguards put in place.

    The point is your intent – you chose a side – tyranny or democracy and you have chosen evil. All your rationalizations for your greed of self will not save you from the condemnation of evolution which will turn your descendents into mindless ant-like automatons in service of Neo-Morlocks which finally will spell the end of evolution and humanity.

  26. honeybee Said:

    Maxie Darlin, you are shinning light of moral certitude in this our corrupted world. Bless your litle old heart.

    You are a shill and a stooge for an evil , ruthless and corrupt political system. You are afraid to be like those others, the virtual slaves, who go to the third rate health clinic or have no health services so you throw in your lot with the oppressors in hope of getting better table scraps.
    The loyalist class – the ones recruited to defend the tyrants, like in Libya, Nazi Germany, Syria, Iran,North Korea, Southern Lebanon. Communist China, Putinist Russia..

    Same old same old all over the world and all over history dime a dozen, and not worth a penny. No matter how many times we defeat the minions of tyrants they keep coming back again – at least so far.
    It’s only one war – Democracy versus Tyranny and it’s been on for a long time.

  27. The problem with democracy is that no state that ever adopted it survived for very long, including various Greek city-states.Since being adopted by the USA it has led to its weakening as a state regardless of military capabilities. France declined from the force to be reckoned with in Europe to what it is today, loosing two World Wars, its empire, and becoming an ‘also’ member of EU after Germany.

    Russia went from bad to worse after the revolution, and arguably only Putin has slowed the slide. China of course never had democracy, and Japan arguably never recovered after the imposition of democracy since 1945. India is not a democracy, though notionally it is, because how decisions are made is through the intricate and highly corrupt elite class networks. Brazil, Argentina and Chile had failed as democratic nations, and we have seen the result of the democratic experiment in Egypt.

    Why is it that no one questions why democracy was never adopted by the ancient contemporaries of its inventors?

  28. mrg3105 Said:

    Max, democracy is how the ‘West’ got into this mess

    No, corrupted Democracy is not democracy.
    Democracy run by any rich elite is not democracy.
    Democracy that allows anti-democracy movements is not democracy.
    You don’t know what democracy is – your basic model, the model that most Westerners are indoctrinated in – is fascism.
    You and most others only know and understand fascist systems – you have never even tried to think what is needed to attain democracy because you worship fascist systems.

  29. @ Max:

    Democracy = civilization?????

    Is a republic a democracy in YO?
    Majority rules?
    Therefore is the majority always right?
    Majority voted Hitler in to power. Latest Obama twice into Power.

    Actually based on all your rants I suggest you are an anarchist, one that ‘Plato’ would be proud to call his own.

  30. Max Said:

    No, you are obviously another person that has lost their moral compass or probably never had one.

    Maxie Darlin, you are shinning light of moral certitude in this our corrupted world. Bless your litle old heart.

  31. oldjerry Said:

    @ Max:
    You’re being sarcastic with regards to Gadaffi, aren’t you? Or are you?

    No, you are obviously another person that has lost their moral compass or probably never had one. “Never again” is not just for Jews. A civilization that thrives on totalitarians is one that doesn’t deserve to survive. The world is one place, democracy is either for all or there is extinction of the genetic human being and evolution as we know it.

  32. our ally in the war against al-Qaida – and instead chose to arm and support al-Qaida militias fighting to overthrow him,”

    Total nuttybar baloney.Articles like this are from the lunacy fringe – wiling to make political points through lies and deceits this way is twisted, immoral and evil.

    The overthrow of Gaddafi was a victory for the human race of good against evil. Anyone that chooses Gaddafi chooses all the same … Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Hamas, Hezbollah … the enemy of democracy is totalitarianism – islamofascism is just one particular type of this evil.