Absolutely Devastating! Thread (closed)

Details released about Israeli hostages recently murdered by Hamas.

Peloni:  As we mourn the murders of these hostages, do not forget that their murderers have been receiving billions of dollars in US funding, before and after the slaughter of October 7.  Harris used the family of Hersh Goldberg Polin during her campaign, while the barbarians who murdered him were still receiving support from her govt, even as her govt is sanctioning Israelis who have not committed crimes, who have murdered no one, who have kidnapped no one.  Politics has consequences, and Harris’ connection with the Islamists in her govt and in her close association, including those who are pressing her to cut all weapon transfers to Israel, must have a consequence.

See Translation below Tweet


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu: “We are in a difficult day. The heart of the entire nation is torn. Along with all the citizens of Israel, I was shocked to the core by the terrible cold-blooded murder of six of our abductees: Carmel Gat, Eden Yerushalmi, Hirsch Goldberg-Polin, Alexander Lubnov, Almog Sarosi and Rav – Sergeant Uri Danino, may God restore their blood. Together with the entire nation, we mourn together with them. I wish to express our deep appreciation to the IDF soldiers, who are in danger. their lives for the sake of our sons and daughters. I say to the Hamas terrorists who murdered our abductees – we will not rest on your head All of us. Just this morning he murdered three policemen. My wife and I send our condolences to their families. We saw the unimaginable cruelty of the Hamas killers in October, and the fact that Hamas continues to commit atrocities in October Do everything so that he cannot commit these atrocities again. Citizens of Israel, our efforts to free our abductees continue all the time. Since December, Hamas refuses to conduct real negotiations. Three months ago, on May 27, Israel agreed to a hostage release deal with the full backing of the United States. Hamas refused. Even after the United States updated the outline of the deal on August 16 – we agreed, and Hamas again refused. These days, while Israel is conducting intensive negotiations with the mediators in a supreme effort to reach a deal, Hamas continues to firmly refuse any proposal. Worse than that, at that very moment he murdered six of our abductees. Whoever murders abductees – does not want a deal. We, for our part, did not let up. The Israeli government is committed, and I am personally committed, to continue pursuing a deal that will return all of our abductees and guarantee our safety and our existence”

September 1, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. I too notice FOX “diluting” some of the news from Israel. The simple answer is for Israel to keep things moving via the “west bank” and rid the world of those who want to inflict permanent pogroms on the country.

  2. Unfortunately, even on FOX you have commentators like Rachel Campos Duffy essentially blaming Bibi for not making a ceasefire deal, i.e. surrendering to hamas’ demands. Any deal with hamas would incentivize future October 7 massacres and the taking of hostages.