ABIM: “Follow the consensus, not the science. Saving lives is not a priority.”

That’s the message ABIM is sending to physicians by revoking the board certifications of Doctors Marik and Kory. “Follow the consensus, not the science.” It’s about compliance, not saving lives.

Steve Kirsch  Aug 14, 2024
Executive summary

Today, the Washington Post gleefully reported the revocation by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) of the certifications of Paul Marik and Pierre Kory.

The message they are sending is clear: “All physicians must toe the line. If you disagree with the medical consensus, we will make it impossible for you to practice medicine for the rest of your life. We just don’t give a damn what the scientific evidence is or how many lives you save.”

In this article, I’ll go through the evidence and the mortality stats.
Why they revoked their certifications

Paul Marik - ISOM

It’s simple. Kory and Marik said publicly ivermectin works to treat COVID.

The ABIM thought this was misinformation so revoked their certifications. This means they can’t practice in any hospital or academic setting.

The top of the evidence-based medicine (EBM) pyramid is the systematic review and meta-analysis

The highest standard of evidence based medicine (EBM) is the meta-analysis and systematic review published in a peer reviewed journal. It doesn’t get any better than that.

So what does EBM say about Ivermectin? At least two of them say it works:

There are others that say it doesn’t work, but no physician should lose their license if there are one or more systematic reviews/meta-analysis supporting their recommendation. That would be unethical of course. It would be anti-science.

But that is what ABIM did.

Basically, they are sending the message that what you have to follow is the medical consensus as dictated by the FDA and CDC. Nothing else matters. If you go against the FDA and CDC, you lose your license. It’s that simple. Do not challenge authority.

Other evidence

But here’s the best source of all. All the studies on ivermectin can be viewed on the c19early.org site.

As you can see, of all the studies available, ivermectin comes in as the 2nd most effective treatment for all the published studies.

The treatment advocated by the FDA comes in at #18.

So if you prescribe something that is less likely to work but the FDA likes, you keep your license. If you prescribe something with the most compelling evidence, you lose your license. That’s what the ABIM wants physicians to know.

You saved lives?!? Patient outcomes are irrelevant. Stick to the protocol and don’t ask any questions.

When Paul Marik was treating patients in the ICU for COVID, he had a 90% survival rate in saving their lives using his protocol.

When Marik was told he had to follow the CDC protocol, his patient’s COVID survival rate in the ICU dropped to under 50%.

The hospital wouldn’t let him switch back. So facing an ethical conflict, he resigned.

The ABIM doesn’t give a hoot about saving lives. Marik could have had a 100% success record in saving lives and they’d just laugh at that.

Medicine today is all about compliance with authority, not saving lives or patient outcomes. There are no points awarded for lives saved.

ABIM is telling doctors: “Comply or you’re out. We don’t care about patient outcomes.”

What will happen in 5 years from now?

Once we prove that it is today’s doctors that are spreading misinformation about the COVID vaccines, do you think that the ABIM will restore the certifications of Kory and Marik and revoke the board certifications of all other physicians? That’s what they should do if they are protecting the public, right?

However, there is no accountability in these organizations, so that will never happen.


The message from ABIM is clear: “Do what you are told by the FDA and CDC.”

Violators will lose their licenses. ABIM doesn’t care about evidence. They don’t care about saving lives. Physicians need to tow the line. Speaking out is a career-limiting move. It doesn’t matter how many lives you save.

Expect more revocations for physicians who don’t comply with authority.

August 14, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. @EvRe1: Good input from you, however, all those doctors who did go along with the protocol can no longer go back because then they would face an avalanche of lawsuits from anyone they had contact with during the pandemic.

  2. This is as totalitarian as it can get for the United States healthcare system.

    It is not about evidence based medicine, it is not about quality of care, and it is not about the importance of mutual trust between doctor and patient.

    It is simply about accepting the authority of the government to dictate treatment and patient care, just as it was in Nazi Germany. If you disagreed openly with the way “doctors” (murderers) at Auschwitz conducted experiments on living patients, you stood a good chance of death. Here in the US they turned doctors into murderers by government protocol. The protocol was simply designed to benefit Big Pharma at the cost of millions of unnecessary deaths.

    The problem for US medical care is that doctors could have decided EN MASSE to reject the government protocols and interference in their decision making in the very beginning. They still can do so now. But too many doctors were/are conformists and afraid to lose their practices. What we are seeing now is a result of the cowardice of the medical profession writ large.

    There are good doctors, competent doctors who refused to go along with the hospital protocols designed by government individuals who were trying to maximize the number of deaths. They lost their teaching affiliations and are being threatened with loss of their license, and some have already lost their license to practice medicine.

    What happens when the best doctors, those with the most integrity and highest honors lose their licenses? People are left to choose doctors with compromised integrity, or choose those who have not earned any distinction in the practice of medicine.

    This is what globalist control of “health care” looks like. It is no longer health care, it is doctors conspiring with globalists to create as many deaths as possible. They decide in advance who is too sick to recover, instead of supporting the patient through their illness and recovery. It is also not just in the US, but has occurred in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Multiple videos have been made showing the methods by which hospitals and doctors conspired to arrange for the deaths of large numbers of patients by government protocol, in which the family members had no say at all. Patients were refused all nourishment either by IV fluids or food. People were put on ventilators without the need for them, and the ventilators ended up killing them. Millions of people were killed in the world this way, not by COVID but by government protocol which was intended to kill.

    There is going to have to be a reckoning one day, and those who created these death protocols must be identified, charged, and put on trial for crimes against humanity. During World War II in Nazi Germany, no one thought that the Nazis would have to stand trial. But they eventually did.

    Unfortunately for the US, many of the higher ranking Nazis came here to work in the newly created CIA, and they are still here in various government /military positions. This is most likely how we find ourselves in this predicament to this day.