Abdullah Extends His US Visit After Rabbi Herzog Tweets

See translations below tweet


Rabbi Herzog:

“From what God has taught me by His grace and from my sources. Information and not nonsense.

#Houthi talks about striking #Riyadh while he will strike Abu Dhabi or Dubai or both. Al-Houthi and those behind him, why is it in their interest to provoke #Saudi Arabia I see fire and danger surrounding the Emirates and they wish their people safety.

Al-Houthi’s reckoning is coming and I will not give him time. He and the Houthi leaders will perish, but not this year.
The two who played with the head of the Arab Rambo, one will be thrown into the dustbin of history and the other will be attributed to where he came from and even Al-Mansour may withdraw his citizenship.

The future of the King of #Jordan is over no matter how hard his wife tries. The new British government will not help you and its interest is not with you and France, despite all its promises to you, will not give you any real support.

Be like the Shah of Iran instead of King Faisal II.

The treasure of #Jordan will be opened by the bald man with ambition. All this after the fall of the king and Jordan will become rich and happy is he who has land or property in Amman and northern Jordan.

Abbas’s health is deteriorating and he will not remain in power for months after the fall of the King of Jordan. He will be followed by Hussein al-Sheikh as the head of the authority subordinate to the next Jordanian president.

A political move by the Sultanate of Oman will make it reveal shocking positions against some Arabs
this summer that will blow many terrorist heads in the West Bank/Judea and Samaria. Get ready.”

Abedalelah Almaala:

King Abdullah II, who is in America on a private visit for more than 3 weeks, and after he decided to return to Jordan, and after Rabbi Yaakov’s tweet, may God protect him, in which he announced the approaching date of the departure and end of the rule of the Hashemites in Jordan, he extended his visit to America to search for the men of the American deep states.

To pressure Israel ?? to extend his rule.

Note that the Jordanian Parliament is to be dissolved and its date is July 16, 2024, and a new government must be formed whose mission is to hold parliamentary elections.


July 12, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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  1. @Skezix Apropos of nothing, a fun read if you like alternate history:

    Agent of Byzantium is a 1987 collection of short stories by Harry Turtledove,[1] centered on the exploits of Basil Argyros, a Byzantine secret agent. The stories are set in an alternate 14th century, where Islam never existed and the great ancient empires of Byzantium (the Eastern Roman Empire) and Sassanid Persia survive….




  2. Ted and Peloni–When I go to these tweets on X and ask for the translation, the X answer comes back “unable to fetch translation.” Perhaps because I am not an X member. Could you please post a brief translation summary in this space?