Abbas to UN: No Peace Without Palestinian State With East Jerusalem as Its Capital, Including Holy Sites

Palestinian president: Nation-state law nullifies two-state solution ? ‘U.S. disqualified as sole mediator of peace process’

By Noa Landau, HAARETZ

Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas addresses the 73rd session of the General Assembly at the United Nations in New York, September 27, 2018

NEW YORK – Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas told the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday that there would be no peace without a “an independent Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and not some place in East Jerusalem as its capital, and with all of its holy sites.”

Opening his speech by stating “Jerusalem is not for sale, and the rights of the Palestinian people are not up for bargaining,” the Palestinian president said that Israel’s “racist” nation-state law nullifies the two-state solution, adding that it will lead to a single “racist, apartheid state.” He said that Israel’s “colonial occupation continues to suffocate us.”

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Abbas criticized the Trump administration’s recent moves on Jerusalem’s status as Israel’s capital, moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and aid cuts, saying they have undermined the two-state solution and reneged on previous agreements.

“We awaited his peace initiative with utmost patience, but were shocked by decisions and actions he undertook that completely contradict the role and commitment of the United States towards the peace process,” Abbas said.

The Palestinian president then called on Trump to rescind his decisions and public decrees on Jerusalem, refugees and settlements to salvage the prospects of peace.

“It is ironic that the American administration still talks about what they call the deal of the century,” he continued. “But what is left for this administration to give to the Palestinian people? Humanitarian solutions?” Abbas said that “we are not against negotiations and have never rejected negotiations, and that we continue to extend our hands for peace.”

Abbas said that “we will not accept sole American mediation in the peace process because the U.S. has lost its eligibility – they are too biased toward Israel.”

“While we welcome all the economic and humanitarian support to our people in the West Bank and Gaza through legitimate Palestinian institutions, we refuse that this support be considered a substitute to a political solution that would bring an end to the Israeli occupation,” Abbas stated.

Abbas concluded his speech by “paying tribute to our honorable martyrs and courageous prisoners – why is Rabin’s assassin considered a hero in Israel and we cannot pay our prisoners?”

Hours before his address, Abbas’ spokesperson slammed Netanyahu’s rare comment that he is “willing for the Palestinians to have the authority to rule themselves without the authority to harm us.”

The Palestinian president’s spokesperson, Nabil Abu Rudeineh, rejected Netanyahu’s endorsement of a Palestinian state over which Israel would have security control. “We will only agree to an independent and sovereign Palestinian state at the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.”

Abu Rudeineh went on to say that the Palestinians “will not agree to any presence of the soldiers of the occupation on our Palestinian land. As far as we’re concerned the entire settlement enterprise is illegitimate, and we will reject any idea or proposal that breach decisions made by the international community.”

On Wednesday, a Palestinian official denied that Abbas was offered and rejected a potential meeting with Netanyahu.

“The Israelis should leave their old blame game tactics. The only fact here is that we did not reject any meeting. They did not ask to meet to start with,” a Palestinian official said, in New York. “President Abbas accepted to meet Mr. Netanyahu in several occasions, but it’s the Israeli PM the one who never shows up. Netanyahu knows well that we have clear positions in all issues and that the only position his government has regarding Palestine is apartheid.”

Netanyahu’s comment Wednesday was given during a press briefing to reporters in New York and was the first such overt expression of willingness to see a Palestinian state formed since the premier made his “Bar Ilan” foreign policy speech in 2009.

Netanyahu has refrained since then from clarifying his stance on a Palestinian state, but told Haaretz that “it is important to set what is inadmissible to us: Israel will not relinquish security control west of Jordan. This will not happen as long as I’m prime minister and I think the Americans understand that.”

September 27, 2018 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. @ Bear Klein:

    She probably is wacko. I always thought there was something wrong with her. Her cheerful jolly face and infectious (that’s for your virus) smile, will brighten up you day……..

    I just looked her up on the internet. Interesting in fact. She decided that if she was reporting on the “Palestinians” she should live in their midst. She lived in Gaza for 4 years including the Cast Lead period. Had to flee when she criticised Hamas. She’s been living in Ramallah for over 20 years. Obviously a nut case.

  2. @ Edgar G.:
    Missing Amira Haas is like missing having a virus were you puke for a week with a fever or having the clap.

    Is she gone for real? I listened to her on TV and in interviews a couple of times and literally thought she is insane (clinically) and not just a wacky leftist.

  3. Palestinians ask top UN court to remove US embassy from Jerusalem
    Filing of case at ICJ comes after recent threats by PA President Abbas to pursue grievances with US, Israel at international courts.

    Talk about making sure you real permanently piss of the Trump Administration and clarify that you are their enemy Abbas done this superbly! Israel should just say to Trump we need to move on with our lives and can not rely on deal making with Abbas, he is not a reasonable man or possible partner.

    So we intend to apply Israeli Civil Law to Area C and build there extensively. We are telling you this upfront because there is no way to make a deal with this person and we respect your efforts on our behalf.

  4. AbAsa can have a Phallustinian state near Neverland. Had I been Prime Minister, this piece of sewage sludge would have been sent to his so called Allah.

  5. We can add Noa Landau to the twisting, lying, maleficent mouthpieces of the Arab squatters of YESHA. They must eat special food in their cafateria-if they have one-, that speeds to their brains to turn all the lies of the Arabs as truths, and all the truths of the Israeli as lies.

    I’m not surprised as Israel is noted for it’s innovatory skills. In this case, an unworthy usage.

    I almost miss Amira Hass……..almost……