Abbas speech to U.N.


    “We will accept no less than the all the Palestinian territory occupied in 1967”

    “a solution for the refugee issue on the basis of resolution 194 (III), as per the operative part of the Arab Peace Initiative” = as the Arabs explain, flooding Israel with anyone who has an ancestor who was in Israel around the period of the founding of the State of Israel (the majority of these ancestors, by the way were relatively new to the area as they were drawn by the economic opportunity created by Jewish immigration).


    “The world watched a defamatory and venomous speech that was full of
    mendacious propaganda against the IDF and the citizens of Israel. Someone
    who wants peace does not talk in such a manner.”


Mr. President of the General Assembly,

Palestine comes today to the United Nations General Assembly at
a time when it is still tending to its wounds and still burying its beloved
martyrs of children, women and men who have fallen victim to the latest
Israeli aggression, still searching for remnants of life amid the ruins of
homes destroyed by Israeli bombs on the Gaza Strip, wiping out entire
families, their men, women and children murdered along with their dreams,
their hopes, their future and their longing to live an ordinary life and to
live in freedom and peace.

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Palestine comes today to the General Assembly because it
believes in peace and because its people, as proven in past days, are in
desperate need of it.

Palestine comes today to this prestigious international forum,
representative and protector of international legitimacy, reaffirming our
conviction that the international community now stands before the last
chance to save the two-State solution.

Palestine comes to you today at a defining moment regionally and
internationally, in order to reaffirm its presence and to try to protect the
possibilities and the foundations of a just peace that is deeply hoped for
in our region.

Mr. President,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Israeli aggression against our people in the Gaza Strip has
confirmed once again the urgent and pressing need to end the Israeli
occupation and for our people to gain their freedom and independence. This
aggression also confirms the Israeli Government’s adherence to the policy of
occupation, brute force and war, which in turn obliges the international
community to shoulder its responsibilities towards the Palestinian people
and towards peace.

This is why we are here today.

I say with great pain and sorrow… there was certainly no one in
the world that required that tens of Palestinian children lose their lives
in order to reaffirm the above-mentioned facts. There was no need for
thousands of deadly raids and tons of explosives for the world to be
reminded that there is an occupation that must come to an end and that there
are a people that must be liberated. And, there was no need for a new,
devastating war in order for us to be aware of the absence of peace.

This is why we are here today.

Mr. President,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Palestinian people, who miraculously recovered from the
ashes of Al-Nakba of 1948, which was intended to extinguish their being and
to expel them in order to uproot and erase their presence, which was rooted
in the depths of their land and depths of history. In those dark days, when
hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were torn from their homes and
displaced within and outside of their homeland, thrown from their beautiful,
embracing, prosperous country to refugee camps in one of the most dreadful
campaigns of ethnic cleansing and dispossession in modern history. In those
dark days, our people had looked to the United Nations as a beacon of hope
and appealed for ending the injustice and for achieving justice and peace,
the realization of our rights, and our people still believe in this and
continue to wait.

This is why we are here today.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the course of our long national struggle, our people have
always strived to ensure harmony and conformity between the goals and means
of their struggle and international law and spirit of the era in accordance
with prevailing realities and changes. And, our people always have strived
not to lose their humanity, their highest, deeply-held moral values and
their innovative abilities for survival, steadfastness, creativity and hope,
despite the horrors that befell them and continue befall them today as a
consequence of Al-Nakba and its horrors.

Despite the enormity and weight of this task, the Palestine
Liberation Organization (PLO), the sole, legitimate representative of the
Palestinian people and the constant leader of their revolution and struggle,
has consistently strived to achieve this harmony and conformity.

When the Palestine National Council decided in 1988 to pursue
the Palestinian peace initiative and adopted the Declaration of
Independence, which was based on resolution 181 (II) (29 November 1947),
adopted by your august body, it was in fact undertaking, under the
leadership of the late President Yasser Arafat, a historic, difficult and
courageous decision that defined the requirements for a historic
reconciliation that would turn the page on war, aggression and occupation.

This was not an easy matter. Yet, we had the courage and sense
of high responsibility to make the right decision to protect the higher
national interests of our people and to confirm our adherence to
international legitimacy, and it was a decision which in that same year was
welcomed, supported and blessed by this high body that is meeting today.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We have heard and you too have heard specifically over the past
months the incessant flood of Israeli threats in response to our peaceful,
political and diplomatic endeavor for Palestine to acquire non-member
observer State in the United Nations. And, you have surely witnessed how
some of these threats have been carried out in a barbaric and horrific
manner, just days ago in the Gaza Strip.

We have not heard one word from any Israeli official expressing
any sincere concern to save the peace process. On the contrary, our people
have witnessed, and continue to witness, an unprecedented intensification of
military assaults, the blockade, settlement activities and ethnic cleansing,
particularly in Occupied East Jerusalem, and mass arrests, attacks by
settlers and other practices by which this Israeli occupation is becoming
synonymous with an apartheid system of colonial occupation, which
institutionalizes the plague of racism and entrenches hatred and incitement.

What permits the Israeli Government to blatantly continue with
its aggressive policies and the perpetration of war crimes stems from its
conviction that it is above the law and that it has immunity from
accountability and consequences. This belief is bolstered by the failure by
some to condemn and demand the cessation of its violations and crimes and by
position that equate the victim and the executioner.

The moment has arrived for the world to say clearly: Enough of
aggression, settlements and occupation.

This is why we are here now.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We did not come here seeking to delegitimize a State established
years ago, and that is Israel; rather we came to affirm the legitimacy of
the State that must now achieve its independence, and that is Palestine. We
did not come here to add further complications to the peace process, which
Israel’s policies have thrown into the intensive care unit; rather we came
to launch a final serious attempt to achieve peace. Our endeavor is not
aimed at terminating what remains of the negotiations process, which has
lost its objective and credibility, but rather aimed at trying to breathe
new life into the negotiations and at setting a solid foundation for it
based on the terms of reference of the relevant international resolutions in
order for the negotiations to succeed.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

On behalf of the Palestine Liberation Organization, I say: We
will not give up, we will not tire, and our determination will not wane and
we will continue to strive to achieve a just peace.
However, above all and after all, I affirm that our people will
not relinquish their inalienable national rights, as defined by United
Nations resolutions. And our people cling to the right to defend themselves
against aggression and occupation and they will continue their popular,
peaceful resistance and their epic steadfastness and will continue to build
on their land. And, they will end the division and strengthen their
national unity. We will accept no less than the independence of the State
of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, on all the Palestinian
territory occupied in 1967, to live in peace and security alongside the
State of Israel, and a solution for the refugee issue on the basis of
resolution 194 (III), as per the operative part of the Arab Peace

Yet, we must repeat here once again our warning: the window of opportunity
is narrowing and time is quickly running out. The rope of patience is
shortening and hope is withering. The innocent lives that have been taken
by Israeli bombs – more than 168 martyrs, mostly children and women,
including 12 members of one family, the Dalou family, in Gaza – are a
painful reminder to the world that this racist, colonial occupation is
making the two-State solution and the prospect for realizing peace a very
difficult choice, if not impossible.

It is time for action and the moment to move forward.

This is why we are here today.

Mr. President,

Ladies and Gentleman,

The world is being asked today to undertake a significant step
in the process of rectifying the unprecedented historical injustice
inflicted on the Palestinian people since Al-Nakba of 1948.

Every voice supporting our endeavor today is a most valuable
voice of courage, and every State that grants support today to Palestine’s
request for non-member observer State status is affirming its principled and
moral support for freedom and the rights of peoples and international law
and peace.

Your support for our endeavor today will send a promising
message – to millions of Palestinians on the land of Palestine, in the
refugee camps both in the homeland and the Diaspora, and to the prisoners
struggling for freedom in Israel’s prisons – that justice is possible and
that there is a reason to be hopeful and that the peoples of the world do
not accept the continuation of the occupation.

This is why we are here today.

Your support for our endeavor today will give a reason for hope
to a people besieged by a racist, colonial occupation. Your support will
confirm to our people that they are not alone and their adherence to
international law is never going to be a losing proposition.

In our endeavor today to acquire non-member State status for
Palestine in the United Nations, we reaffirm that Palestine will always
adhere to and respect the Charter and resolutions of the United Nations and
international humanitarian law, uphold equality, guarantee civil liberties,
uphold the rule of law, promote democracy and pluralism, and uphold and
protect the rights of women.

As we promised our friends and our brothers and sisters, we will
continue to consult with them upon the approval of your esteemed body our
request to upgrade Palestine’s status. We will act responsibly and
positively in our next steps, and we will to work to strengthen cooperation
with the countries and peoples of the world for the sake of a just peace.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Sixty-five years ago on this day, the United Nations General
Assembly adopted resolution 181 (II), which partitioned the land of historic
Palestine into two States and became the birth certificate for Israel.

Sixty-five years later and on the same day, which your esteemed
body has designated as the International Day of Solidarity with the
Palestinian People, the General Assembly stands before a moral duty, which
it must not hesitate to undertake, and stands before a historic duty, which
cannot endure further delay, and before a practical duty to salvage the
chances for peace, which is urgent and cannot be postponed.

Mr. President,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The time has come to recognize our State of Palestine, whether
as a full member or a non-member State in this organization, paving the way
for it to take its rightful place among the community of nations.

This is why in specific we are here today.

Thank you.

November 30, 2012 | 33 Comments »

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33 Comments / 33 Comments

  1. @ Bernard Ross:

    “Good points, especially in the details.”

    You can thank Bibi for that.

    — All that YoursTruly did was to type it out from Chapter Four & hit “post.”

    Notwithstanding the man’s bougalooing around as PM, the book itself is a damned good read. Highly recommended.

    “Note how quickly the french and UK are threatening to withdraw their ambassadors to day and the german runaround at the UN vote. Is as if they already had their plan in place.”

    Muscle memory?

  2. Add to my last post that Obama has joined in . Rahm Emmanuel is threatening BB over the construction. They are trying to being the 5th column left wing opportunists back into power.

  3. @ dweller: Good points, especially in the details. Note how quickly the french and UK are threatening to withdraw their ambassadors to day and the german runaround at the UN vote. Is as if they already had their plan in place.

  4. @ Michael Devolin:

    “The parallels to 1938 — and to the current prospects of what it presaged at the time — are downright eery.”

    Final installment (Part 6) of the Sudetenland excerpt from A durable peace:

    “That the Arabs have borrowed directly from the Nazis in this, as in so many of their other devices against Israel, is not surprising. What is surprising, or at least disappointing, is the speed & readiness with which this transparent ruse has been received, digested, and internalized by the Western elite. Not a day passes without some somber editorial or political comment from august quarters in America or Europe asking Israel to voluntarily accept the same decree that Czechoslovakia was asked to accept. Israel is told that it should divest itself of its large Arab minority, making itself ethnically more homogeneous for the sake of securing internal security & demographic bliss. The London Times, the leading newspaper of the world in 1938, published a celebrated editorial that summed it all up:

    ‘It might be worthwhile for the Czechoslovak government to consider whether they should exclude altogether… making Czechoslovakia a more homogeneous state by the [se]cession of that fringe of alien populations with which they are united by race… the advantages to Czechoslovakia of becoming a homogeneous state might conceivably outweigh the obvious disadvantages of losing the Sudeten German district.’

    “Substitute ‘Israel’ for Czechoslovakia, and ‘Palestinian Arab’ for Sudeten German, and you could insert this same editorial into the leading newspapers of the West today without so much as raising an eyebrow. Israel, still the object of genocidal designs by some of the Arab world, has become in the view of many Western opinion-leaders the intransigent party; Arabs who seek Israel’s destruction and say so openly within the Arab world are often presented as reasoned & moderate…”

    True, there’s no mention in the excerpt of Iran, or Islamism generally — but the book was written (revised) in 2000.

  5. @ Michael Devolin:

    “The parallels to 1938 — and to the current prospects of what it presaged at the time — are downright eery.”

    Part 5 of the Sudetenland excerpt from A durable peace:

    “On Sept 30, the Czech army began its withdrawal from the Sudetenland, from the strategic mountain passes, the mountain fortresses, the major industrial facilities that would have been the backbone of Czechoslovakia’s effort to defend itself. But this was only phase one of Hitler’s plan. The German annexation of the Sudetenland was followed by a RENEWED list of demands on the Czechs. The Nazis continued to invent incidents of violence & oppression against the ethnic German minority in what was left of the Czech state. Less than 6 months later, on March 15, 1939, the Nazi war machine rolled thru the rest of Czechoslovakia. Shorn of their defenses in the Sudeten mountains, the Czechs were now powerless to resist. Phase two had been implemented. ‘It was clear to me from the first moment,’ said Hitler, ‘that I could not be satisfied with the Sudeten-German territory. That was only a partial solution.’

    “The Western powers again did nothing. Once more, all their assurances proved worthless.

    “Unfortunately, the parallels to today’s effort to gouge the remainder of Judea & Samaria out of Israel are all too easy to see. Like Czechoslovakia, Israel is a small country with a powerful army much aided by defensive terrain. Like the Sudeten district, the West Bank is mountainous territory, a formidable military barrier that guards the slender & densely populated Israeli shoreline and Israel’s capital city. Like the Germans, the Arabs understand that as long as Israel controls these mountains, it will not be overrun. They understand too that a militay campaign to seize these mountains is at present unthinkable, and that Israel’s removal from them can be achieved only by the application of irresistible political pressure by the West on Israel to withdraw.

    “The Arab regimes have therefore embarked on a campaign to persuade the West that the Arab inhabitants of thes mountains (like the Sudeten Germans, comprising roughly one third of the total population) are a separate people that deserves the right of self-determination — and that unless such self-determination is granted, the Arab states will have no choice but to resort to war to secure it. As in the case of Czechoslovakia, Israel’s insistence on not parting with territories vital for its defenses is presented as aan obstacle to peace. Echoing Munich, the Arabs repeatedly advocate ‘active’ American (and European) involvement, in the hope that an American Chamberlain can be found to force “the intrasigent party” to capitulate where it is otherwise unwilling to compromise its own security.”

    Next, conclusion of the excerpt (part 6).

  6. @ Michael Devolin:

    “The parallels to 1938 — and to the current prospects of what it presaged at the time — are downright eery.”

    Part 4 of the Sudetenland excerpt from A durable peace:

    “On Sept 8, 1938, under the gun of Hitler’s Sept 28 deadline, a meeting was held between the British Cabinet & the French PM & FM, in which it was “determined” that democratic Czechoslovakia must accede to Hitler’s demands. Despite the fact that the West had promised in writing at Versailles to go to war to defend Czechoslovakia’s borders, it agreed that the Czechs must give up the Sudetenland for the ‘maintenance of peace and the safety of Czechoslovakia’s vital interests.’ In return, the Czechs would receive from Britain & France a ‘[new] international “guarantee” of the new boundaries… against unprovoked aggression.’

    “If the Czechs did not accept the plan & thereby save the peace of Europe, they were informed by the leaders of the free world, they would be left to fight Hitler alone. In Neville Chamberlain’s immortal words: ‘It is up to the Czechs now.’

    “But in fact it was NOT even left to the Czechs. Chamberlain realized that if the Czechs were to fight, France & Britain might be forced to fight too. As the Czechs & the Germans mobilized, Chamberlain became increasingly hysterical about averting war by buying off Hitler with the Czech defensive wall. He shuttled repeatedly to Germany to try to arrange the payoff. Finally, minutes before his Sept 28 deadline, Hitler ‘agreed’ to Chamberlain’s proposalfor an international peace conference to bring peace to Central Europe. At Munich, Britain & France pleaded with Hitler for 11-&-a-half hrs to ‘compromis’ and take the Sudetenland peacefully. In the end, Hitler agreed.

    “Having grasped the fact that his supposed democratic allies had allowed themselves to become tools in Hitler’s hand, PM Beneš announced Czechoslovakia’s capitualtion to the demands of the totalitarians. ‘We have been basely betrayed,’ he said.

    “The Western leaders returned in triumph to London & Paris. In government, in parliament, in the press, Chamberlain & Daladier were praised, cheered, thanked for having traded land for peace. ‘My friends,’ said Chamberlain, ‘I believe it is peace in our time.’

    Part 5, next.

  7. @ Michael Devolin:

    “The parallels to 1938 — and to the current prospects of what it presaged at the time — are downright eery.”

    Part 3 of the Sudetenland excerpt from A durable peace:

    “Most important of all, Hitler’s propaganda chief Goebbels orchestrated a fearful propaganda campaign of fabricated ‘Czech terror,’ and ‘oppression’ of the Sudeten Germans. The Czech refusal to allow the Sudeten territories to ‘return’ to their rightful German owners, Hitler prattled, was proof that the Czechs were the intransigent obstacle to peace. For what choice would Germany have but to come to the assistance of its oppressed brethren living under intolerable Czech ‘occupation’?

    “Rejecting plans for Sudeten autonomy, he insisted on nothing less than ‘self-determination.’

    “Moreover, the Germans reversed causality, claiming that the Czechs were trying to precipitate a European crisis in order to prevent the breakup of their state, that the choice between war & peace was in Czech hands, and even that “this petty segment of Europe is harassing the human race.” But there was a simple way to simultaneously avoid war and achieve justice, Hitler said. The Western powers — meaning Britain & France — could force the Czechs to do what was necessary for the sake of peace: Czechoslovakia had to relinquish the ‘occupied territories.’

    “And it worked. With astonishing speed, the governments & opinion-makers of the West adopted Hitler’s point of view. Throughout 1937 & 1938, mounting pressure was exerted on Czechoslovakia by the leading Western powers “to go to the utmost limit” to meet Sudeten demands. Czech leader Edvard Beneš was reviled as intransigent. The Western press published articles lamenting Czech shorsightedness and its totla disregard for the cause of peace in Europe, as well as the injustice of not allowing the Sudetenland to be ‘returned’ to Germany (despite the fact that it had NEVER been part of Germany). The British envoy dispatched to investigate the situation even went so far as to demand that Czechoslovakia “so remodel her foreign relations as to give assurance to her neighbors that she will in no circumstances attack them or enter into any aggressive action against them.”

    Next, part 4.

  8. @ Michael Devolin:

    “The parallels to 1938 — and to the current prospects of what it presaged at the time — are downright eery.”

    Continuation of the Sudetenland excerpt from A durable peace:

    “Worse, from Hitler’s point of view, the Western powers had promised at Versailles to guarantee the Czech border against any aggressive attack. France, which in 1938 could field one hundred divisions (an army 50 percent larger than Germany’s), had agreed in writing to come to the Czechs’ defense, and Britain & Russia were committed to joining in if France did so.

    “Since an outright military victory seemed impossible, Hitler embarked on an unprecedented campaign to politically force the Czechs to give up the land, and with it any hope of being able to defend their capital or their country. The inhabitants of the Sudetenland, he said, were predominantly German, and these 3 million Sudeten Germans deserved — what else? — the right of self-determination and a destiny separate from the other 7 million inhabitants of Czechoslovakia; this despite the fact that the country was a democracy and that the Sudeten Germans enjoyed economic prosperity & full civil rights.

    “To buttress his claim, Hitler organized & funded the creation of a new Sudeten political leadership that would do his bidding, which was, in the words of the Sudeten leader Konrad Henlein, to “demand so much that we can never be satisfied.” Henlein was instructed to deny that he was receiving instructions from Germany. As William Shirer, who was a reporter in Europe at the time, succinctly summarizes it:

    ‘Thus the plight of the German minority in Czechoslovakia was merely a pretext… for cooking up a stew in a land he coveted, undermining it, confusing & misleading its friends and concealing his real purpose…[:] to destroy the Czechoslovak state & grab its territories… the leaders of France & Britain did not grasp this. All thru the spring & summer, indeed almost to the end, PM Chamberlain & Premier Daladier apparently sincerely believed, along with most of the world, that all Hitler wanted was justice for his kinfolk in Czechoslovakia.’ [Wm Shirer, The Rise & Fall of the Third Reich]

    “In addition, Hitler backed the establishment of a Sudeten liberation movement called the Sudeten Free Corps, and he instigated a series of well-planned & violent uprisings that the Czechs were compelled by force. Further, he secretly summoned Henlein to Berlin & briefed him, instructing him in great detail precisely how he should agitate for the so-called Sudeten independence. (Occasionally, Hitler would replace his principal demand for Sudeten independence with his 2nd demand for ‘reunification’ with Germany; literally mixing self-determination with German irredentism.)…”

    Part 3, next.

  9. @ Michael Devolin:

    “The parallels to 1938 — and to the current prospects of what it presaged at the time — are downright eery.”

    “The parallels are surely there. I’m reminded of how the Jews were hounded in the univeristies in Europe (and especially in Germany) back then (even prior to 1933)…”

    That’s not the half of it, Michael. But I was referring specifically to the Sudetenland betrayal & its direct prelude to WW2, its relationship to it — how it actually paved the way for the war. Interestingly, it’s BB who tells it best. It’s clear that as a historian, Netanyahu definitely GETS it. (As a statesman, his getting it remains to be seen.)

    I’ll have to offer this pertinent excerpt in CHUNKS, as it goes ON for a bit. First installment:

    “Czechoslovakia was strategically placed in the heart of Europe, and its conquest was central to Hitler’s plans for overrunning Europe. Though small, Czechoslovakia could field over 800,000 men (one of the strongest armies in Europe), and it had a highly efficient arms industry. To complicate matters from Hitler’s point of view, it possessed a formidable physical barrier to his designs in the shape of the Sudeten mountains, which bordered Germany and guarded access to the Czech heartland and the capital city of Prague only miles away. A system of fortifications and fortresses had been built into the mountains over many years, making passage by force a very costly proposition, perhaps even impossible.

    “We now know from the Nuremberg trials & other sources that Hitler’s generals were utterly opposed to an assault on the Czech fortifications. After the war, numerous German generals stressed the point, including Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, chief of the German high command:

    ‘We were extraordinarily happy that it had not come to a military operation because… we had always been of the opinion that our means of atack against the frontier fortifications of Czechoslovakia were insufficient. From a purely military point of view we lacked the means for an attack which involved piercing the frontier fortifications’…”

    [From: Benj. Netanyahu, A durable peace: Israel and its place among the nations (Warner Books, 2000) pp 168-174]

    More, coming up.

  10. @ yamit82:

    “Maybe the Czechs, the only European country at the UN to vote against a Palestinian state, remember Munich and the ‘guarantees’ of the ‘international community’ !”

    I think you’re right, Alex — and that this was precisely the reason they voted No.”

    “Can you prove that, that was the reason or are you inserting your divinely inspired intuition?”

    “Prove”? — Why? I asserted it as opinion, not ironclad ‘fact.’

    — What part of “I think” do you not understand? — the “I” part, or the “think” part?

    Wipe the snot off your nose, little boy; it’s dripping onto your keyboard & gumming up your work.

  11. yamit82 Said:

    Israel Must Become A Mighty Storm

    Been saying this for years: Israel got global “respect” after the lightning 67 war. Israel used to talk less and do more. More talk signifies less action and more BS. ” It is important to show the world what “never again” really should mean to them. Proportionate, restrained and limited repsonse is just another way of making the jews tie their own hands. Israels suicidal approach shows through her action the acceptance by Jews of the double standard. Everyone jumps on the bandwago of malignng the Jews because there is no price.
    yamit82 Said:

    Sharon was highly critical of the United States, which had put pressure on Israel to end the violence that has been playing out on television screens around the world at a sensitive time for US diplomacy.

    I believe that Sharon was being blackmailed by the CIA, and various other scandal ridden leaders. this is another venue where Mossad should be doing the blackmail.

  12. @ Max:

    The only real good news is that recent news shows that Obama will let Iran get the nukes, that doesn’t matter to Israel because Israel will not even last that long but it means terrorists will take out at least five American cities, That will be good news because that is the best case scenario because America will then annihilate the Islamic world with a full totality. The bad news scenario is that the Islamic takeover of America will be slow and painful like it is in UK and Eurabia – that means there is no hope – infidel women that survive will eventually be penned in cages and all male Infidels will fall to the sword the good guys and the jerks at CNN alike.

    what are you on Percocet, oxycontin,or reefers? whatever it is, it really has kicked in.

  13. Good point, Yamit. Never thought of that. I remember being so disappointed in Sharon when that was going on.

  14. @ yamit82:
    Not with your timid leadership. The mighty storm must come from the people of Israel. Maybe it’s already brewing in their hearts and all they need is self-confidence and organization.

  15. Israel Must Become A Mighty Storm

    When you see a massive tornado coming at you across the plains, you run underground quickly for you know that the devastation awaiting you otherwise will be beyond comprehension.
    Israel needs to take a lesson from natures powerhouse. No one messes with a tornado.
    No one messes with a hurricane that sweeps entire cities off the map in one swoop either.
    Super storm Sandy showed what one storm can do to a massive area. It leaves people panting for air and with years of clean up ahead.

    Why was the situation in Israel allowed to become so bad?
    Some blame the USA, but Israel is a sovereign nation.

    Even historically, Israel was many times slow to take on their enemies even when a direct command demanded them to do the job. Most times the job was not completed as directed either.

    It seems to make sense that if you are threatened with annihilation, as Israel has been, the only answer is an overwhelming assault that would put the fear of G-d into your enemies badly enough that they would resist attacking you again at all costs.
    For people who only admire strength, the strong response, the decisive response is the only one that will work.
    Some people do not respect what they see as a lack of strength and indecision.
    Every once in a while a mighty storm comes out of the blue sky destroying everything in its path.
    It puts respect in a person.

  16. @ dweller:
    Can you prove that, that was the reason or are you inserting your divinely inspired intuition? 😛

    @ Michael Devolin:

    Israelis always have talked the talk but almost never live up to their rhetoric.
    Friday 5 October 2001
    ” “From now on we will count only on ourselves,” Mr Sharon said.

    He criticized what Israelis see as US appeasement of Arabs!!

    Sharon was highly critical of the United States, which had put pressure on Israel to end the violence that has been playing out on television screens around the world at a sensitive time for US diplomacy.

    “Do not try to placate the Arabs at Israel’s expense,” Mr Sharon said.

    “We are not Czechoslovakia,” he added, in reference to a decision in 1938 by Britain and France to allow Nazi Germany to take over part of the east European country in exchange for a promise of peace that was quickly broken.

    Well after Bush and Condi dropped their load on him after this statement he he caved and behaved like a good vassal should.

    Well toady Bush is a pariah and Sharon a forgotten vegetable. “HOW THE MIGHTY HAVE FALLEN” 2 Samuel 1:25

    You want parallels Check out the ones between expulsion from Gush Katif and Hurricane Katrina …Eerie!!!

    Apr 19:US Smacks Israel, April 20:Oil Spill Read my comments there

    Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel

    By Bill Koenig

    What do these major record-setting events have in common?

    Nine of the ten costliest insurance events in U.S. history
    Six of the seven costliest hurricanes in U.S. history
    Three of the four largest tornado outbreaks in U.S. history
    Nine of the top ten natural disasters in U.S. history ranked by FEMA relief costs
    The two largest terrorism events in U.S. history

    All of these major catastrophes transpired on the very same day or within 24 hours of U.S. Presidents Bush, Clinton and Bush applying pressure on Israel to trade her land for promises of “peace and security,” sponsoring major “land for peace” meetings, making major public statements pertaining to Israel’s covenant land and/or calling for a Palestinian state.

  17. Exellent point, Dweller. The parallels are surely there. I’m reminded of how the Jews were hounded in the univeristies in Europe (and especially in Germany) back then (even prior to 1933) and how they are going through the same thing yet again in our universities today, especially in the West.

  18. @ Alex Sandor, Victoria, Canada:

    “Maybe the Czechs, the only European country at the UN to vote against a Palestinian state, remember Munich and the ‘guarantees’ of the ‘international community’ !”

    I think you’re right, Alex — and that this was precisely the reason they voted No.

    The parallels to 1938 — and to the current prospects of what it presaged at the time — are downright eery.

  19. This is the last territorial demand of the Arabs till the next time. They learned well from Adolf Hitler whose “last territorial demand” was the Sudetenland. He only wanted self determination for the Sudeten Germans. The world said nothing after he marched into Prague a few months later. Maybe the Czechs, the only European country at the UN to vote against a Palestinian state, remember Munich and the “guarantees” of the “international community” !

  20. geula Said:

    I wonder if this new status for “Palestine”, which includes Gaza ruled by Hamas, also makes “Palestine” a possible candidate to be itself tried for war crimes,

    A good point. According to the same reasoning which accepted the PA application, gaza and the west bank are the same state, and should be liable. However, the PA does not exercise any sovereignty or control over that land. Perhaps the UN will cajole for its goal which is the unity of the 2, elctions, human rights,etc. Israel would not want a link between gaza and west bank but they are always bending over for “peace”. Another issue would be human rights within the PA population itself: torture, elections,etc.? Lots of questions but if the jews continue to sleep and ignore the fight then all the answers will not be in their favor.

  21. I wonder if this new status for “Palestine”, which includes Gaza ruled by Hamas, also makes “Palestine” a possible candidate to be itself tried for war crimes, like firing, unprovoked, thousands of rockets on civilian populations, killings, bombings, torturing of children, suicide bombers, acts of criminal negligence, attacks against their own peoples, etc. Secondly, I cannot think of much more damning verdicts and blood libels against Israel and the IDF than the Goldstone report. And you know where that went. He recanted. The opprobrium suffered by Israel will continue for whatever reason and with whatever excuse by whichever body or collective, until, as they say, the Messiah comes. If it gives anyone any consolation, it seems to cleanse the truly wicked, a growing number, a phenomenon commonly named “scapegoating”, yet more and more ressembling the actual sacrifice of the goat, as it has already happenned before. Wisely and presciently, in ancient Biblical times there were two goats. The main reason for Jewish disunity and inaction, in my view, is the millenarian interiorizing of this role in the collective Jewish psyche.

  22. Canadian Otter Said:

    It’s time for them to act like responsible adults and begin a serious campaign for mass organization and unity towards annexation of Judea and Samaria.

    I wanted to add that the war must be waged on all fronts and Jews should be good at waging legal and pr warfare. I hate to use this phrase but it requires a wholistic approach which involves military, legal, diplomatic,and economic ACTION simultaneously and pro actively. The arabs have learned this better than the israelis they are able to take lies and make them the truth even though facts prove otherwise. The jews whine, moan,and complain rather than take on todays fight. The Israelis win militarily and lose back on all other fronts. They do all the right things and end up with a POS image. They have to organize, focus and act in the various non military arenas of the war in realistic fashion. However, in those arenas, unlike the military, they have a choice of unity and disunity and they continue to choose disunity. The secular, left, right, religious,etc are able to fight in a war of arms but unable to fight the other wars. This is really strange for jews, who have previously excelled in the intellectual arts. Perhaps they have been in the mideast too long, perhaps it is that old tower of babel, perhaps they dont fight until the oven is turned on. Whatever the reasons, I believe the solution must grow out of jewish unity and then it will blossom from there. Whatever brings Jews together is what can win the wars.

  23. @ Bernard Ross:
    That’s one of the biggest scandals in this and past Israeli governments. They continue to give an impression of acquiescence with anti-Semitic and anti-Israel expressions by the media, international organizations, other governments, and by the Arabs themselves.

    A few examples:

    They refuse to object to PA textbooks and TV programs that demonize Jews and incite violence.

    They refuse to challenge the term “occupation”. I’ve listened to a government spokesman change the subject instead.

    They’ve never availed themselves of solid international law that supports Israel’s ownership of Judea and Samaria. They don’t even mention it, as if it didn’t exist.

    And they never miss a chance to accuse settlers of terrorism, even if all they do is paint graffiti, thereby adding to the negative image created by Israel’s enemies.

    It makes you wonder…………

  24. Canadian Otter Said:

    One concern: will this situation degenerate into blackmail? That is, will the PA continue to receive money and more money as long as it does not access the International Criminal Court?

    This is the logical result of dealing with effects rather than the root principles and causes. Similar to Israel never representing the jewish right to settle in principles (legal, moral, biblical) and just treating the west bank as a negotiation(a bartering in the casbah). In time everyone,including the Jews, forget the principles and reasons and just see a negotiation. This is another reason I think it is important to act on the legal and PR fronts and not just second guess outcomes. It is important to keep the issues of principle in the forfront of everynes minds, especially those of Jews(who have been severely neglected in this regard in order to pursue strategies and tactics of arrogant, small minded leadership).
    The lawfare which has been ignored on the jews behalf is now coming back as lawfare on the pals behalf with the world on their side. That which is not contested or denied is deemed by most to be true; that which is not claimed is deemed to be waived.
    When looking at the choice of Israeli leadership I see small minds unable to see beyond the superficial. The problem with these parliamentary systems is that the old farts stick around forever poisoning the well with their anachronistic and superficial solutions. Intellectual renewal is not a hallmark of those systems. 20 years later you can see them clasing like lobsters in a barrel still trying to come back as PM. The only way things can go better is with a new leadership but I see no big thinkers up to the task of modern PR and legal warfare, which will be necessary even to win the “hearts and minds” of Jews. Its obvious that the world runs on a herd mentality and to its interests but this should be a successful goal for the jews to win.

  25. CANADA will recall diplomats in Israel and the UN to discuss new relationship with the PA

    Canada has given some $300-million in aid to the Palestinian Authority since December 2007 — a five-year commitment that will soon be up for reconsideration.

    Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said his “key” concern is the prospect of the Palestinian Authority seeking access to the International Criminal Court, where it could move to try Israel for war crimes.

    One concern: will this situation degenerate into blackmail? That is, will the PA continue to receive money and more money as long as it does not access the International Criminal Court?

  26. this is the logical outcome of Israeli jewish disunity and the GOI reflections thereof. Even the application to the GA is full of anti semitic blood libels. This has become acceptable to the jews and it is always business as usual. One should therefore not be surprised that the world accepts the truth of all these blood libels. Does Israel ever protest these libels enough to make diplomats, news organizations persona non grata, cut off relations with nations and institutions? Israel should not have friendly relations with govts who have accepted these blood libels as fact. The jews have once again been accused of slaughtering the gentile and the world has accepted this fact as truth. Jewish and Israeli leadership does not deny these blood libels with outraged ACTION, not words. Therefore, Israel, and the Jews, are seen as a piece of shit to be forced into compliance and next ghettoes. The perspectives of jewish traitors have become a “light to the nations”. Israeli Jewish leftists have sold their brothers into the hands of the pharaohs and the world’s gentiles and jews have chimed into the chorus. It is not long that this behavior gives a renewed energy to jewish conspiracy theories in the nations of the world followed by the next usual phase. Blood libel cannot be acceptable from anyone; Abbas should be immediately expelled from Israel on the basis of propagating blood libels and inciting anti semitism for genocidal purposes. Anyone uttering blood libels should be immediately deported or jailed. Have the Israelis no dignity at all?

  27. Just three things to do:

    1. Annex all of Yesha;

    2. Quit the U.N. and expel UNRA; and

    3. Send the Arabs packing

    Then bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb bomb Iran.

  28. IMPORTANT QUESTION: what are patriotic political leaders going to do now? Burn Palestinian flags, like Ben Ari and Eldad did yesterday? Or celebrate in anticipation of a lousy seat in the Knesset, like Moshe Feiglin?

    It’s time for them to act like responsible adults and begin a serious campaign for mass organization and unity towards annexation of Judea and Samaria. Enough already!

  29. TO EVERYONE: Please let’s not blame Abbas or the Europeans or the UN. Four years ago the Israeli PM – who has his own record of generosity towards Arabs – declared his full support for partition. Two States for Two Peoples. That was the time to rise in opposition to such outrage. But nothing happened.

    The construction freeze, the appeasement and empowerment of Arabs, their facts on the ground, their unrestricted illegal construction, the unrelenting wave of terror that goes on unpunished, the repeated expulsions of settlers – all that and much more kept sending the government’s clear message of where it stood and where it was heading.

    The Arabs on the other hand told Israelis just as clearly what they wanted: all of Israel – in stages if necessary – but all of it, until the last Jew is either gone or murdered. The PA also gave everyone years of warning about their intentions to bid for statehood at the United Nations.

    So why the shock and surprise now? Why? And why is the PA and the UN and the Europeans being blamed for this? We know exactly who are mainly to blame for the eventual dismantling of Israel: the Israeli government and those who enable it to surrender Jewish rights and Jewish land. They have failed in their responsibilities.

  30. “It’s not an anti-Israeli step”

    ‘The leader who even during his final days on the job preferred war to negotiations’

    Treasonous lying rubbish – The IDF needs to bomb this news media and arrest it’s owners before they escape at the endgame. . Who owns them? Iranians?
    No wonder Israel is racing to destruction. It’s poisoned from inside.


    Israel is right to back away from war with Iran despite nuclear fears
    The Guardian (blog) – ?Nov 29, 2012?

    There you go, the bluff and pretentious saber rattling is over – Iran’s getting the bomb. The guardian is happy , it’s the death for the Jews.

    “Victory for Terrorism”
    This was a news headline regarding the UN vote – it disappeared form google news in ten minutes and exhaustive searches can’t find it. It’s been de-listed.
    Even google news is corrupt – they got out and out propaganda rags on their news pages with Hamas propaganda dominating.


    “The world watched a defamatory and venomous speech that was full of
    mendacious propaganda against the IDF and the citizens of Israel. Someone
    who wants peace does not talk in such a manner.”

    PMO aka The Huff and Puff. Isn’t it so wonderful to huff and puff? Makes it look like you are useful with your fellow useful idiots. There’s an old epitaph that is said over many corpses “Don’t talk! Shoot!”

    Why doesn’t the PMO do what it does best and release another 1,000 terrorists? They are so good at capitulation, why stop now?

  32. “We will accept no less than the all the Palestinian territory occupied in 1967?

    That would leave Israel militarily defenseless. Six hours later, There would be nothing left of Israel and Israelis. This is what they have wanted all along. How many of those countries that voted for this have been duped and how many knowingly realize this is total war agaisnt Israel and how many just don’t give a darn.
    The only hope now is that in the endgame Israel will nuke as many of those countries into the dark ages as much as possible and at least save one for Parismerde, one for Berlinistan and one for Londinistan.
    Israel is sure to get snuffed out now, my only hope is that it is worth something that they will use the nukes and not hesitate but I suspect some filthy Israeli Politician who has already had a hand in the destruction of Israel will stop the nukes.
    Israel already paid the price – they got labeled the New Nazis by the world Oil and Western Immigrant dominated propaganda machine. Why didn’t they finish the job? IF you are going to pay a price then get your money’s worth.
    They paid full price for the sausage and took home a pound of merde.
    The only real good news is that recent news shows that Obama will let Iran get the nukes, that doesn’t matter to Israel because Israel will not even last that long but it means terrorists will take out at least five American cities, That will be good news because that is the best case scenario because America will then annihilate the Islamic world with a full totality. The bad news scenario is that the Islamic takeover of America will be slow and painful like it is in UK and Eurabia – that means there is no hope – infidel women that survive will eventually be penned in cages and all male Infidels will fall to the sword the good guys and the jerks at CNN alike.