DEBKAfile Exclusive Report December 28, 2011, 11:49 AM (GMT+02:00)
Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas kicked off preparations for a fresh outbreak of anti-Israel “resistance” – which concerned US and Israeli security circles believe will develop into “Intifada No. 3” – Tuesday, Dec. 27, by suddenly firing, the West Bank’s top security officer Maj. Gen. Diab el-Ali. He did not notify US Lt. Gen. Michael R. Moeller, the American Security Coordinator between Israel and the PA appointed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Israel’s military coordinator, Maj. Gen. Eitan Dangot, of this step which caught them unawares.
Palestinian military intelligence chief, Maj. Gen. Nidal Dokhan, was appointed to replace Maj. Gen. el-Ali.
debkafile’s military sources in Washington and Jerusalem report that in both capitals, the Palestinian leader’s action is seen as paving the way for radical changes in West Bank security. This fragile edifice was kept stable for some years thanks to joint US-Israeli-Palestinian efforts to back up peaceful relations between the Palestinians and Israel after the bloody years of the “Al Aqsa Intifada” terror.
Abbas (Abu Mazen) has now decided to upset this equilibrium by orchestrating an Arab Spring-style uprising on the West Bank, the differences being that the Palestinians will not rise up against their own leaders, i.e., himself, but against Israel, and that in no time this event is liable to revert to the “intifada”-style Palestinian terrorist violence of the early 2000s.
Four actions leading up to these steps have aroused trepidation:
1. Abbas’s deal in Cairo last week with the extremist Hamas leader Khaled Meshal is one. The two rivals agreed that notwithstanding their differences they would go forward on common objectives.
For example, Meshaal sought the resurgence of armed resistance against Israel which Abbas opposes. They compromised on a “popular resistance” campaign of protracted mass demonstrations which would smash through the defense barrier dividing the West Bank from Israel, knocking over IDF checkpoints and storming en masse into Israel. The “demonstrators” would also march on and burst into Jewish civilian settlements.
2. For this campaign to succeed, it is necessary to redefine the functions of the eight Palestinian commando battalions of the Palestinian National Security Forces-PNSF, soon to be joined by two more just ending their training in Jordan.
The PNSF was created and is funded by the United States, while British and Jordanian military instructors train its 8,000 combatants.
To make sure the Palestinian “uprising” does not turn against the Palestinian Authority and himself, Abbas will place these military battalions at the forefront of the mass demonstrations. They are to lead the throngs to their points of confrontation with Israel.
The PA chairman is therefore highhandedly retooling the armed Palestinian force, which was painstakingly created by the United States, to make it a hammer for confronting Israel’s armed forces and civilians on both sides of the Green Line.
3. Abbas fired Gen. Diab el-Ali because he worked productively with the American coordinating unit for four years, from the day the first battalion was formed. His successor Maj. Gen. Dokhan is regarded in Western security circles as a shadowy figure of the undercover world.
The difference between them is that while Gen. Diab el-Ali is trusted in Washington and Jerusalem as genuinely and uncompromisingly willing to combat an upsurge of terror and Hamas extremism on the West Bank, the same cannot be said of the new man. Gen. Dokhan maintains good relations with US and Israel officers but also stands well with the heads of the radical Hamas and Jihad Islami.
Neither US nor Israeli commanders would risk sharing sensitive intelligence with him lest it reach the wrong hands. His appointment therefore as the senior officer on the West Bank is seen as the beginning of the end of the successful military and intelligence cooperation the US crafted between Israel and the Palestinian Authority for combating West Bank terrorism and presaging the return of the pro-terror Palestinian organizations.
This is what Khaled Meshaal was driving at Tuesday, Dec. 27, when he said his accord with Mahmoud Abbas had ushered in a new era of Palestinian cooperation after “Hamas forces on the West Bank were eradicated in recent years.”
4. In intensive consultations this week, debkafile’s sources report that US and Israeli security officials were of the opinion that the security changes Abbas is molding will have the effect of destroying the security stability the West Bank has enjoyed under US-backed Palestinians Authority rule. After opening the door to the radical Palestinian organizations, the PA will soon lose control as Hamas and Jihad Islami ride into the enclave’s towns and villages. Any demonstrations will soon get out of hand and descend into violent turmoil.
At the same, time, those security officials estimate that it will take Abbas up to two months to remodel the Palestinian PNSF for its newly designated mission.
Newt Gingrich’s statement that the Arab Palestinians are not a specific people separate from the Arab population, which is the truth, and the responses that statement has gotten from angry groups on both sides of the ocean, has made me realize there is a world-wide conspiracy against the Jews. The CAMERA newsletter lists many circumstances and quotes from Arabs who in the past have said these Arabs were considered to be part of southern Syria until the last decade or so when this plot was hatched.
It astounds me that people such as the President of Columbia University and Barnard college and other high up people would be so blatant as to go along with this. It really makes me mad that our universities have been infiltrated by liars who make a mockery of the truth.
I have an extreme idea. If a third intifada becomes a reality, the Jews should ban Arab Muslims from Jerusalem. That includes emptying out the Arabs on the Temple Mount, Silwan and neighborhoods in East Jerusalem where Arabs live. This means innocent Arabs who want peace will be hurt, so Israel could use some discretion in allowing some to remain. Israel can claim its security demands it.
Of course the U.S. and others will have fits, which is all the more reason for them to defuse the Arabs. As for the criminals in Gaza, Israel should do what it has to do. Abbas can go jump in the sea. He’s dead weight in the negotiations.
I’d settle for someone to speak for the living. The only time they remember we the people is just before elections and once over we are promptly forgotten. I am a Hassid of the ‘throw the bums out’, irregardless of the alternatives. it’s the only way to check politicians, no free and automatic passes.
Are you wondering why Jewish Members of the Knesset have been silent regarding the Newt Gingrich revelation about the “invented people” called the “Palestinians”?
Have you wondered why the best and the brightest remain silent about the leaders of Israel who have negotiated with the leaders of that fictitious people for more than 18 years?
Would a Jewish MK jeopardize his political career if he uttered a word about the bloody significance of Gingrich’s exposé?
What might happen if a critic of the Oslo peace process were to ask an Israeli prime minister: “Why did you yield Jewish land to the leaders of an invented people—a consortium of terrorists?”
What might happen if he were asked: “Why have you been silent all these years about this fictitious people? Why did you perpetuate a hoax and its fraudulent peace process which has resulted in 10,000 Jewish casualties since 1993?”
What might happen if the prime minister were asked: “Didn’t you know what Mr. Gingrich knows, that the Palestinians are a people invented to replace the Jewish people in the Land of Israel? And if you knew this, why did you say not a word to stop the slaughter of Jewish men, women, and children?
But now I must ask: Why aren’t tens of thousands of Israelis—especially those whose loved ones were murdered by these fictitious people— why aren’t Israelis shattering this silence? Why aren’t they screaming for a commission of national inquiry to investigate this horrendous state of affairs?
How many cases of criminal negligence (to say nothing of treason) are being hushed up by this silence —even by right-wing pundits? The silence deafens me. Is there no one to speak for the dead?
Transfer as the ultimate goodness
Obadiah Shoher
Jews are humane. The only way to prevent Arab rioters from being killed on a daily basis is to expel them all.
Jews are merciful. Since the Arab minority perpetrates a vast majority of the crimes in Israel, expelling the Arabs is an act of mercy toward Jews.
Jews are realists. The Arabs will be expelled to Syria and Lebanon rather than to Egypt and Jordan.
Jews are just. The Arabs will be compensated for any real estate they leave in Israel. They can collect their compensation from the Arab countries which owe it to the Sephardic Jews who fled to Israel.
Jews like Arabs. A hundred years after expelling them, we must start beating our collective chest and teach a course about the lost Arab culture in all our schools.
Jews are tolerant. We are prepared to live side-by-side with Arabs as long as they remain on the other side of the border.
Jews are observant. The transfer is the only alternative to the biblically mandated extermination of the natives once they launched a war on Jews.
Jews respect Arabs. We understand that they will not sell their national pride for Israeli improvements in their living conditions.
Jews reject bloodshed. Because Israel has tanks and the Arabs don’t, they lack a fighting option.
Jews recognize that there are good Arabs. They will be given a lift.
The truth is the truth and they are all either corrupt or corrupted. You say “many in the government are good believing Jews”, name them then, I can’t see a single one who meets your description.
NAPALM has always been and still is my weapon of choice. It’s cheap easy to make, effective and we are not dependent on anyone embargoing it’s components. Anything made of carbon burns. If you take a few bunker buster bombs and fill half with Napalm drop them on any Arab town there won’t be much left when the smoke clears. Much more effective than the banned white phosphorus. Every APC should be armed with a Napalm spray gun, better and more effective than paint ball guns.
What? And be labeled an Indian Giver?
After 6 million Jews were murdered in the holocaust, I don’t give a sh-t what others think of Israel and Jews in general. To allow the Fakestinian beasts to harm one Jew is a terrible sin against the Jewish people. Democracy is not always the best government system. Temporarily, as occurred in the US under Lincoln habeus corpus was suspended. Israel must pass laws or just implement measures to make sure when the mafia gangs of Arabs trespassers begin to send homicide bombers ,etc for the 3rd intifada the primary and only consideration is protection of ALL JEWS . The goal should be not one Jew should die. I would implement by law or otherwise the following : 1. Neutralize the media , both foreign and the traitorous Israeli media. Evict all foreign media and close Haa’retz and jailed the publisher and jail the backstabbing traitorous pseudo journalists .2.Stop Euro Nazis from interfering in internal Israeli affairs. 3.Nobody cares that Israel allows fifth columnists Arabs to actually participate in the Israeli Parliament. Stop this nonsense. Also investigate the leftist politicians and prosecute them . This will allow sane Israelis to pass the required laws to protect Israel. With the media neutralized , arrest Abbas and his mafia cohorts. This game of let’s pretend the these criminal , homicidal beasts will every give up their goal of elimination of all Jewish presence in the Jewish National homeland has become absurd. I know Bibi must play the pretend game because the US and their masters the Saudis require it. But enough Jewish blood has been spilled. Since the Fakestinian beasts are cowardly by nature, perhaps a strong demonstration that allowing these beasts to harm Jews will not be tolerated at all may be enough. There is no ethnic group which has control over their homeland that allows groups to continuously say they intend to wipe out the other group and then “negotiate”. It’s the defination of insanity.
what Israel must do will not conform with what it will do under present leadership. let us not confuse wishes with actions.
No. Israel must take back her ground and eliminate the terrorist Fakestinian Reichlette, which it foolishly nurtured in the first place.
KIlling rioters can make things worse. Look at Syria.
Israel can’t retreat to the fence and allow the Palestinians to take over Area C.. She must hold her ground wherever she deciders. It won’t be pretty. Hopefully she has enough crowd control assets to avoid killing. She held her ground at the Syrian border and even killed a few challengers. It wont be3 so easy in J&S
I’m with Nigel. What with Egypt and Syria in turmoil, Iranian lunatics in charge there and Iraq possibly regressing Islamic fundamentalism, Israel doesn’t have any wiggle room in dealing with a Palestinian uprising. Add to that the sheer numbers attacking the border, the border is where they will have to be stopped with whatever means are necessary.
Yes, indeed Nigel, what you say is quite true. I do hope that in anticipation of this uprising Israel will start to build mass prison compounds in the Negev to house these barbarians after the IDF rounds them up, documents who they are and then transports them enmasse to Jordan the original ‘Arab’ state under the British Mandate thus leaving the ‘Jewish’ state under the British Mandate with less 5th columnists in Judea and Samaria. If Jordan complains, tell them to take it up with the International bodies of Law and that Israel is invoking the terms of the British Mandate and the League of Nations which have never ceased to exist in International Law.
I fear that Bert is right. Although the traditional, religious,and Russian Jews that Bill Clinton lamented about are in the ascendancy demographically- this is the real demographic problem which the Israeli Left fears and not the red herring Arab demographic threat which they and other western enemies like James Baker III, Obama, Thomas Friedman and their ilk throw out – the Israel Left intelligentsia control Israel’s political system better than any minority Arab despot in Damascus, Bahrain,etc. They control the courts, have foreign NGOs doing their bidding,and have Bibi running scared and cowering. The Jews are so benighted and retrograde politically that they wouldn’t even think, let alone try, to start a “Jewish Spring”.
The Israel government should not be described as corrupt. This is slander against Israel’s leaders and unwarranted, as many in the government are good believing Jews
If a third intifada is started, this will play into Israel’s hands, as it will certainly be crushed, not with kid gloves, but an iron fist.
Furthermore, such an uprising will put an end to any more discussion on Israel’s part, of the insane notion of giving these barbarians a state of their own, and would clearly justify cancelling the Oslo accords.
Mass Arab violence would also give succour to the advocates of bringing Judea and Samaria under Israeli sovereignty, transferring any Arabs unwilling to sign a peace pledge with Israel, to beyond Israel’s borders.
The corrupt Israel government will again allow these terrorists to attack Israeli civilians while using kid gloves in response. We Jews are cursed with leaders in both Israel and the diaspora who are, with few exceptions, mostly secular atheists lacking in true Jewish faith. It is always the weak response by Jews that encourages the enemy. We never learn.