A SYSTEM TEST: Are US bosses managing the next Holocaust?

E. Rowell:  Fransisco Gil-White’s article explores the phenomenon of antisemitism and how reality has been managed to hide the dual goals of wiping out the Jews and enslaving mankind.

An MOR series

By Fransisco Gil-White, MANAGEMENT OF REALITY    3 June 2024

US President Joe Biden, and PLO/Fatah (‘Palestinian Authority’) boss Mahmoud Abbas. Photo: Associated Press.

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble; it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.

PART 1. Introduction.

A well-chosen thought experiment can reveal to us the conceptual structure and boundaries of our moral framework. It can help us specify the principles by which, in that framework, we determine questions of justice. That’s why moral and legal philosophers often resort to thought experiments.
Here’s one:

  • Thought experiment. Imagine that, in World War II, the Arab Palestinian movement had worked hand-in-glove with the German Nazis to carry out the Final Solution to exterminate the European Jewish people (Shoa or Holocaust).
  • Question. In such a case, could the effort to carve out Israeli territory for the Arab Palestinian movement legitimately be considered a quest for justice?

The correct answer to the above question is:

  • No, it would not be justice to carve out territory from the Jewish State and hand it over to the Arab Palestinian movement if this movement had indeed participated hand-in-glove with the German Nazis in the Final Solution.

Self-selection being what it is, to my typical reader the above will seem obviously correct, but it is a good exercise, nevertheless, to spell out carefully the reasons why.

Israel, the Jewish State, was created after the Shoa or Holocaust—the German Nazi genocide of the European Jews—for the express purpose of providing a haven to protect the Jewish people from Nazi genocides. Therefore, if the Arab Palestinian movement had participated with the German Nazis in the open-field massacres and industrialized death-camp murders that destroyed 60-70% of the European Jewish population, then bullying the Israelis into giving said movement any territory—let alone the militarily strategic territories of Judea & Samaria (‘West Bank’) and Gaza—would be morally criminal.1

The principle at work is this: you cannot morally reward the perpetrators of an anti-Jewish genocide by improving their chances of repeating that crime. That kind of policy can be acceptable only to those who want anti-Jewish genocides to happen.

Okay, fine. But how is this useful? Well, suppose you follow these two steps:

  1. You present this thought experiment to another person.
  2. You get the other person to agree that, under such imagined historical circumstances, the creation of an Arab Palestinian State would indeed be a moral outrage.

By doing this, you establish that the other person is not a hardened, ideological antisemite, in which case you share with this person an important fundamental value: anti-Jewish genocides are morally offensive.

That’s an important thing to discover. And with that established, you can move to the third step:

  1. Share with this other person the documentation on the historical responsibility of the Arab Palestinian movement in the German Nazi Final Solution.

Because this ain’t a thought experiment at all—it’s history.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act—George Orwell.


The Arab Palestinian movement and the German Nazi genocide

You may never have heard, because a stunning media and academic silence has been imposed on all this, but it just so happens that Mufti of Jerusalem Hajj Amin al Husseini—founding father of the Arab Palestinian movement (no less!)—had a leading role in the German Nazi Final Solution.

And it just so happens that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), now called ‘Palestinian Authority’—the group brought inside Israel by the Oslo Peace Process to be exalted as the future government of an Arab Palestinian State—is none other than Al Fatah, created in the postwar by that same Husseini, the great Nazi mass murderer of Jews. And Husseini created Al Fatah with the express purpose of finishing Hitler’s genocidal job in Israel.

This is all explained and documented here:

The responsibility of the Arab Palestinian movement in the German Nazi Final Solution

Read full story

June 9, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. I have enormous respect for Professor Gil-White, an enormously courageous man who lost his job at a prestigious American university because he refused to go along with his colleagues’ anti-Israel, anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish views.

    Still, I think here he oversymplifies complex historical realities and gets some factual details wrong. The Torah does celebrate the struggle for freedom of the Jews in Egypt. But it also sanctions slavery in the Land of Israel for non-Israelites and to a more limited extent for some Israelities. There is no general condemnation of slavery as an institution. It is not clear, at least to me, that the Torah principle of “love thy neighbor as thyself” led them to found democracies many centuries after the Torah proclaimed this principle. It took Europeans 1,000 years or more after the birth of Christianity before any sizable number of Christians founded democratic states. For long centuries, most Christians seemed content to be ruled by Kings and nobles, in some countries joined by wealthy merchants. The pursuit of wealth was a more persistent theme in European society than the struggle for freedom.

    It is certainly true, however, that many rulers who harshly persecuted Jews sought to enslave nearly everybody else. King John of England was a good example of this. While seizing the property of many English Jews and even having tortured some to make them surrender their wealth to him, he imposed burdensome taxes on all Englishmen to fund his wars and confiscated many private estates for his own and the national treasury’s enrichment. He signed the Magna Carta, promising to recognize some basic civil rights for part but not all of the English people, only under heavy pressure from landowners and wealthy merchant who feared that he would confiscate their property.

    But enough of this pettyfogging. Fransisco Gil-White is a great man.