More trouble-making from Haaretz

By Ted Belman

What the hell is going on? IDF recommends freeing Fatah prisoners as gesture to Abbas. Fortunately

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s advisers vehemently oppose the idea, as do several members of his forum of eight senior ministers.

Essentially Haaretz says, the IDF wants to repair the damage to Abbas that the Shalit deal caused for fear of the ascendency of Hamas, and the Government is not worried about it.

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One officer went so far as to charge, “that Abbas thinks the deal was deliberately intended to strengthen Hamas and weaken him, in order to punish him for his UN bid.”

I saw no mention of this story in YNET, JPOST or INN. I wondered how much substance there was to it. I noticed that there was no reference to a written report authored by the IDF, I am not sure who recommended it. Perhaps it was only a few officers who made the case prior to the IDF making any representation at all.

It seems to me that Haaretz is pushing the narrative.

October 24, 2011 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. Just goes to show, you can take the yiddle out of Chelm

    — but you can’t take the Chelm out of the yiddle. . . .

  2. “The IDF has formulated a response to potential violence after the PA statehood bid in September. One suggestion: give them more guns.”

    Oh, Yamit! Laugh, cry or go into hysteria. You’ve got some real nuts in your country, at every level, and I have the same in mine. It’s not even worthwhile anymore, to compare the two — no matter how we compare with each other, we’re both in a heap of trouble.

  3. I agree with you about it – I don’t know whether to laugh or cry over this proposal. Let’s see: the army brass wants to give the Arabs weapons to kill the very soldiers they’re sworn to protect.

    No high ranking officer in a normal country would come up with such a ridiculous scheme.

    They’d be court-mailed for treason, lined up against the wall and shot!

    But Israel isn’t a normal country. Its government and military are run by the inmates in the asylum.

  4. I’m sure this was Ehud Barak’s idea. Let’s make the “good” terrorists of Fatah happy because Israel just surrendered to the “bad” terrorists of Hamas, let’s surrender to Fatah, too.

    Its stupid but that’s the caliber of the Defense Minister and the people who advise him on national security.

  5. It’s a believable story.

    Read the following: You may laugh or cry depending on your world outlook.

    IDF Solution for September Violence: Give the PA More Guns
    The IDF has formulated a response to potential violence after the PA statehood bid in September. One suggestion: give them more guns.
    By Gavriel Queenann
    First Publish: 8/16/2011,

    How will the IDF confront a likely outbreak of violence by local Arabs after the PA statehood bid at the United Nations in September? One suggestion is that the IDF give the PA more guns.
    According to reports, the IDF has formalized a series of operational recommendations, which aim to prevent the security situation in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza from spiraling out of control in September.

    The brief, already submitted to the government, also states that should violence erupt, the military would strive to keep outright conflicts with Arabs in PA areas to a minimum.

    IDF recommendations include several “confidence building measures” vis-a-vis the PA and its security forces, mainly allowing more weapons into PA administered areas from Jordan.

    Senior officers in the IDF — who have apparently taken PA officials at their word — believe PA officials have a vested interest in avoiding unrest in September, despite a proven track record of joining the terrorists and inciting violent Intifadas at key diplomatic junctures.

    The PLO launched the first intifada from 1987-1993 to divert attention from its own failures and mounting criticism from Arabs in Judea and Samaria; and again, following the collapse of the July 11–25, 2000 Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David in which Yassir Arafat rejected then Prime Minister Ehud Barak’s unprecedented offer of a PA state that would expand to 90-91% of Judea and Samaria and all of Gaza.

    The brief also recommended measures that might make it worthwhile for PA residents to keep the peace: increasing the water supply to PA and Hamas-administered areas, granting permits for the construction of new desalination facilities, increasing the numbers of PA merchants allowed to enter Israel – especially from Gaza.

    The IDF also recommended other good-will gestures ahead of September, such as returning the remains of 30 Palestinian prisoners and removing various roadblocks.

    My long standing position is the summary removal of the entire top echelon of the IDF. They are almost 100% imbued with OSLO defeatism, are to a man careerists and yes men and all selected based on their political orientation and not their military skills. As long as the IDF is a Politicized institution they will never recommend or perform in the best tradition of the IDF or any worthy fighting organization. The performance of the IDF in both “2nd Lebanese war” and “Cast Lead” in Gaza should have been a wake up call for any objective observer.