A national campaign for the application of Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.

Continuing the Vision

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar, WOMEN IN GREEN

Eretz Israel, the Land of Israel, is on the international negotiating table. Nothing else. Only Eretz Israel. The world is interested in the welfare of Arabs only where it is possible to attack the Jews. Syria is drowning in rivers of Arab blood, demonstrations in Egypt end with many dead, all of Europe is swept by an extremist Islamic wave that threatens to drown it, the entire Middle East shakes and seems to be hanging by a thread, and the world is so good as to utter a few pretty, hypocritical condemnations, and then quickly goes on as usual – to the “most problematic conflict” in the world – the “territories,” a code name for Eretz Israel.

What is in Eretz Israel that draws so much attention?

Water? Mineral deposits? Open spaces? Oil? Gold? Diamonds?

How is it that, despite all that it does not possess, it is one of the most flourishing countries in the world, in the development of modern industry, medicine, agriculture, high-tech?

It’s because its children have returned to their G-d given promised land, and transformed the desert and wasteland into a settled land, whose fruits are in abundance on roadsides and in stores, its towers reach to the sky, our science is purchased and advances underdeveloped lands.

In light of all this, Israel should have been proud and certain of its capabilities, guarding its borders well, finely understanding its historical role. But, just look, Eretz Israel is on the negotiating table. It stands there alone, its defenders have grown weary, its politicians, instead of safeguarding it, play a dangerous game with it. In the bad-case scenario, this is just “playing with fire,” at the immoral and unbearable cost of releasing 104 terrorists and nothing more – “because in the end the Arabs will torpedo the negotiations and save us from an agreement” as many people wish; and in the even worse-case scenario, this “playing with fire” is liable to leave much more serious burns. We still can smell the stench of the burns from Yamit, Sinai, Gush Katif, northern Samaria, Hebron. With eyes wide open, our leaders continue to jump into the fire, to receive burns of even higher degree.

It is possible to change course: to leave the path that leads to concessions, and, at long last, to enter the Eretz Israel path of preserving our historical possessions, the path of the application of sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, and the actualization of our sovereignty and the guarding of our rights everywhere – in all of Jerusalem, and especially on the Temple Mount, in Galilee, the Negev, south Tel Aviv.

The choice is in our hands: to choose the path that leads, Heaven forbid, to the loss of values and  physical destruction, or to choose the vision, the path that leads to the values that Israeli society already held dear in the beginnings of Zionism, in the establishment of the State of Israel, in the settlement enterprise, in the draining of swamps, in the ingathering of exiles, in Operation Entebbe….

We in Women in Green choose to continue and increase our activities for the redemption of lands and the guarding of state lands on the hills of Judea. Along with this, we wish to advance a national campaign for the application of Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. We need partners for this.

The ideology of the left – that is, dispossessing us from Eretz Israel – was advanced with tremendous international financing, with perseverance, by well-planned and sophisticated campaigns, and with massive media support. Thus, despite the opposition of the majority of the people of Israel that believes that the Land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel, the left has succeeded  in infiltrating its positions into the Israeli consciousness, as if this were the only ideology that can, and may, be discussed. Every other vision is dismissed by those who champion the “two-state theory” as being delusional and proven to be wrong.

The time has come for the national camp to awaken. The time has come to present the alternative that states, clearly and decisively, that this is our land, and to do so professionally and correctly.

About three years ago our movement began to advance in the Israeli consciousness the vision of the application of sovereignty. We held three major conferences in Hebron and in Jerusalem, with the participation of government ministers, Members of Knesset, public figures, and hundreds of supporters from throughout Israel. In addition to the major conferences, in the past year we also held smaller meetings and conferences throughout the country. Now the time has come for a large national campaign.

A well-planned campaign, that will effect a change in the consciousness, that will show to the people as a whole, and mainly to its leaders, that the application of sovereignty can indeed be implemented, gradually, together with intensive aliyah activity and the encouragement of Jewish births.

If we desire life, we must begin a Zionist offensive that will drive home to all of us the necessity of a return to our roots, to the true vision of full Jewish sovereignty over Eretz Israel.

For our future, and the future of coming generations.

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

Updates on the continuation of the campaign for the application of sovereignty, and especially on the channels in which each of us can be a partner in this undertaking, will appear on the Women in Green website, in mailings to the e-mail list, and on Facebook. Please enter the site and register: http://www.womeningreen.org . We’d appreciate if you could forward this article to your email lists. Thank you.

August 14, 2013 | 10 Comments »

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10 Comments / 10 Comments

  1. The GOI and Israelis it must learn to live with VICTORY, instead of being embarrassed by it. It must learn to live and take advantage of all she offers to the world, its superiority in technology, medicine, security, agriculture and the myriad ways it help not only third world countries in their development, but always being first in line to help where help is needed.

    A little, pride in their achievement, a little dignity, a little integrity, and some morality— would indeed go a long way.

  2. The only way there is ever going to be peace in Israel, and Israel is going to reclaim Judaea and Samaria is: FIRST, VICTORY: over the Israeli Arabs and Arabs in the Israeli territories including Gaza. We must beat them into the ground, killing as many committed terrorists as possible. Then intensively re-educate them, teach them about Judaism, the futility and failure of Islam, and how to live in the 21st century. Then there can be peace. The UN, Europe and nations of the world will scream, regardless of what Israel does.

  3. This idea has it’s merits but no Israeli government is going to extend Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, not now, not ever. It is just not going to happen, but if people want to debate this truly impossible issue, then col hacvod, waste all the time you want on it, but it’s not going to happen!

  4. @ CuriousAmerican:

    If Israel would PAY THE ARABS TO LEAVE, it would be empty

    And if my grandmother had wheels she would roll…
    They WILL leave , american, with a suitcase on top of their head, walking to Allenby bridge…
    They contributed NOTHING, and they will leave with NOTHING.
    Unlike the hundreds of thousands of Jews that fled from musloid countries also with a suitcase… But who have contributed and left so much behind…

  5. She talks about Wonderful goals; but she talks as if the land was empty.

    If Israel would PAY THE ARABS TO LEAVE, it would be empty.

    Then her dreams could be realized.

  6. The national camp is broken.

    Its putative leader believes in rewarding a visceral anti-Semite and arch-terrorist with his own state.

    Puhleeaze – the national camp in Israel died long ago.

  7. The time has come for the national camp to awaken. The time has come to present the alternative that states, clearly and decisively, that this is our land, and to do so professionally and correctly

    Wholeheartedly agreed!

    About three years ago our movement began to advance in the Israeli consciousness the vision of the application of sovereignty. We held three major conferences in Hebron and in Jerusalem, with the participation of government ministers, Members of Knesset, public figures, and hundreds of supporters from throughout Israel.

    Here lies the problem:
    That’s ALL ?
    Does that imply that the VAST majority of Jewish Israelis do not identify with the noble efforts of the women in green?
    Is THAT the explanation why traitors like Peres , Netanyahu et al, continue to hold the helm of Israel’s destiny?
    And if that is not so, and the Jewish Israelis object to the idea of having their heart ripped out of the land to be given to subhuman species to do as they please ( in the name of ‘peace’)
    The streets are empty, but the caffees on Dizengoff and herzlyiah are bustling with latte sippers.