Seasoned politician such as Netanyahu should have known he’d pay a price for ‘two states’ speech
The Likud party continues to look for the reason it was almost overthrown, but there are many reasons behind its failure in the recent elections. The main reason is the loss of faith. The prime minister made so many contradicting promises he did not fulfill that his supporters and haters alike gave up on trying to figure out the riddle: “Who are you, Mr. Netanyahu?”
For example, the “Bar-Ilan speech” completely contradicts the very essence of his party. Why did party members accept this unilateral declaration, which was not submitted for their approval ahead of time? Simply because they did not believe Netanyahu. “It’s a trick,” they said, without asking themselves how long a country can be run by using trickery. The devastating result was revealed in the election campaign, in which Likud could not even draft a platform because every message they wanted to include contradicted a different message conveyed in the past. Likud members had nothing to say during the entire election campaign, apart from stressing the need for a “strong leader.”
Likud forgot that a past ruling party, Mapai, collapsed under weight of its lies. The public lost its faith in it. Politicians enjoy some room for maneuvering and are forgiven to some extent, but a politician who rejects the core, the inner truth of his party, may find out that there is some truth to the saying: “Honesty is the best policy.”
Likud lost most of its Knesset seats due to Netanyahu’s “two states.” Because Netanyahu’s leap from the Land of Israel to Palestine destroyed the genetic code of the national camp and drove an arrow straight through the heart of the heritage of Jabotinsky, the Irgun and Herut. A seasoned politician such as Netanyahu should have known he would pay a price for this. Maybe he did. Maybe that is why he decided to merge with Lieberman’s party ahead of the elections.
During a televised discussion on the coalition negotiations, one of the pundits expressed bewilderment over Yair Lapid’s insistence not to compromise his principles. Unbelievable. The man is actually making good on promises he made on the eve of the elections. Who ever heard of such a thing? Well, the pundit was wrong. The most important clause in Lapid’s platform refers to the demand for equal share of the burden, and he will be forgiven for slight deviations that are needed to advance the coalition negotiations, but he must not compromise his principles. If he does, he will be punished faster than the Likud was punished.
A party that has been around for a long time and has a history does not collapse at once, but a new party, which is built entirely on the integrity of its leaders, will not be given another opportunity.
Habayit Hayehudi’s meteoric rise is mainly the result of the mandates Likud lost following the “Bar-Ilan speech” and the settlement construction freeze. Now Bennett faces the challenge of convincing a suspicious institution that he is not an “extremist.” According to reports, Habayit Hayehudi will show some flexibility during the coalition talks with Netanyahu, but if the party will be flexible on the core issues and join a coalition that strongly supports a two-state solution – it will not be forgiven. Bennett must realize that his voters sought refuge from a Palestinian state. They did not vote for him because they believed he would promote an equal share of the burden or lower housing prices.
@ Joseph Rapaport:
Feiglin has made Zero difference as evidenced that those of the Likud list he supported did absolutely nothing to oppose and stop BB in the past 3,5 years. Many talk the talk but when called on to make a stand of principles they behaved like perfectly good BB Kapos.
Remember the proposed law to extend Israeli Law to Y&S and remove the governing authority from Barak and the IDF to civilian authority? It failed to be approved because BB opposed.
Remember the building freeze in the first 2.5 years of BB’s current term. Thy were not opposed by those MK’s feiglin supported.
Remember all those Jews thrown out of their homes by force under BB, some in the middle of the night? Not opposed by those who verbally support settlement. It’s all BS and so in the end is Feiglin. He has no power to stop BB no less oust him, so what you are saying is next to worthless in fact. Those same do nothing big talkers in the last Knesset are back for another round but in a much diminished Likud. Their presence in the Likud gives fig leaf cover for BB and his sycophants to play right wing nationalists while carrying out Obama’s wishes and our lefts visions.
@ yamit82:
Feiglin has already made a difference in Likud through the MK’s he has brought in through his Manhigut Yehudit Faction. In a short time
this faction will control the Likud party and BB will be out of power. Feiglin’s concept of working within the traditionally influential
channel. i.e. Likud, is most valid. The smaller more extreme Nationalist parties will not muster enough clout by themselves and to join
up with them would be counter-productive.
the phoenix Said:
the current state of Israel does not want YS even though the world has legally recognized and encouraged Jewish settlement rights in YS. Wallace Brand stated that the current interpretation of occupation and ignoring of jewish rights arose from the Israeli, Jewish,legal advisor to the govt after the 67 war(theron or Heron?) and apparently the world has run with that ball to their goal(thanks to an Israeli Jew). There exists at this moment a legal vehicle for the state of Israel to achieve its goal of not wanting to rule arabs, of not wanting to transfer arabs and of not wanting YS, WITHOUT SACRIFICING THE SOLE INTEREST OF GLOBAL JEWRY IN YS. Israel can remain a sovereign state west of the green line; it can act to fulfill the unexpired rights of Jews to settle YS WITHOUT entertaining a future claim to YS but purely in order to fulfill its legal obligation as the current administrator of the territory. It can act the same as the UK when exercising its mandate. YS can be held in trust until Jews have settled sufficiently to be a majority, exactly as envisioned. Israel can institute a massive settlement policy to restore justice and mitigate damage to jewish settlement rights resulting from the Jordanian and Israeli occupations. There would be no claims to territory by Israel and its authority to continue to administrate the territory would be based on the this new paradigm removing the conflict of interest between Israels interests and those of the Jewish people. there should be a separate representative of the Jewish people for its interests in YS. Israel may settle foreign Jews in YS to avoid GC red herring arguments. After a time there could be a state called Judea which could decide what to do on all the issues which Israel is now avoiding at the expense of jewish interests.
@ yamit82:
dear yamit,
i have learnt a lot (and CONTINUE to learn a lot) from you.
sadly, i agree with what you said regarding feiglin. i WISH it were not so, but, that is another matter.
you mention marzel…
being the late rabbi kahane’s ‘right hand man’ in my book is all that is needed.
in other posts on other threads, i was posting my bewilderement as to the fact that on one hand, kahane seemed very confident that he would be israel’s pm (from one of the videos that you posted) since “the people of israel are with me” as he said…
sadly, a few decades later, two of his disciples do NOT win ANY seats let alone a sweeping majority.
when all these facts are put together, it becomes apparent that there are some irreconcilable differences in the israeli fabric of society, which, i think, to a great extent have been carefully groomed and conveniently presented by the 5th columnist liberal media to exist as such.
IF indeed, the society, were ready for a kahanist leader, they would have voted overwhelmingly for eldad and ben ari.
it is indeed with great chagrin that a nationalist jew is watching the events and forced to almost logically concede that it might just be a return to biblical days…the kingdom of tel-aviv/herzlyiah…ehm i mean, israel,
and the kingdom of judea
Shy Guy Said:
Benny Begin said after he and his Herut Party were defeated in the 1999 elections was:“He was a leader with no followers”, seems much the same could be said of Feiglin.
the phoenix Said:
Feiglin put all his marbles in a very small basket, When the basket shrunk he was left with only two options to leave the likud and admit defeat and he was mistaken or to continue down the wrong road no matter what making him totally irrelevant in our political future. He has chosen personal ego over principle and ideology and that makes him a pathetic shadow of what he might have accomplished in another direction and political format. Feiglin’s ideas are neither original or unique and many hold to them whether they come from Feiglin or Marzel. Personally I like Baruch Marzel. Baruch Marzel I don’t believe would have embraced Mickey Levi as Feiglin has. It seems to me Feigin has sold out in favor of currying the approval of the Israeli middle. He wants legitimacy over principle and will do nothing to taint the image he is trying to create.
Andrew Said:
I wish BB had only 2 faces. 🙁
Joseph Rapaport Said:
A distinction without a difference. A vote for the Likud is a vote for BB and cannot be separated. All who voted for the Likud and BB as leader and PM must assume the responsibility for all actions and policies of BB as the unchallenged Leader of the Likud party. We all knew beforehand what we were getting when we elected him and gave the Likud the votes to form the next government. All Likud members except Feiglin served in the previous government and Knesset and did nothing then or since to alter or sway BB away from the deleterious anti-nationalist and anti-Likud policies he implemented? Why do think the current Likud list will perform any differently?
The only way o stop BB is to stop the Likud and keep them from power by replacing the Likud with a more purest ideological nationalist party and see that they are the dominant political party in Israel.
@ yamit82:
You are fifty per cent right. BB does not have to be supported but the Likud, under new leadership (Mahnigut Yehudit), must be.
There is a maxim that I think applies to Bibi: “a man who wears two faces eventually forgets which one is real”
1@ Shy Guy:
In a seemingly chaotic environment and lack of a ‘leading goose’, that is taking the head wind for the rest of the geese, as they are flying in their beautiful V-formation…it would be very confusing for ANY well intentioned volunteer to join..
To join WHAT?
It all seems to be going in 360 directions!
Don’t get me wrong shy, I agree with feiglin’s philosophy 100%, but, as it has been already discussed here, he is lacking traction in the environment where he is now.
the phoenix Said:
All that’s needed are the volunteers.
@ Shy Guy:
Dear shy,
Just finished listening to the speech.
I identified with its content in its entirety. It pumped a bit of adrenalin into my nationalist views, hopes and aspirations.
I TOTALLY agree with his 10 reasons for Jewish leadership…
With that as an introduction, I am also looking at the reality staring in the face (starting with expulsions of Jews ordered by Jews, and the almost empty Knesset of members to listen to his speech…)
I have always maintained that external battles are easier to win than internal
I am afraid that he has a huge battle ahead of him.
May he be victorious!
Excelent Article by Elyakim Haetzni – “Bennett must realize that his voters sought refuge from a Palestinian state. They did not vote for him because they believed he would promote an equal share of the burden or lower housing prices.”
Bennett must keep his focus on Zionism. The solution to the other two problems should be nested within the primary issue of uncompromised Zionism. Lower housing prices by ending state ownership of land by allowing it to be rapidly and easily settled by Jewish couples, families, and individuals. Sharing the burden should be addressed by ensuring that the IDF establishes units that meet the religious requirements of all Jews and set a reasonable time for transition. Revive the idea of Nahal IDF units focused on military service and on establishing new communities and providing for their security – The Nahal units should be inviting to haredim and offer them the opportunity for inxpensive housing in communities they helped establish upon leaving the IDF. These are possible solutions that are nested within the overall commitment to uncompromised Zionism. I believe Hashem would greatly bless efforts along these lines since they focus on ZIONISM, and the UNITY of the Jewish people and of the Jewish faith.
NormanF Said:
May you, G-d willing, be wrong on both counts! (sorry, only in Hebrew for the moment)
Israel’s politicians have no ideological core and no strong principles.
That’s why they’re complete morons. In the end, Israel will survive its bad leaders.
IF you want to understand any Western Political system – you must study the super-wealthy class (the power elite) the ownership of the media and the connections between the power elite and the politicians.
Israel is no exception.
The fundamental rule is that the ‘country’ has two separate definitions:
1. the people
2 the .01 percent – the power elite (not the politicians usually).
And they are in adversarial relationship the .01 always being a fascist class maintaining and engineering compliance with fakery and propaganda.
If anyone spent any time on this study they would split the Gordian knot with just a few days of studying information that is publicly available
I see no indication that anyone here has done that because any discussion of politicians must mention the power elite and the ownership of the media and the politicians.
Which means the power of propaganda brainwashing has been near absolute.
The problems can never be solved unless the system you are in is understood. Then the solutions become obvious.
I think Israel must wage a very proactive peace and friendship war, even more than she has. It is not enough to be defensive (even at that ‘Israel ‘ is not defensive enough). The two approaches are not incompatible at all, and both can be used to the maximum..
It’s a heavy burden to try to raise up the spiritual level of an entire population ..but the situation dictates it – Survivalism demands maximization of efforts – there is no room for self-indulgence or slacking of efforts.
yamit82 Said:
We don’t. We only support the Likud, with goal number one being the removal of BB and his ilk.
Once again, someone did the math for you, so you wouldn’t have to rack your brains. Page down to Rav Elitzur Segal’s message (in Hebrew).
But, yeh, what the heck! Let’s keep spinning our wheels and burning rubber. We must love the sparks and smoke, instead of actually getting anywhere.
I predicted many times on this forum the disenchantment with BB and the Likud by those on the ideological right in Israel. The disillusionment did not begin with Bar Ilan speech it began with he Camp David agreement of Begin. Madrid Conference, and Lack of military response by Shamir to Saddams’s Scuds. BB accepting Oslo and Giving Away Hebron (Judaism’s second most Holy site). BB shaking Arafat’s hand and calling him “Partner for Peace” 2nd Intifada etc. BB supporting the Gush Katif evacuation. The thousands of missiles and rockets hitting Israel with at best ineffectual tepid responses and lately Building freezes in all of Y&S and Jerusalem and the sticking to 2 State concepts.
Persecution of Jewish settlers, blocking Jewish rights on the Temple Mount to Jews, and doing nothing to extricate Pollard from his dungeon and certain death.
Why should any Jew with a strong ideological reverence for the Land of Israel support both BB and the Likud?
Our enemies are the ones who never compromise their evil principles while so may Jews are timid and fear standing up for the truth. We violate our Torah and thereby bring down upon our heads all manner of needless suffering.