Wounds of Mohamed al Dura’s Father predated incident

Wounds of Mohamed al Dura’s Father Date Back to 1992, Surgeon Reveals

Nidra Poller, Pyjamas Media

The wounds purportedly sustained on September 30 2000 by Jamal al Dura “target of gunfire from the Israeli positions”—in the words of France 2 bureau chief Charles Enderlin—were in fact incurred in 1992. Jamal, identified as the father of the shahid [martyr] Mohamed al Dura, is one of the two living witnesses to the incident that triggered the “Al Aqsa Intifada.” The al Dura news report has been the subject of controversy for seven years.

Philippe Karsenty, who is appealing his 2006 defamation conviction—for declaring on his Media-Ratings site that the al Dura news report was a blatant fake—obtained medical records proving that Jamal’s wounds were treated by an Israeli surgeon in 1994. Now the surgeon, Yehuda David, has confirmed this information on a December 12 newscast on Israel’s Arutz 10 TV. Jean Tsadik of Metula News Agency resumed the Hebrew-language newscast for French-speaking readers.

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According to the Metula release, Jamal al Dura declared on medical records in 1992 that Palestinian militia had attacked him with axes. Doctors at Gaza’s Shifa Hospital* were able to save his life but he lost the use of his right hand because they could not repair a ruptured tendon in the forearm. Palestinian doctors referred Jamal to Tal Hashomer hospital in Tel Aviv in March 1994. Dr. Yehuda performed reconstructive surgery, grafting a tendon taken from the foot, and restoring almost normal use of the hand. The medical record of that operation also refers to the removal of “foreign bodies,” suggesting that other instruments besides axes were used in the 1992 attack.

Alerted by the Ména [Metula News Agency] to the film of Jamal’s wounds produced in 2004 by Talal Abu Rahma at the demand of France 2 news director Arlette Chabot, to silence investigators, Dr. Yehuda and his colleagues declare that the scars shown in that film were incurred in 1992 and result from axe blade wounds and definitely not from gunshot. They are ready and willing to testify to this in any court.

The Metula release promises further revelations in the near future.

Pajamas Media will try to solicit reactions from French journalists Denis Jeambar and Daniel Leconte who were granted the exceptional privilege, in 2004, of viewing a bit over 20 minutes of raw footage filmed by Talal Abu Rahma at Netzarim Junction in the Gaza Strip on September 30, 2000. After publicly declaring that there was no evidence in the footage to sustain the accusation that Jamal and his son Mohamed were hit by Israeli gunfire, they backed off from the controversy. Convinced by the film of Jamal’s wounds, produced expressly to spin their almost courageous conclusions, they opted for the crossfire explanation of the unfortunate incident.

The day after the alleged shooting Jamal, filmed on his hospital bed wrapped up in bloody bandages, described the ordeal in a critically wounded voice. A few weeks later, in an Israeli TV interview, he declared plaintively, with his hand resting on a crutch, that the Israelis fired at him and his son for 45 minutes, clearly recognizing them as innocent civilians.

Now we learn that Jamal used the arm restored by Israeli surgeons to act out the blood libel that provoked the murderous rage that killed countless Israeli civilians, including courageous doctors who had treated Palestinians with the same generosity he experienced.

On November 14th Charles Enderlin stood before a French court and walked the judges through 18 minutes of raw footage filmed by Talal Abu Rahmah, including the 59-second al Dura shots. He had an explanation for every incongruity. When will he realize that he is walking down a gangplank?

* Images of a dead child “identified” as Mohamed al Dura but brought in several hours before the alleged shooting occurred, were shot at Shifa Hospital.

December 15, 2007 | 2 Comments »

2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. I remember this event very well. I remember the entire production department of the company I was working at at the time gathering around the computer and watching this horrific spectacle unfold. Even one guy who had racist attitudes towards Arabs was disgusted by what he saw. We were just a few of millions of people around the world who beLIEved what we were apparently seeing.

    And it was all bullshit.

    Fortunately the Pallywood spellbinders (which – it has to be said – are nonetheless rank amateurs compared to their “black magician” brethren at Hollywood) no longer have a hold on me, thanks in large part to the documentaries available for free download at http://www.seconddraft.org/movies.php

    The problem is that Israelis keep propping them up, providing them with ammunition, medical help, and giving them respect that they never deserved, accepting them on their own terms and offering them a state of their own.

    I’ve often said that the worst crime “The Zionists” have ever committed against “The Palestinians” is empowering the antisemitic Nazi-esque thugs who lord over them, and who murder more of them even than they do Israelis.

    Just one more reason why the Israeli Establishment needs to be relegated to the dustbin of history.

  2. the father’s hand is hacked apart by Palestinians, fixed by a Jewish doctor in an Israeli hospital, used by terrorists as a prop in a blood libel to make all Jews and Israelis look like devils. Same old story replays again and again.

    The problem is that Israelis keep propping them up, providing them with ammunition, medical help, and giving them respect that they never deserved, accepting them on their own terms and offering them a state of their own.

    What do Israelis get in return? Terrorism, war, hate, blood libel, school books filled with anti-Jewish lessons, intifada, hudna, jihad, and all the garbage that Islam offers to its long list of infidels.

    Unfortunately, we are faced with people like Jamal al Dura who would sell his soul, kill his own son, and turn on those who cared for and healed him. A nation now must ask itself if it is in its best interest and the interests of their own people to aid and abet such an enemy.

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