Peloni: Again Avi is 100% correct.
There is documentation that terrorists released in similar deals have continued to murder Jews once they were freed. This cycle of incentivizing terror must end.
**FILE Oct. 31, 2017** File photo of Ari Fuld, father of four, and resident of Efrat. Fuld was a member of the emergency squad in Gush Etzion, pictured here at a celebratory event on October 31, 2017, carrying his rifle with. FUld was killed by a Palestinian terrorist in a stabbing attack at the Gush Etzion junction earlier this morning. Photo by Gershon Elinson/FLASH90
The list of terrorists being released as part of this so-called ceasefire deal is out, and I am furious. Among them is the murderer of my dear friend, Ari Fuld hy”d. Ari was a proud, passionate Jew, brutally murdered simply for the “crime” of living as a Jew in our ancestral homeland. His murderer, like so many others on this list, is being set free—not because of justice but as a reward for Hamas’s inhumane hostage-taking.
This isn’t just about Ari, though his loss is deeply personal to me and countless others. Ari’s story is one of many. These terrorists have brutally murdered Jews—children, mothers, fathers—just for daring to live proud, Jewish lives in the land of Israel. And now, their release sends a chilling message: killing Jews pays.
A Death Sentence for More Jews
This isn’t just about releasing convicted killers. It’s about empowering future ones. These released terrorists will almost certainly return to terrorism, as history has shown us time and again. Their release is a clear death sentence for hundreds, if not thousands, of Jews in the future. Even worse: their release inspires others to follow in their footsteps, knowing that murdering Jews not only leads to hero status but to eventual freedom, even after a horrific invasion and massacre like Oct. 7th, 2023.
Western Leaders’ Immorality
The immorality of Western leaders—those who pushed Israel into this abhorrent deal—screams to the heavens. Why is Israel being pressured to release murderous terrorists instead of Hamas being convinced to release innocent hostages unconditionally?
The Biden and Trump teams have chosen to treat Qatar and Egypt as “neutral mediators,” when in reality, both are complicit in Hamas’s terror. Qatar is a state sponsor of Hamas, funneling money and political support to the very organization that orchestrated the October 7th massacre. Egypt knowingly allowed weapons to flow into Gaza, aiding Hamas’s buildup. Yet, instead of holding Qatar and Egypt accountable, these Western leaders have handed them the reins of diplomacy.
If the U.S. and others were truly committed to justice and morality, they would pressure Qatar and Egypt to force Hamas to release all hostages without preconditions. Qatar could cut Hamas off in a second, but instead, it enjoys playing the middleman, gaining international legitimacy while funding terror.
Never Again: The Death Penalty for Terrorists
Israel should never again be in a position where we have to release convicted terrorists to free hostages. These terrorists should receive the death penalty. Once they have been convicted of their heinous crimes, there should be no possibility of their freedom. We cannot allow Hamas—or any other enemy—to use kidnapped Israelis as pawns to force these dangerous killers back onto the streets.
The “Bring Them Home” Campaign Missed the Mark
This horrifying ceasefire is not just the fault of immoral pressure from our allies in the US. The “Bring Them Home” campaign in Israel, which placed enormous pressure domestically on our politicians, was another important component that brought us to this moment. The movement is fundamentally flawed. Instead of focusing on Hamas’s crimes and pressuring international bodies like the UN and the Red Cross to take action, the hostages’ release was exploited by anti-Netanyahu groups, who made this about him instead of making it about Hamas’ moral barbarism.
This misguided strategy played right into Hamas’s hands, empowering them to raise their price for our hostages. The only campaign that should have been run in Israel to free our hostages should have been under the banner “Let My People Go,” targeting Hamas, Iran, Egypt, and Qatar as the true villains and demanding global action against Hamas’s inhumanity.
A Painful Price
Of course, we rejoice in the return of hostages! But it’s impossible to ignore the immense price we are paying both in the short-term release of terrorists and the long-term consequences. This is not just about the lives these terrorists will take in the future but the treacherous message for which all of humanity will suffer: that terrorism pays.
A Note of Hope
Despite this dark moment, the Jewish people and the State of Israel will persevere. For more than 3,000 years, we have endured exile, persecution, and unspeakable horrors. And yet, we are still here. Today, we are stronger than ever, in a geopolitical position of strength unseen since the days of King David.
We will overcome this as well. The path to victory over our enemies is clear. It is not a question of if, but when. I pray that we learn the lessons of history as we move forward.
The only way Israel will provide safety from our Islamonazi enemies in Gaza is by Israel remaining in Gaza forever with Jewish resettlements. No Islamonazis who support murdering Jews can remain in Gaza, they will be invited to leave via the Egyptian border to live in any other Arab Muslim Middle East country that agrees with their genocidal ideology. Arab self-rule can never be allowed in Gaza or Judea and Samaria.
We must remain strong, principled, and unwavering in our commitment to justice and security. We owe it to Ari, to every victim of terror, and to the future generations of Jews who will inherit the land of Israel.
Am Yisrael Chai!
Avi Abelow is the host of the Pulse of Israel daily video/podcast and the CEO of 12Tribe Films Foundation.
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