Linda Goudsmit: This is a very important article!
We are at a turning point in history. We the people in America, in Britain, in Canada, and in Israel, have the opportunity to resurrect our nations and save our souls by making our countries moral again. The globalist elite who have trampled our rights are targeting our nations’ children, because children are the future of every society on earth. “Progressive” British governments have been protecting Muslim rape gangs in Britain for decades. “Progressive” American governments have been indoctrinating American children with Marxism for decades in American schools. “Progressive” Canadian governments have been tearing Canada apart piece by piece, and “Progressive” Israeli governments have collaborated with a savage enemy to topple Netanyahu’s nationalist government. So, what do these “progressive” governments all have in common?
Each named government is being funded and fomented by the globalist elite, but to what end? Progress toward what??
Globalism is a replacement ideology and its progress is toward establishment of the globalist elite’s dystopian world government, where individual and national sovereignty is replaced with planetary feudalism. In the globalist Unistate the people’s future is humanity’s feudal past. The globalist war is a war of attrition. My generation of American patriots is dying. My children’s generation of millennials is transitional. It is my grandchildren and great-grandchildren who are the primary targets of the globalist elite. And it is the globalist elite who are funding and fomenting worldwide proxy wars to destroy the innocence of the western world’s precious children. The innocence of children is being attacked by Muslim rape gangs in England, by Marxist indoctrination in American schools, by “progressive” policies in Canada, and by “progressive” enemies of the State in Israel. Everything is connected, and the globalist elite are swinging progressivism’s coordinated wrecking ball to collapse western civilization by destroying its Judeo-Christian infrastructure, including its morality which protects the individual, individual sovereignty, and the sovereignty of the nation state.
Make no mistake, the rape of little English school girls is the key to understanding the globalist elite and their wrecking ball, and Tommy Robinson is globalism’s existential enemy. Muslim rape gangs are funded, fomented, and protected by the globalist elite, because the globalist elite are in the business of soul murder. Any society that can ignore the intentional destruction of innocent children is already dead. But the English people can Make Britain Moral Again (MBMA), the Americans can Make America Moral Again (MAMA), the Canadians can Make Canada Moral Again (MCMA), and the Israelis cam Make Israel Moral Again (MIMA).
We the people of the world must stand together and say NO! We are the mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles, aunts, friends, and neighbors who must protect the innocence of children. We are the family of man who must stand together and fight for the children, because the children cannot protect themselves. Elon Musk is correct––Tommy Robinson is the key to understanding the entire globalist megalomaniacal scheme to impose one world government––and it is not just Britain’s soul that is in lockdown. The western world must recognize that progressivism’s multiculturalism is the seismic humanitarian hoax that advances globalism’s population jihad, population replacement, and western societal collapse––one rape at a time.
Tommy Robinson, the undaunted, much maligned, imprisoned hero of little British schoolgirls, is the fulcrum on which the politics of the entire western world will turn––and we the people of the world must help him by simply being moral again. Let’s start by rejectting progressivism’s moral relativism and state unequivocally: Right and wrong exist. Raping little girls is simply wrong. It is wrong anywhere and everywhere and anytime it happens in the world. Period. Now, that wasn’t so hard was it?
JAN 09, 2025
Is Tommy Robinson the fulcrum on which UK politics will turn?
A country afraid of its heroes will inevitably elect its cowards. There is no better example than Great Britain, land of unfree and the home of the serf. Modern Britain is a nation run by foreigners, for foreigners and that is its future. While globalist scum like Biden, Macron and Trudeau are being elbowed into history’s dustbin, the British right is swinging hard left and they want the world to know it. As the most hated UK regime in living memory crumbles before our eyes, the self-selected leader of the opposition -Nigel Farage- is busy re-educating his voters. Nigel’s party is named ‘Reform’ -which apparently means “Rewind” as in “Replay the mass-immigration policies of the last 20 years”. Courtesy of Elon Musk -an American billionaire who, unlike Nigel, has no new best friends in Westminster- Pakistani child-rape gangs are back in the headlines -and that is where the trouble really starts.
Headlines being Nigel Farage’s personal territory of choice, he is now paddling madly to get in front of the Musk v Starmer story, while kicking sand in the face of the British hero who chose to die on that very hill. Not for the first time, Nigel Farage is prancing in Tommy Robinson’s footprints while claiming to blaze a trail.
It takes some nerve to steal the thunder of a prophet, but Farage is fearless -so long as his victim is safely behind bars. In search of a headline Farage would nick the laces from Tommy’s shoes if they weren’t locked in a jail cell. But it’s the jealous sneer that reveals Nigel as the eternal shadow puppet. Preening for his beloved TV cameras, the Reform party leader refuses point blank to even acknowledge let alone praise the uniquely tormented political prisoner who gave up his freedom rather then embrace the lie of Islamic integration. Suddenly Nigel has discovered an England plagued by immigrant pedophile gang-rapists, and he wants the T-shirt, the medals and a round of applause.
Turn the clock back a decade and there’s a different star over the stable. Speared and bloodied before the baying crowd, like a cornered bull Tommy Robinson roared alone for over a decade as the elite left-mob jeered their hatred of him and his underclass kin. Eyes fixed on the prize of reclaiming the culture into which he was born, Tommy fought on unbowed. But now, with Kier Starmer’s raving woke regime on the brink of collapse, party leader Nigel Farage will not lift one finger in Robinson’s honour, and babbles like a stooge when pressed for a reason why.
Let’s just take a moment and throw a little light on the United Kingdom’s official Prince of Darkness, the Luton Lazarus, the man they couldn’t kill, the one and only Tommy Robinson. It was he who outed the pedophile Muslim gang-rapists- he who defied the state/media propaganda dragons and spoke the unspeakable truth to power. And last but not least, Mr Farage, it was Tommy Robinson who drove the bulldozer that cleared the path for your Reform party to approach the gates of power.
Shame on Nigel Farage and his co-flunkies that it takes an American billionaire to explain why it is Tommy Robinson and not Farage himself that holds the key to overturning the three-wheeled woke-wagon of the British state. A system as wholly corrupted as Britain’s needs a political wrecking ball, but Nigel Farage isn’t interested in the dirty work. The word bluster could have been coined for him; he is a bluffer to the core. He would rather sign a contract than swing a hammer, and only an idiot negotiates with a dictatorship. The one excuse for the Reform party’s existence is to rip the woke heart out of Westminster and put Britain’s national suicide-program into reverse. If Tommy Robinson isn’t good enough for the Reform party then Reform isn’t good enough for Britain. If Musk can see that from a thousand miles away, anyone can. Let me spell it out a real, Robinsonian manifesto for you, Nigel, before you start reprinting Tony Blair’s.
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