Deception 9: The “Palestinian-Jesus” Deception.

Peloni:  Here is the 9th installment of Joseph Shellim’s 12 Deceptions, an excerpt from his important work, Philistine-To-Palestine.  We are posting one Deception each week, and  links to the previous installments can be found at the bottom.

Joseph Shellim

The underlying agenda of a ‘First Century Palestine’ that is manipulated away from Judea and Israel is  testified by numerous historical scholars. 

  • “There is a propaganda war going on now with regard to the term “Palestine”. It is specifically  employed to avoid the use of the name Israel, and must be considered an anti-Israel term.” – (Thomas  S. McCall, Th.M. in Old Testament studies.) 

Jesus was born in Judea, which was not an Arab country 2,000 years ago in the first century. Judea was  invaded by the Roman Empire and encountered a war with the Jews. There was no Palestine country or  Palestinian people in the First Century. A Palestinian Jesus is a historical impossibility. The name  Palestine was applied to Judea 100 years after Jesus of Nazareth was killed, namely this name was  placed on Judea in the Second Century, in the year 135 AD/CE by the Roman Emperor Hadrian. In the  First Century no country was called as Palestine and no people were called as Palestinian. Rome  printed 1,000s of coins with “Judea Capta” – none that said “Palestina Capta.” 

After the Second Century, Palestine was referred only to the Jews for 2,000 years till the mid-20th Century. The Roman archives say the Arabs, who yet possessed no writings at this time, were fully  embedded in the Roman legions in the Roman war with the Jews destroying the Jerusalem Temple.  There can be nothing scholarly or historical of the term ‘First Century Palestine’, often stated with its  disassociation from Israel and the Jews, namely from the very source that introduced the Philistine  people in its Hebrew writings wherein this name emerged, and from the Hebrews who most interacted  with this people some 4,000 years ago. The issue is further ignited when a Pope acknowledges Arabs  as Palestinians. The Herodotus claim as the justification of a First Century Palestine is also a deception  by many scholars harboring a variant agenda against Israel (see ‘The Herodotus Deception’). 

Jesus of West Bank. 
Although embraced and re-quoted by many scholars, media and educational institutions, a ‘First  Century Palestine’ is an anti-historical, anti-Israel and anti-Christian usage. It is a deception of  immense historical and biblical proportions, with an underlying premise of heritage and theological  negation. The allocation of this biblical portion of land as West Bank and Jesus as an Arab Palestinian,  are aligned with the erasure of both the Jews, and by its default, the Christian faiths alike. Shadi  Khaloul is the first person recognized by Israel as an Aramaic Christian: 

  • “We are not Arabs. Christian Arab is a fake terminology created 100 years ago by a Pan Arab  theology. We were forced to speak Arabic, but we are Aramaic Christians” – [Shadi Khaloul,  Chairman, Aramaic Christian Society of Israel, Jerusalem Dateline, CBN]. 

That this conflict shrouds a theological doctrine presented via new political embellishments is nowhere  better seen than when a 3,000-year religious symbol was targeted as a political weapon. 

  • “I would like to assure the Jewish community that the Uniting Church does not accept the view that  Jesus was Palestinian. We affirm that Jesus and most of his early followers were Jewish.” – [Peter  Wertheim, Executive Director of the ECAJ, and Stuart McMillan, President of the Uniting Church in  Australia; “Jesus a Palestinian?” published by J-Wire with the kind permission of both of them.]

Here are links to previous installments of the 12 Deceptions:

Deception 1: The Name Deception

Deception 2: The Balfour Deception

Deception 3: The White Paper Deception

Deception 4: The Jordan Deception

Deception 5: The ‘West-Bank’ Deception

Deception 6: The Time Immemorial Deception

Deception 7: The Refugee Deception

Deception 8: The Arafat Deception

Episode 10: The Zionism Deception.
[See Next week]

Link to the book on Amazon:

November 24, 2024 | 25 Comments »

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25 Comments / 25 Comments

  1. To focus on the issue of how the vast utterly reactionary motif of the Palestinians came about

    Edgar…”the title was concocted in 1964 in Moscow by the KGB.”

    But it was concocted by STALINISM.

    THAT is a simple fact.

    There is a tremendous amount of history before that point was reached.

    If that is not dealt with we are in trouble, which means we are misleading.


    I prefer “intelligent”. .or “genius”..

    Why not give us an example of what you mean.????….

    Actually I often include items which strictly are nothing to do with the subject. This is because whilst thinking of the subject matter I am reminded of an allied item and like to include such as a matter of interest………

    Being ol I’m inclined to wander a bit. Besides, it’s “educational”.

  3. READER_

    I totally disagree with your findings especially the Jewish Encyclopaedia entry. “Hep” Hep” was definitely of Crusader origin. The one thing that was correct is what the H-E-P meant. “Jerusalem is vanquished, -or finished”. It was when they conquered Jerusalem and slaughtered all the Jews.

    There is NO known instance of Rome stamping out a religion or attempting to. In their Empire there were multitudes of different religions an beliefs. They never touched one; their own religions and cults were very many .

    The evidence is clear and known world-wide.
    Only after the Bar Kocheba War were they vindictive against the Jews in expelling them ……….
    You may not know, but from then on, their Empire began to shrink. They had to even recall their Legions from Britannia, never to return.

    They changed The name from Judaea after the Bar Kocheba War to Syria Palaestina to try to sever the connection between the Jews and the Land.

    On another of your points; I use as references WORLDCAT, which is far more prestigious than any anonymous article in the Jewish Encyclopedia.

    It lists every known book or essay that was ever written.

    For instance, I have a very rare book, of, I think no particular value.. Booksellers often list it but never have it.. Worldcat was able to tell me that there were 4 copies known.
    One in Dublin University which offered to copy it for me at a cost of only 742 Euros (so much a page)…..One in Melbourne University Library, One in the British Library.

    I was in touch for about 7-8 months on and off with the Head Librarian of British Libraries. She told me that their copy was then in Leeds, and that there was over 2 years waiting list.

    The 4th copy is somewhere I can’t recall.

    *******Another point, The Romans were not trying to erase the Jewish character of Judaea. (In fact at that time there was much Greek influence in the Jewish People). They have never done such in recorded history, except with Carthage with whom they had struggled for supremacy during 3 long wars and 2 or more centuries.
    This was because Hannibal Barca gave them such a mighty fright, virtually roaming up and down the whole of Italy and destroying every Roman Army sent against him. He was supreme except in Rome City for over 16 years. With a very much smaller army and no supply line******.

    By the way I mentioned only the 19th cent German pogroms not sheepherders. No matter.

  4. (Irish election) Ireland, because it is not just Sinn Fein, but all the political parties. They are Dev’s crowd in FF, the Nazis of the 30s in FG, and so on, all of them, they bought the Islam lie wrapped up in the Yesha Arab really big lie, the lies of the Palestinians of that Egyptian Arafat!!!

    But what left the Irish population so open to the Big Lie. Quite simple to understand. Political vacuum on the left made the population unable to prepare the people and show them what lay behind Arafat’s lies.

    Ireland does so much damage to Jews and Israel internationally you would think it would be covered more.

    It is all a play on victims but the Irish people really were.

    Realise that then you begin to understand it is a serious problem

  5. @Raphael

    some of the stuff you guys say is so outrageous that I can’t tell if you are off-the-charts intelligent or just totally crazy

    It could be both.

    Would you mind telling us what is it that you find so ourageous?

  6. @Reader and @Edgar
    Really, some of the stuff you guys say is so outrageous that I can’t tell if you are off-the-charts intelligent or just totally crazy. It’s interesting, though. I’ll give you that.

  7. @Edgar G.

    1) you are right but they also interfered when they wanted or needed to, the example I gave is from a history book;

    2) 15 years ago I saw the info that Hep-Hep was a Roman toast,
    there was nothing about crusaders or German sheepherders;

    Frankfurt University students were not making it up;

    I was writing about the Romans renaming Judea as Palestine “eventually”, not about the renaming of Jerusalem (which is another piece of evidence of the Roman destructive actions).

    Anyway, my point was that the Romans caused a lot of physical destruction, they certainly wanted to erase the Jewish character of the place because there was a major uprising, and that it would be only logical for them to proceed to do the same in the spiritual realm since this DEFINITELY was not the case of them willing to use religious or any other kind of tolerance.

    If they did what I (and a few other people) think they did, they were very successful, much more successful in the spiritual realm than in physical.

  8. READER-

    Much of what you say I do agree with. But, there are some points where we differ.

    1) Rome was KNOWN for it’s policy of not interfering with,
    and tolerating the religions of conquered peoples.

    2) It was Carthage where it was reported to have been ploughed and sown with salt.

    3) “Hep Hep” was of Crusader origin, and used centuries later in Germany during pogroms..

    4) “The Jerusalem destroyed” term was not known, Perhaps you may mean “Carthago, est Delenda”, a continual rant of Cato. At least, that is what prejudiced history tells us.

    Remember…History is written by the victors.

    4) It was only after the Bar Kocheba War, 60 years later, that the Romans changed the name to Aelia Capitolina, and banned Jews from living there.

    This however did not last as Jews returned to Jerusalem shortly after and were never dislodged from there. A continuous Jewish presence in Jerusalem was established until this day.

    I’m open to be corrected- but only if I’m wrong, since I have not read anything dealing with these matters for over 50 years. But I have a good memory for what I’ve read.

  9. @Edgar G.

    …“Palestinians” except to reiterate ad infinitum that the title was concocted in 1964 in Moscow by the KGB.

    So, it was concocted by the accursed KGB?

    The ”free world” seems to LOVE IT!

  10. @Edgar G.

    READER- You’re wasting your time.

    You may be right but this is ”THE KING IS NAKED!” moment.

    When people around the world have become convinced that the country smaller than Chicago Metropolitan Area in size has a duty and an obligation to keep ceding parts of its land to the vicious enemy, each time to buy a temporary respite from being hit by rockets, that numerous violations of its treaties with world powers BY those world powers are LEGAL, that this country is THE CAUSE of all the wars in the Middle East, that after 78% of its Biblical lands that was promised to it were used to create (ILLEGALLY) another (out of 20-plus) Arab country which refuses citizenship to the Israeli Arabs, etc., etc. – WELL!

    THE ONLY WAY to fight this is is by stating THE TRUTH, loud and clear, and by millions of people BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!

  11. I think the Jesus thing was a part of the Roman “Destroy Judea” project akin to the contemporary name- and history change “Destroy Israel by inventing The Palestinian Arab People” project.

    Ancient Rome had a habit of changing/replacing the religious cults of the peoples they conquered to suit its needs, for example, if it conquered two adjacent territories with two different cults, Rome would install there a single cult to unite the territories into one.

    At the time (around the 1st century CE), Rome also felt the need for a single cult for the whole country.

    The “Destroy Judea” project included destroying the Temple, killing (over one miilion)/enslaving/expelling Jews of Judea; I also remember reading somewhere that the Romans ploughed it over and salted the soil, and they, allegedly, toasted each other with the words “Hep-Hep!” (meaning “Hierosolyma est perdita” (“Jerusalem is lost”), and eventually, as we know, changed the name Judea to Palestina.

    It would be logical for the Roman government to want to create a new religion which would attempt to replace Judaism and would be inimical to it, i.e. to replace Judaism not only physically but also spiritually.

    There are a number of books written by non Jews which try to prove that Christianity was invented by the Romans, and one of them (I forgot the title) claimed that Paul was an agent of the Romans whose task it was to implement and spread this new cult.

    The Gospels were canonized in the beginning of the 4th (if I am not mistaken) century, and until then there were many versions floating around.

  12. Raphael,
    I forgot to mention that thee were families living in Rome for hundreds of years who were never full Roman Citizens. Some for generations who were NO part of being Citizens. etc

    People, including some “histotians” are often inclined to anachronistically refer to certain people/families as Roman Citizens, neglecting the degree oc citizenship in which they life, deprived of complete “rights” and only allowed to a limited degree, of others.

  13. READER-

    You’re wasting your time. I have brought this issue up multiple times to no avail. I particularly AND POINTEDLY refer to those Arabs as YESHA Arabs and have NEVER used “Palestinians” except to reiterate ad infinitum that the title was concocted in 1964 in Moscow by the KGB.

  14. RAPHAEL-

    Yes indeed. Their whole “religion” is the result of a tricky liar self called “Paul of Tarsus”, who stated that he was “all things to all men)no women)” which itself shows a self confessed liar.

    He’d never met or heard of Jesus and was only by his own word, a persecutor and hunter of “Christians” (who were not yet for closing on 100 years called so) Like his “vision” on the way to Damascus-taken with a large dose of salt, his statement that he was a Roman Citizen, seemingly not questioned by the Roman Warders, although in those days it was virtually impossible to become a Roman citizen, an “honour” bestowed only on the VERY few.

    Herod himself, although a lifelong Roman ally and servant, waited for over 30 years before gaining this “honour”. Even though he saved Julius Caesar, bottled up and doomed in Alexandria, with food, supplies soldiers and more, which were only a minute part of his services to Rome.

    “Paul” a self styled citizen of Tarsus, over 2000 miles from Rome, a miserable “tent maker”, one of the lowest blue collar professions, could never be a Roman Citizen of ANY degree (there were limited degrees) “inherited from his father”, remember 3300 K from Rome

    {This honour was NOT inheritable but ended with the death of each Emperor, and the process was voted on by the Senate (and Emperor) anew. Remember 3,300 K from Rome. The boondocks, comparatively}.

    THERE are many more instances, even the doubts of the very historicity of “Paul”.

    So yes, a pretty damned good trick……!!!!

  15. @ Edgar, You spoke of the “mythical” Jesus being “born” in the 1st century BCE. That’s a pretty good trick, isn’t it?

  16. I forgot the most important part:

    Starting TODAY – QUIT USING THE FAKE “Palestinian” terminology and ask everyone you know that they do the same, especially if you live in Israel.

    What is the correct vocabulary?

    Arabs of Gaza, Arabs of Judea & Samaria, Arabs of Jordan, Arabs of Israel, Judea & Samaria (not West Bank), etc. – make yourself a list and stick to it, and object when anyone uses the word “Palestinian”, or the related crap, do not even use the word “Fakestinian” like some people do.

    Use every opportunity to state the truth.

    This is non-violent civil disobedience.

  17. @peloni

    Of course, I am very grateful to Joseph Shellim.

    The main reason I think it is a great idea is because now the most urgent and vital task is to start a mass campaign of overturning the enemy narrative with THE TRUTH.

    In fact, I think it is not just urgent and vital, it is !!!URGENT AND VITAL!!!


    Because now comes a new and the most dangerous phase of dismantling the Jewish State.
    Haaretz reported that the proposal will include three stages: a truce followed by Hezbollah removing its forces north of the Litani River; an Israeli pullout from southern Lebanon; and finally, Israeli-Lebanese negotiations on demarcation of contested border areas.

    The above means that Israel is likely to be ceding parts of the North to Hizballah/Lebanon, and it probably anticipated this during the “humanitarian evacuation“ of the North making it a no-man’s land.

    The next stage will come after Trump’s inauguration with the return of The Two-State-Final-Solution-To-The-Jewish-Question under the guise of partial sovereignty, Deal of Whatever, Abraham Accords, fill in the blank.

    Abraham Accords:

    1) they are not called Abraham Accords in Arabic;

    2) Saudi Arabia wishes to have (in return for normalization):
    – an agreement to the 2-state solution from Israel;
    – US assistance in making it a “peaceful“ nuclear power to
    help Saudi Arabia against Iran;
    – from the US – a supply of modern weapons.

    The ONLY way to prevent the above from materializing is to completely change the narrative to the truthful and factual one, and the format Israpundit came up with is perfect.

    However, the text will have to be shortened and simplified because people in the street or online will have to be literally inundated with this information in a very short period of time.

    Someone will also need to create a report for the UN in this format which will be given to every member of the UN in preparation for the General Assembly – this will also need to be written differently.

    Another item which is vital and needs to be added is how tiny Israel actually is and how much land the ME 20-plus Arab states occupy.

    It has to be made clear that ISRAEL HAS NO LAND TO GIVE PERIOD – NO NEGOTIATIONS, and Judea & Samaria belong ONLY to Israel.

    I already pointed out here that it Israel is smaller than Chicago Metropolitan Area, its area is only one half of Moscow Metropolitan Area other comparisons will have to be found from different countries, states, etc., to drive the point home.

    There needs to be a YouTube channel that will attract MILLIONS of views and will convince them that they have been lied to for decades.

    The Government of Israel cannot be relied upon, they will do anything and everything the US will demand of them.

    Israel is a giant ghetto trying to push off its liquidation.

  18. @Reader


    Yes, it was quite generous of the author, Joseph Shellim, to allow us to share this material with our readers.

    Is it OK to email the link to others?

    Of course. Please do.

  19. @peloni

    “We are posting one Deception each week” [from Joseph D. Ellim Philistine-to-Palestine]


    The book itself is not easy to read (I’ve just finished reading it), it reads like the first unedited manuscript but at the same time it is EXTREMELY VALUABLE!

    Is it OK to email the link to others?

    It should become VIRAL!

    It is extremely important (especially for Israelis) to give up this fake self-defeating deceit-terminology ASAP.

  20. Shellim seems not very careful of his sources. to me it seems that he selects the sources which agree with his ideas, and ignore the rest, even if more authentic than his.

  21. Excellent information. Israel should take this opportunity to restore what’s left of the Christian population of Bethlehem (Beth Lechem) since they have also been denied by the so-called Palestinians.