US Postal Service changes their delivery method of Absentee mail-in ballots

Peloni:  This is deeply disturbing.  There can be no chain of custody if there is the ballot images are not created.

Peter Bernegger tweeted the following:

BOMBSHELL – the United States Postal Service recently changed the delivery method of absentee mail-in ballots!

They are hiding the evidence of absentee mail-in ballot fraud – by not allowing the evidence to be created in the first place. Here’s how and what changed:

You can’t get the absentee mail-in vote ballot images from the USPS because they are not sending them to the central sorting facilities!

Normally, you mail a letter to someone or a bill goes out, it goes to your local post office, then it gets to a central sorting facility. Wisconsin for example has six: Madison, Milwaukee, Oak Creek, Green Bay, N. Illinois and Eagan MN that sorts/handles all mail.

Even if mailed to your neighbor 1 house over, that is how the system works.

Obama did this in 2011-2012, consolidating the USPS to have less total facilities. Then, the USPS began consolidating its central sorting facilities in August 2022 and continued through February 2023.

The consolidation plans included moving delivery operations from over 200 “spoke offices” to 21 regional Sort and Delivery Centers.

Where absentee mail-in ballots should go through a central sorting facility: where each and every one would get scanned and an electronic image created.

BOMBSHELL: a telecon was held for the higher ups in the USPS, and the order trickled down to all the faculties NOT to send the ballots to central sorting. Meaning no electronic images are being created!

Confirmed at three locations in Wisconsin, confirmed at one Regional office of the USPS, confirmed at one location in Colorado. And, it explains why they denied me my FOIA request for said images: because there are none. See letter they sent me attached here.

If you remember in 2020 the UPSP was caught deleting evidence of these very electronic images. Still this day they still have not produced them.

The UPSP recently directed, less than a month, post offices to NOT send absentee mail-in ballots to central sort. But instead take them to the election clerks. Meaning again: no electronic ballot images are being created in the first place.

The USPS is doing this on purpose. And who did this? Amber McReynolds, an Obama/Biden plant at the USPS. “Head of the Zuckerberg Bucks National Vote at Home Institute, Amber McReynolds, was appointed by Biden to the US Postal Service governing board” quote and image with red circles from
– thank you.











Update as of 9:15pm Sunday Oct 27th: many of the regional post office managers got the order while on a teleconference. Anyone know a higher up in the USPS – they know there was an order issued from on high to stop sending absentee mail-in ballots to the sorting centers….so those ballot envelopes would NOT be scanned = no record of any of them. Across the whole USA!!

October 28, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. This may sound like it is far afield, but I have been reading about Operation Gladio. In short this was an operation led by Nazi officer Gehlen, working under the initial direction of Churchill, supposedly to prevent Europe from becoming Communist after World War II. The very first effort was to control the election in Italy so that the Communists (who were likely to win) would not win. They did not win.

    Operation Gladio involved multiple CIA operations since World War II: assassinations, coup d’etats, political destabilization of countries who were led by political leaders who didn’t agree to their demands, etc.

    In an article here:

    the author discusses what Op Gladio and the CIA did to UK Prime Minister Harold Wilson, and answers the question, Did Trump get Gladiod? The answer is yes. Everything they did to Wilson and the UK they did and are still trying to do to Trump.

    In following this history you will learn about the BCCI scandal which was never fully resolved. It was a bank that funded all dark ops, CIA dirty tricks, and all kinds of crime. The BCCI became a sprawling enterprise in the US with several million people involved in one connected criminal enterprise or another, many of them politicians who were paid off not to go public.

    There is another parallel: Recall that Trump has begun to mention “The enemy within.” Trump is likely referring to this sprawling criminal enterprise that did not disappear when the actual BCCI bank was removed. All that happened was that the criminal activity moved into other banks, several of which are American banks.

    Margaret Thatcher also referred to the “Enemy Within” in a speech she was about to make, She didn’t make it because of an IRA attack/explosion that occurred the morning of the speech.

    You will learn also that the IRA and other paramilitary groups were part of Operation Gladio as well.

    These CIA funded dirty tricks groups began after World War II when 6,000 Nazis were brought to the US during Operation Paperclip. The Gehlen Group came from this group, and eventually the Gehlen Group became the Intelligence Service for the German Republic.

    The Gladio group specialized in election rigging and destabilization like we saw in the US in 2020 and Israel saw in destabilization efforts just prior to the 7th of October.

    This is what we are up against in the US at this time, which is a delicate period as Trump appears to be leading in all the swing states.

    I believe that Trump and his people know what they are up against, and have known it for a long time.

  2. I get absentee ballots because I am Chief Election Judge here in Montana. The reason is that I vote in a different precinct – 8 miles away and can’t leave my voting premises during elections hours.

    Everyone I know well that votes Republican hand delivers completed ballots to:
    1) County Election HQ
    2) To any precinct on election day from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM
    3) We never mail them – ever

    Good news in our state of Montana is that we have an Absentee Ballot Online Tracker System. Enter your name and DOB and follow the ballot. There you can see when the ballot was mailed and if you didn’t get one then ask for another. You can always fill out a “Provisional Ballot” on election day – that ballot is checked by County election workers to see if your absentee ballot was ever received by the voting day deadline. If not the provisional ballot will be counted. I help voters fill out these provisional ballots all the time as part of my Chief Election Judge duties.

  3. @EvRe1

    One possibility is this how they plan to challenge Trump’s win.

    A very important possibility. Thank you for raising this point.

  4. One possibility is this how they plan to challenge Trump’s win. Once Trump wins, they will reveal all those mail in ballots were never scanned, thus making the election results unable to be certified on January 6th. Jamie Raskin discussed the plan, without these specific details as to how they would be able to not certify the election. He also suggested the democrats would start a civil war if Trump were elected.

    The DOJ is going all over the country to challenge any state that has taken illegal immigrants off the voter rolls. However this is not working, because the text of act in question says that those who were ineligible to vote can be taken off the voting rolls at any time, even within the 90 days prior to the election. The only people you cannot take off the rolls after the 90 days are those who were eligible to vote in the first place.

    So perhaps this USPS scam is their backup “insurance” plan should Trump win.

    The only thing they have no control over is how fast news like this travels given the difference between Twitter in the past and X now. Americans all over the country are going to know about this in short order. This might make it difficult to use this pretext as a means of not certifying the election on January 6th.