Grift Meets Reality – Repubs Out Voted 2 1/2 To 1 in Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballots

Peloni:  Pennsylvania was a must win for Kamala, and base upon the results of Quantum computing, it looks like she is going to win it handily, even while the Republicans are somewhere between pretending and honestly blind as to what is coming.

This was always the problem with the notion that Republicans should simply join the ballot harvesting game and out do the Democrats at their own game.  Indeed, the folly in this premise is that ballot harvesting is the Democrats’ game, and they have the expertise in this legitimized game of cheating.  When the Republican claims of potential victory finally catch up with the reality that they have lost Pennsylvania, how much campaign cash will have passed thru and to the hands of the relevant players, and regardless of every excuse which might be mustered, it appears pretty certain that Kamala will not be stopped in Pennsylvania.

Numbers do not lie. Republican grifters do. Total collapse of the numbers for GOP in Pennsylvania

Omega4America | Oct 23, 2024

The StopBogusBallots team, led by Peter Bernegger is not only tracking every BS ballot cast in Pennsylvania, it is tracking every ballot.

No good news here for the Trumpsters!

As of 10/18 at 8:00 AM, the Democrats had 1,017,055 ballots approved to be mailed out.

The Republicans – 502,805

In case you are not a math whiz, that’s a 2 to 1 difference – against the “best ballot harvesting operation” the Republicans ever mounted.

It gets worse.

Returned mail-in ballots for the Dems is 496,440

Returned mail-in ballots for the Repubs is 204,434

Two and a half to one – as of 4 days ago.

So how’s that vote early campaign going?

In case you may have forgotten, the Republicans are running the most powerful ballot harvesting operation ever! The new RNC is on the ball!

Remember that?

The Republicans are registering more voters in Bucks County than the Dems.

Remember that nonsense?

Who the hell cares about Bucks County when the Repubs are getting crushed in mail-in ballots 2 1/2 to 1?

The RNC funded that clearly nonsensical strategy to the sum of millions of dollars – and right now they are getting smoked!

People, what you are witnessing is the point in an election where grift meets reality – and as we have been telling your for 3 years – the Republicans spend their money on grift, on what sounds good, on what worked in the 1980s elections.

If Trump is winning in Pennsylvania by 3 points, do you think he is overcoming a 2 1/2 to 1 returned mail-in ballot operation?

We are just getting started. So are the Lefties.

These numbers are going to explode over the next ten days and we are the ones with the data. is tracking every ballot in Pennsylvania.

Today we loaded the property tax records for some of the largest counties.

What do you think we will find when we compare the property tax description of the address with the cast ballot address?

Maybe tens of thousands of these BS ballots from Walmarts, gas stations and strip malls?

We are about to find out.

So are you if you follow us on

Mail-in ballots to ineligible addresses are where about 95% of the 2024 steal will happen. You may hear Repubs are surging in some states – but they are not surging in mail-in ballots.

Why is that important?

Mail-in ballots to ineligible addresses are the working inventory of the NGOs who are working to get Harris elected. The mail-in numbers need to be at least close to even for the Repubs to prevail. That is not happening in Pennsylvania and we will shortly report on the other states.

You don’t seem to hear anything from the guys who were paid tens of millions of dollars for the “best ballot harvesting operation” in history.

You do not hear from the grifters telling you they are registering bartenders who never voted before – because clearly they ain’t voting in 2024!

You are not hearing from the most powerful field operation, mounted by GOP affiliated organizations – who are the best get-out-the-vote operation in history.

Those guys bragged about their massive organization getting out the vote – well the numbers are here and they are pretty quiet – or raising money for their next grift.

So how is the RNC, with 200,000 “trained” poll watchers going to determine if a ballot came from a Walmart or some guy’s house?

They can’t, we can and we are posting them here on

The Trump Campaign manager pulls in a cool $22 million for 2 years work, and they cannot field an operation to pull even with the Dems on mail-in ballots coming into the system.

Out team told the Trumpsters and the RNC for 3 years their canvassing rolls are over 52% incorrect – guess that chicken just came home to roost.

Our team is publishing cast ballots compared with other government rolls in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin pretty soon.

Last week we published 31,000 mail-in ballots in Wisconsin, requested by people who do not live at the address to which that ballot will be sent. Think those are Trump ballots?

So how are the Trump team’s 200,000 poll watchers going to determine which of those ballots is on the level?

For the first time in history, you are going to see how many ballots came from Walmarts, shopping malls and addresses where nobody ever lived or addresses where the voter informed the Postal Service they split two months ago.


Read that again!

Pennsylvania and Wisconsin may not be able to count ballots until days after the election – but Common Sense Elections is publishing how many cast ballots are total BS because the address – according to a government database – using quantum-speed Fractal technology – the address is a place nobody can live.

The Left does not need to steal this election – the Trump Campaign and the hapless GOP are giving it to them.

No data operation. No get-out-the-vote operation.

No advanced tech operation. Just pay grifters millions of dollars to fail – which the numbers now show is the case.

This is only going to get much worse in the coming days.

Numbers do not lie and Republicans do.

They told you they were on top of the 2024 election fraud coming their way.


Then why are we the only ones in the country comparing every cast ballot to known government databases to show a ballot was cast from a gas station with no bedrooms within a block?


Follow us at because we are the only ones with the data – and we are going to show you, with official government data – cross searched with quantum-speed Fractal technology – if this election is on the level or not.

Support the team as the RNC will not fund us.

The billionaires are donating to strangers for showing up at rallies, and our team is funding this with small donations from people like you, plus our own money – and we could use a hand.

Omega4America is a Substack newsletter about the application of advanced, quantum speed technology to government rolls. Portions of our proceeds are given to animal rescue charities.

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October 23, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. Never know, but what I do know is that Trump is ahead on the non skewed polls in every battle ground state right now 10-23-24. WI +2, MI +2-3, PA +4-5, NC +7-9, GA +5, AZ +6-8, NV +1-2. Mail in requests in GA are down 90%, Nationally (including states like CA where EVERYONE is mailed a ballot, no matter what) still down 75%

    I think I’ll wait till election eve to see what REALLY happens.
    Thanks anyway….. (Polls per Rasmussen and Big Data).

  2. I’m a Chief Election Judge in my state so I follow this stuff closely. Jay Valentine @ Omega4America is a very smart guy. This appears to be bad news, but let’s do some numbers and dig a little deeper.

    In the 2022 election 1,600,000 ballots were requested by mail. 70% of those were by Democrats and 30% Republicans. In this election according to Omega4America it is 67% Democrat and 33% Republican. So actually that is better for Republicans than 2022.

    The good news is that Republicans prefer to vote in person way more than Democrats. If there has been an increase in Republican registrations vs Democrats as reported then let’s wait until election day to see what happens.

    No, I don’t trust the Democrats and their ballot counting cheating whatsoever and that happens in the big cities and their burbs so Philly is the deciding area along with Chester, Montgomery, Delaware and Bucks County that are the big counties surrounding Philly with way more people – 2,700,000 vs 1,500,00 for Philly. Those (4) counties will probably decide and you need a shift of 5% or so to get Trump over the top. Those 4 counties went for Biden in 2020 but a 5% shift is 100,000 total votes approximately.