A Very Dangerous Game

Barbara Diamond | October 21, 2024

The news of the past few days in Israel has been explosive. The almost accidental killing of Yahwa Sinwar has been greeted around the world with massive relief. The head of the Hamas serpent has been severed. The rest of its body is left twisting in the wind. That is not to say that Israel’s war with Hamas is over… but it has decimated the leadership, leaving small armed cells which are being rooted-out along with the weapons which remain in Hamas hands. We will know when the work is completed…quite simply, when the rockets from Hamas cease.

The massive leak of top-secret Israeli -shared information from the Pentagon has thrown a wrench into US-Israel relations. In a world of digital hacking, those who have sought to do damage to Israel’s plan to attack Iran can claim that Iran stole the information, rather than someone within the U.S. Military chain of command or the White House, leaking what had been shared. An internal investigation as to “who is at fault” will no doubt be a complete cover-up as previous investigations have been when they embarrass the powers-that-be.

Much to its discredit… the White House, now with the very visible face of Kamala Harris… has been having a very hard time pretending to be proud… of or thrilled by…Israel’s successes in this war. The video of Kamala Harris trying to twist the killing of Sinwar, into something which the United States had somehow masterminded in its efforts to bring an end to this war… was the most awkward attempt to “not” credit Israel for what it had accomplished. President Joe Biden can still emote platitudes with ease, but no one is interested. The world is focused on Kamala and how she would behave if elected President in the upcoming election. What they see… is not pleasant. She is not a very good actress. Her body language and taught facial muscles tell us all that she is no friend of Israel and resents its every success in this war.

The White House, and its extremities … have been trying to appear supportive of Israel, but their actions have been far below their potential. Instead of facing Iran square-on, they chose to participate in Israel’s war efforts primarily against the Houtis (the least of our enemies.) That made sense even to the Israel-haters within, because the international shipping lanes are critical to U.S. interests. It is becoming questionable just how committed the White House actually is… to Israel’s survival. Bear in mind that the White house… is not the U.S. Congress, which still has enough moral fiber and courage to help Israel fund this war and receive the military hardware It requires to fight this war successfully. Never before … has it been necessary to look at the two branches of the United States government as having different goals and agendas. This is unique and it is very concerning. The reports of individuals given high positions in the White House, who have backgrounds as leaders in Pro-Palestinian, Muslim Brotherhood, anti-Israel organizations are quite shocking. Kamela’s background of pandering to these same interests bodes poorly for the Middle East and the Abraham Accord nations, should she be elected President in the coming weeks.

What we are witnessing, is a split between the “will of the electorate”… the people and their representatives, and those who reside in the “White Tower” . The “White-Tower” aka “the White House”… has its own agenda, selects those within their mindset… to implement its dangerous games in the Middle East. It is run much like a Kingdom which has no connection to America’s elected officials. Hence the concept of a Medieval tower seems an appropriate visual for the building in which the current administration hatches out its participation in this war with Iran.

The trust between the “White Tower” and Jerusalem has been contaminated by this release of top-secret documents. Who will ever trust the U.S. again? Certainly not Israel.

Those astute in politics will be able to “read between the lines” of this behavior. The White “Tower” has empowered Iran. The White “Tower” has not protected Israeli top-secret documents and its plans to punish Iran for setting this horrid war in motion- for training Hezbollah and Hamas to murder, rape, torture, abduct, and burn our innocents while alive. The “White Tower” has allowed unvetted immigration which has brought in terrorists to U.S. cities, through the “back door” of illegal immigration. Worst of all…those in the White Tower have allowed Iran to acquire nuclear capabilities… in some very distorted illusion of realigning power in the Middle East. What ever happened to moral clarity?

While Israel is on the front line of the war against the Fundamentalist Islamic onslaught… the White house plays a very, very dangerous game… and does so with flagrant abandon. This assault on the values that freedom-loving nations cherish… should not, and cannot be ignored.

About the Author
Born in the Washington DC area, Barbara has been a pro Israel activist for over four decades, having had a radio show in Jerusalem called “Barbara Diamond One on One” , doing in depth interviews which aired in Israel and in the UK. She participated in missions to the USSR to meet with Refuseniks, to Ethiopia with a medical team to help the Jewish villages and to China to open up relations prior to China recognizing the State of Israel, She has been pro-active lobbying congress and helping to start a Pro Israel PAC in Los Angeles. She stays involved through the Jerusalem Press Club attending up to the moment briefings which she would like to share with the readers. During the current war between Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houtis and Iran…she is publishing a weekly “Israel War Diary” in the Jewish Press and on 100 Pro-Israel Facebook groups. Ms. Diamond is the author of the new website – thedementiadiary.com and is the 2018 recipient of the “StandWithUs”-Israel leadership award.
October 23, 2024 | Comments »

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