Trump is Uncle Sam!

Cherie Zaslawsky

To understand what’s unfolding in this election year, we need to view Trump not only as a candidate, and not merely as a man, but as a symbol—as if he were the personification of Uncle Sam brought to life in an attempt to save America from a passel of formidable enemies, both foreign and domestic, that seek to destroy her.

Simply put: this election is between a return to the America we loved and lost in the Color Revolution of 2020, and the last phase of a Communist takeover of our nation, as predicted by Khrushchev back in the 1950’s: “We will take America without firing a shot… we will destroy you from within.”

That’s the only way to begin to comprehend the Progressive Left’s myriad strategies to either keep Trump off the ballot, send him to prison, or worse—disenfranchising We the People in our attempt to elect the man who best represents the American Republic—the leader of the MAGA movement.

In fact, it is not Trump per se, but the MAGA movement—the awakened Sleeping Giant—that the Dems and their globalist pals really fear. Their attacks on Trump are attacks on We the People. Their lawfare against him is their corruption of our justice system, depriving us of any hope of justice as well. That’s also their message regarding the illegal detaining of patriots for “trespassing” on January 6th.

They’re in control—they’ve already hijacked the Constitution.

We’re not in Kansas anymore.


Remember when Hillary advised Biden in 2020 to refuse to concede “no matter what”? That was her “wink, wink, nudge, nudge” way of saying: Steal the election! Perhaps by using truckloads of fake ballots, fake vote counts, no holds barred, to cheat one’s way into office—elections be damned.

The Dems’ definition of “democracy”? They win.

They’re hellbent on getting their way. And their way is to get Obama at least virtually back into the White House to finish the job he started of “fundamentally changing America,” through the fatal combination of empty vessel Kameleon Harris, she of the meaningless word salad to hide her stunning ignorance of…well…nearly everything—as well as her total inability to think on her feet—and her low IQ but radically Leftist support person, Tim Walz.


You have only to watch a replay of President Trump’s rally last May in the Bronx, smack dab in true blue New York, to see why the Dems fear him. After almost four years of Doddering Dementia Joe obediently following Obama’s Marxist playbook, with inflation skyrocketing, gas prices and food prices hammering the middle and working classes, people have caught on.

They remember they were better off under Trump!

It seems everything the Desperadoes do backfires against them, including the assassination attempt against Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13th. The colossal failure of the O’Biden/Harris administration to provide adequate security for a former president and likely winner of the current election is a national disgrace.

Not only that, but the failed assassination attempt only made Trump stronger and more popular than ever! He even had the chutzpah to hold a second rally in Butler Pennsylvania. The man is fearless!

And at his recent rally in California—a state not even considered in play—he drew a crowd of 50,000 people!

The Dems are panicking at Trump’s continued rise in popularity. Their lawsuits against him are crumbling—people can see the charges are both phony and pathetic. The Dems do nothing but cheat, and deep down, Americans hate cheaters.

This may also be why Kamala is widely considered the most unlikeable candidate in American presidential politics—even besting the Hildebeast in that regard—and why it’s no surprise that she plagiarized whole segments of her grossly mistitled book Smart on Crime—but I digress….


It’s obvious by now the Dems have figured out that even the alleged mail-in ballot scam, including truckloads full of fake ballots and alleged rigged vote-counting algorithms may not be enough to steal this election. So, deep in the bowels of the Leftist enclave of Georgetown University, they’ve been busily hatching another strategy: Plan B.

Tucker Carlson’s guest—author, veteran and expert analyst  J. Michael Waller unveiled it on TCN several months ago. It turns out a group of renegade lawyers and retired Generals war-gamed this election, the way the participants of Event 201 war-gamed the Covid lockdown response. Says Waller: “… according to their latest war games, if Donald Trump wins a free and fair election, he still has to be removed.”

Let that sink in!

They’re planning to use lawfare to keep him out of the White House even after he wins the election! And if that doesn’t work, a military coup!

This is Seven Days in May. This is what a real insurrection looks like. It is shocking, dangerous, and treasonous. This is why Maine’s change to “popular vote” matters.


The good news is that a stalwart member of the House Oversight Committee, Rep. Pete Sessions, is investigating the nefarious Georgetown plotting that apparently went on in 2020 and 2022, and has ramped up all the more for this make-or-break election.

Says Sessions, “As our nation prepares for the 2024 presidential election, the work of TIP has been brought to my attention as an intensely partisan exercise intended to sew [sow] dissension and subversion regarding the American election system and the institution of the president of the United States.”

And according to The New York Sun:

Mr. Sessions also spotlights another Georgetown affiliate, the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protections, known as “ICAP.” That is led by Professor Mary McCord.

Says McCord: “We’re already starting to put together a team to think through the most damaging types of things that he [Trump] might do so that we’re ready to bring lawsuits if we have to.”

Ready with lawsuits against a duly elected President? What country do they think this is? Ah, I forgot we’ve been living in their Marxist “utopia” ever since their successful Color Revolutionary coup d’état against Trump in 2020. And now they must be stopped from perpetrating their second—and final—coup against America, or it’s game over for the We the People.

A vote for Donald Trump is far more than a vote for a man. In the face of the myriad assaults against our people, our liberty and our sovereignty—seemingly courtesy of the Leftist globalist elites’ final push for their totalitarian “One World Government”—it is a vote for America!



October 22, 2024 | Comments »

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