The dignity they so rightly deserve

Obama’s equivalency between American notions of justice, tolerance and human dignity to that found in Muslim countries was quite simply shocking. And Harris is going down the same road.

The terror tunnel in Lebanon  IDF spokesperson

Some polls say that American Vice-President Kamala Harris has a reasonable chance of becoming the next American president at the November elections.

America then might be governed by a leftist and Islamist, who thinks that Middle East peace depends on Israel (presently under attack on many fronts) agreeing to a Palestinian state next to Israel – which could do what Hamas did, in accordance with its Charter, on October 7, 2023, massacring Jews in the worst way since the Shoah.

She has advocated on several occasions in the last few months “for a two-state solution where we can rebuild Gaza where the Palestinians have security, self-determination and the dignity they so rightly deserve.

“(T)hey so rightly deserve”? Does she think that the approximately 1200 civilians murdered also rightly deserved their fate?

Arab non-Islamist scholar Bassam Tawil, writing in Gatestone on October 16th, says:

“Harris’s repeated talk about the need to establish a Palestinian state in the aftermath of the October 7 atrocities against Israelis is the best gift the Iran-backed Hamas terrorist group could have wished for.

“Harris seems to ignore that a majority of Palestinians continue to support Hamas and the October 7 atrocities…. Two-thirds of the Palestinians [in a poll conducted by Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in June] said that the October 7 massacres were “correct.”

“What is most disturbing about Harris’s advocacy for the establishment of an Iranian-controlled Palestinian state is that it is seen by many Palestinians as a reward for the October 7 atrocities…. So, when Harris talks about the need to establish a Palestinian state, she is sending a message to Hamas and other Palestinians that terrorism against Israel pays….”

Accordingly, a Harris administration would complete the cultural suicide that Barack Hussein Obama started when his first trip after his inauguration was called by many his “Muslim apology tour”. He stated in Egypt:

“I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect; and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition.? Instead, they overlap, and share common principles – principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings(my emphasis).”

To any student of the Middle East, where most Islamic countries do not allow the residence or citizenship of Jews, and do not extend to Christians or Jews full rights, this talk of “mutual respect” made no sense at all.? Then, Obama’s equivalency between American notions of justice, tolerance and human dignity to that found in Muslim countries?was quite simply?shocking. So was his invitation to several members of the Muslim Brotherhood, widely viewed as a terrorist-supporting Islamist organization, to attend his speech.

Hillary Clinton, another liberal female presidential aspirant, gave a speech stating that women have a better feel for diplomacy: Clinton, whose close friend and top aide was the Saudi-raised, Muslim Brotherhood-allied?Huma Abedin, has some very odd opinions, which she expressed at a speech at Georgetown University. She claimed in her speech that women are superior to men in diplomacy and security and, strangely, gave as an example a couple of female Philippine Muslims who were instrumental in negotiating (submitting to?) Muslim rule over an area of the Philippines.? She cited their feminine skills as part of something she called “Smart Power” and then claimed that Smart Power would use “every possible tool…leaving no one on the sidelines, showing respect even for one’s enemies, trying to understand, and insofar as is psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view, helping to define the problems (and) determine a solution” (emphasis added).

So Hillary Clinton wanted to show “respect’ even for one’s enemies. We can’t be sure what Hillary meant in her own mind, but the Oxford Dictionary defines “respect” as “a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities or achievements.”? But to me, Islamists who use beheading, rape and sexual assault, torture, persecution of ethnic and religious minorities and gays, and disregard most human rights, do not deserve our “deep admiration” and do not show any great “qualities or achievements.”?The fact that Hillary argued otherwise validated the concern of Trump supporters who did not want to place in her hands the responsibility for war and peace and the fulfillment of American values for liberty and human rights, and who did not feel admiration for our enemies.

Would a confused young second generation Muslim young woman attracted to the romance of a mission with ISIS become more or less interested in leaving for the Islamic State after listening to Hillary’s speech? ?Did Hillary take us “beyond tolerance” into admiration and submission to the enemy’s values?

Let us return to the proposed solution of Vice-President Harris: a two- state solution with a rebuilding of Gaza where the Palestinians have security, self-determination and the dignity they so rightly deserve.”

Is Kamala Harris correct that the Palestinians deserve dignity and self-determination?

First, it must be stressed that the Palestinians have already had a mostly sovereign state due to the pullout of Israel from Gaza in 2005. Israel reserved the right to control certain security matters, which was certainly wise, in the light of October 7th. Then on the West Bank, the Oslo Accords gave partial sovereignty to the Palestinians which was hopefully to lead in the future to more sovereignty. Did they conduct themselves so as to show that they deserved dignity and self-determination?

Second, we must ask what does dignity really mean?

The Cambridge Dictionary leads off with two definitions:

the quality of a person that makes him or her deserving of respect, sometimes shown in behavior or appearance

We have a problem here: This dictionary suggests that dignity comes from the kind of behavior that makes people respect you but Hillary Clinton says we should respect our enemies – so that means everyone is deserving of respect and then everyone would deserve dignity. Does that include terrorists who butcher babies, torture and sexually abuse women of every age, take hostages and starve them and establish legal charters that call for the murder of your neighbors?

What does polling tell us about the dignity of the Palestinians that Kamala Harris thinks is so deserved?

A poll was conducted by the Arab World for Research and Development, a research organization based in the so-called ‘West Bank’, carried out after the Oct. 7 attacks and following Israel’s military invasion of Gaza.

To the question, “How much do you support the military operation carried out by the Palestinian resistance led by Hamas on October 7th?” 59.3 per cent supported it strongly, with another 15.7 per cent of people supporting it somewhat —?a combined total of 75 per cent backing the slaughter of men, women and children.

The Oct. 7 attacks are widely attributed to Hamas, but more specifically, it is likely that it was Hamas’s military wing, the Qassam Brigades, that carried out the raid.

And how do Palestinian Arabss view the Qassam Brigades? The poll found that 79.1 per cent of Gazans had a positive view of the organization and, in the /West Bank/, that grew to 95.4 per cent. As for Hamas, almost 60 per cent of Gazans had a positive view of it, with that number rocketing to 87.7 per cent in the /West Bank/.

Islamic Jihad, a terrorist organization, is supported by 71.9 per cent of Gazans and over 90 per cent of people in the West Bank. And the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades is viewed positively by almost 70 per cent of Gazans and over 80 per cent of West Bank respondents.

Regarding the naive two-state solution, we must note that having a population of one of those states that supports the destruction of the other and that educates its young to commit genocide might be an impediment.

Palestinian Arabs are themselves not optimistic about peace. When asked if “your conviction in the possibility” of achieving peace with Israel or coexistence between Palestinian Arabs and Israel had increased or decreased, almost 90 per cent said it had decreased in both cases.

When asked why the United States and the West support Israel, answers included: the Israeli lobby (91.5 per cent); hatred of Muslims and Islam (89.5 per cent); and political and economic interests in the region (96.3 per cent).

And the number of Palestinian Arabs who feel pride after Oct. 7 sits at 94.3 per cent.

Do we believe these polls, or does believing anything said by the Palestinian Arabs, constitute a form of naivety? If the Palestinian Arabs see some international resolve against them, especially from Arab states and their mentors in Europe, might we expect to see a new understanding that the Palestinian Arabs don’t tell the truth about very much and it is naive to think otherwise. We don’t expect Vice-President Harris to understand this.

Right now the Palestinians have little support from other Arab states who don’t want to admit any into their countries. Most of their support comes from western nations, who, together with their international organizations, lie about their support for Israel.

Was it dignified when, after the Twin Towers jihadist terror attack, Muslims were seen giving out candies and dancing and singing. Was it dignified after Hamas breached the security fence in Gaza, hundreds of Gazans joined the throngs going through the openings to participate in the most barbaric attack imaginable.

Was it dignified when the United Nations invited Yassr Arafat to address the U.N. after he led terrorist attacks and was it dignified when he wore a gun in his belt during that address?

Was it dignified when Hamas stole the food imports into Gaza?

Was it dignified when the Israelis pulled out of Gaza and left greenhouses for the Palestinians to continue the agriculture and the Palestinians destroyed most of them?

Was it dignified for Muslim students and their supporters to take control and damage American campuses and cover their faces and shout for the murder of Jews living in the 1967 boundaries from the “(Jordan) River to the (Mediterranean) Sea.”

Is suicide bombing dignified?

Is it dignified to subvert your education system to teach hate and promote terrorism to children?

There is nothing dignified about the Palestinians and there is nothing dignified about Kamala Harris.

Howard Rotberg ( is the author of the pro-Israel novel, The Second Catastrophe, and books on ideologies and culture – Tolerism: The Ideology Revealed, The Ideological Path to Submission, and Second Generation Radical: The World Through One Man’s Second Generation Lens.

October 21, 2024 | Comments »

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