Kamala’s statement on Sinwar’s death: the right words but a sad, mad tone

By Andrea Widburg | Am Thinker | October 19, 2024

Yahya Sinwar’s death in Rafah raises two interesting points about Kamala Harris. The first is that her understanding of how to conduct a war is zero. The second is that, in my humble estimation, she’s very, very angry that Israel put her in a position where she has to praise its actions and confirm its right to self-defense for she knows this will anger her base.

Those who think that Sinwar’s death was just have noted the importance of the fact that Sinwar—who died not like a warrior but like a rat (video here)—met his end in Rafah. This matters because, back in March, Kamala got it totally wrong when she insisted, after “studying the maps,” that it would be a terrible mistake for Israel to enter Rafah:

In fact, the only thing she got right in that video was her claim that “there was nowhere for those folks to go,” if by “folks” she meant Sinwar and his UNRWA bodyguard. When it came to civilians, Israel did a masterful job of getting as many as possible evacuated.

This is not a woman who should become America’s Commander-in-Chief. She is a deeply ignorant person and, moreover, one totally lacking in wisdom.

The fact that Kamala got Israel’s war strategy completely wrong didn’t stop her from making an official statement about Sinwar’s death—a statement of the type the president, not the vice president, usually makes. Before you watch her statement, though, I want to make two points for you to think about.

First, notice how Kamala tries to have the U.S. get some of the glory for Sinwar’s death. She should just be congratulating Israel on killing the mastermind behind the sadistic slaughter of over 1,200 Israeli (and American) citizens. It’s petty that she can’t do that.

Second, and more importantly, pay attention to Kamala’s tone. Perhaps she’s trying to appear statesmanlike, but what comes through isn’t dignity and power. Instead, her tone is flat, grim, and even angry. She sounds as if she’s being forced to read a hostage statement.

That tone isn’t surprising when you think about it. Because she wanted to appear presidential, she usurped Biden’s role in announcing a major change in the status of an ally’s war that has drawn the world’s attention. Additionally, because Israel is an ally, Kamala must say positive things about what it did and affirm Israel’s right to self-defense. Indeed, the fact that Hamas is on America’s terrorist list, too, makes it imperative that she praise Israel’s spectacular success. Israel killed not just its enemy but America’s as well.

However, Kamala’s problem as she forces herself to mouth those words is that she hates the fact that every word makes her look less appealing to her leftist and Muslim base. That base despises Israel, thinks that it should be destroyed, and views Sinwar as a hero and martyr. To see Kamala praising Israel and insulting Sinwar’s memory is a betrayal.

Now, watch the video, and tell me if I’m not right:

Meanwhile, as an antidote to that dour face and voice, here are some Israeli soldiers celebrating the news of a great victory in their long war:

Image: Kamala Harris. YouTube screen grab.

October 19, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Actually there was a solution USA could have employed. The whole “civilian” population of Gaza could have been evacuated to Sinai where the Egyptians had built an enclosure for them. They could have been vetted and transferred there and everybody and his dog could have volunteered to take care of them with food, medicine, schooling for the kids and maybe some sort of useful employment for the good guys while the IDF was dealing with the terrorists and missiles.

    All it would have taken was a little pressure on the Egyptians.

    After all, why did they prepare that enclosure right close to the Gaza Strip?

    They wanted to be compensated for the missing baksheesh after Israel took over the Philadelphi Corridor, which they could see was coming even though the US condemned that move.

    Connect the dots!!

    On top of that, well over 90% of the Gazans are Egyptians anyway, or at least they were till 1967.